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 Post subject: 750pts High Elf Hammer and Anvil
PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:57 pm 

Joined: Fri May 11, 2012 6:04 pm
Posts: 336
Eregion and Rivendell
Warband 1 9/12
Elladan and Elrohir with Horse; Heavy armour;
6 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
2 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow; Spear;
Warband 2 12/12
8 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
4 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow; Shield; Spear;
Elrond's Household
---- Warband 1 10/12
Lindir with Horse;
10 Knight of Rivendell with Shield;


Ok want to test out my new Rivendell knights so have thrown together a list that I think will work but want some suggestions and critique.

Game Plan:
Switch Lindir with the Twins and then divide the knights into to small groups of 5 so they can pose two sepertate fronts/attacking threats with a bunch of might.

Arwen and the twins (now Lindirs) warbands are meant to hold the enemy with F5 shields, Shielding and spear support whilst the knights and the other archers slowly pick away at supports, key heroes and shamans. Then natures wrath + Cavalry charge to do some serious damage.

F5 D6 across the board, Speed, Natures wrath, lances and a lot of bows

Small numbers and the shield in this army is great against normal troops but if someone points Azog or Boromir on horse w/Lance against it Arwen/Lindir aren't going to be much competition.

Also in scenarios where set up is random or dispersed having the twins start in a different warband to the knights may cause problems (this is why Lindir is on a horse if this where to happen he would get left behind).
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 Post subject: Re: 750pts High Elf Hammer and Anvil
PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:14 am 
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I think Arwen and Lindir are a little vulnerable, so I'd drop the Twins' horses and upgrade Arwen to Erestor or Lindir to a Knight Captain. Also, you've got too many spears. A spearman in the front rank of a shield wall is effectively a point wasted.

Drop the spears on your spear and shield guys and drop the shields on the archers. I'd also put all of the archers in the same warband too.
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 Post subject: Re: 750pts High Elf Hammer and Anvil
PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:23 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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I'd argue that for what you are trying to achieve, Arwen with Natures Wrath is a necessity. I'd agree that the archers don't need shields, but I'd leave it to ElfGeneral's discretion about the spear front line. It gives more versatility, but if you drop them and the archer's shields then you could upgrade Lindir to the far more deadly Knight Captain.
Drop one knight and you give your foot troops a banner, which grows exponentially more valuable the higher fight value you have. Elf banners are pretty fun, and help your shielding tactics massively.

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 Post subject: Re: 750pts High Elf Hammer and Anvil
PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:18 pm 
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Isilduhrr wrote:
I'd argue that for what you are trying to achieve, Arwen with Natures Wrath is a necessity. I'd agree that the archers don't need shields, but I'd leave it to ElfGeneral's discretion about the spear front line. It gives more versatility, but if you drop them and the archer's shields then you could upgrade Lindir to the far more deadly Knight Captain.
Drop one knight and you give your foot troops a banner, which grows exponentially more valuable the higher fight value you have. Elf banners are pretty fun, and help your shielding tactics massively.

That would be an excellent option.

At this points I would change Lindir to a knigh captain. There is no reason to include Lindir instead unless you were to include Elrond mounted too.

10 is in fact too much knights for me, I would just use 6. Use the points you save with the change to include a banner and more elves on foot.

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 Post subject: Re: 750pts High Elf Hammer and Anvil
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:07 am 

Joined: Fri May 11, 2012 6:04 pm
Posts: 336
Argish wrote:
Isilduhrr wrote:
I'd argue that for what you are trying to achieve, Arwen with Natures Wrath is a necessity. I'd agree that the archers don't need shields, but I'd leave it to ElfGeneral's discretion about the spear front line. It gives more versatility, but if you drop them and the archer's shields then you could upgrade Lindir to the far more deadly Knight Captain.
Drop one knight and you give your foot troops a banner, which grows exponentially more valuable the higher fight value you have. Elf banners are pretty fun, and help your shielding tactics massively.

That would be an excellent option.

At this points I would change Lindir to a knigh captain. There is no reason to include Lindir instead unless you were to include Elrond mounted too.

10 is in fact too much knights for me, I would just use 6. Use the points you save with the change to include a banner and more elves on foot.

This feedback is fantastic guys.

In regards to giving everyone spears the idea is that everyone can support everyone else no matter what formation/confused rabble develops throughout the game, versatility is key here. the archers have shields because i had 4 points left.

if I remove the spears and shields it still wouldn't be enough for the captain would you suggest dropping another guy to get him (my numbers are already pretty low.

Lord Elrond I also know Erestor is the better fighter and survival hero but Arwen's natures wrath and price (she 20 or two elves cheaper) make her better in this army I think (also I think she is criminally under used)

As for the number of knights the list was originally all knights but I decided I really wanted the twins in and this hammer and anvil strategy seem like a good alternative. That being said dropping one for a banner is probably a good idea.

However, where do you guys and girls stand on the knights (especially those who have used them) is 9/10 to many, or perhaps not enough?
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 Post subject: Re: 750pts High Elf Hammer and Anvil
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:58 am 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder

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You can get away with it as you have 2 mounted heroes to lead them. IMO you need 1 mounted hero for 5-6 Cav troops

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 Post subject: Re: 750pts High Elf Hammer and Anvil
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:50 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:58 am
Posts: 26
Well, aside from anything else, isn't that 760 points, anyway?

And like they're saying, cavalry really do need more heroes than infantry to be useful, although I suppose Elladan and Elrohir fit that role...
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