The One Ring

New Saruman and Galadriel supporting men
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Author:  Zarathustra Suicuine [ Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  New Saruman and Galadriel supporting men

So after looking at the new white council profiles, I'm thinking Galadriel, lady of light could awnser one of the major weaknesses for the kingdoms of men, especially Numenor, which is Magic, especially of the Nzagul or Barrow wight variety.
Saruman also looks pretty good for supporting men as well, though his standfast leads him to more aiding warriors of Arnor, so I'm thinking of trying each in a list and see how it works:

Isildur on horse
10 Warriors of Numenor: 3 bows, 1 with banner and shield, 4 with spear and shield, 2 with shields

Captain of Numenor with shield and heavy armour
9 Warriors of Numenor: 3 with bows, 4 with shields and spears, 2 with sheilds

Galadriel, lady of the light.
Bit low on numbers, but it should be protected from shooting, and any Nazgul is going to have difficulty in magicking up Isildur. Not sure on the banner, I may drop it for more men which would make this list identical to one I used to good effect before which essentially had Gwaihir instead of Galadriel.
The third age one:
Saruman the Wise

Captain of Arnor
10 Warriors of Arnor

Erestor/High elf captain/Gildor
11 high elf warriors (3 with elven bows, 2 with spear and sheilds, 6 with elven blades)
What do people think of both, and any suggestions for using these two with men?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Saruman and Galadriel supporting men

Actually use it in a game? Best way to find out if something works well together.

Author:  legion [ Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Saruman and Galadriel supporting men

I agree with SouthernDunedain. We have no idea how these new models will work with existing or any units. You will just have to play test them. It's all speculation for now.

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Saruman and Galadriel supporting men

Both Saruman and Galadriel have always seemed quite useful for any army they fight for, at least that's what I've noticed from watching several games involving the two. My guess would be if they're worth having in an army as per the previous ruleset then that trend will continue into the new rules. I've never seen them played against one another though, that would be interesting! :twisted:

Author:  Zarathustra Suicuine [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Saruman and Galadriel supporting men

I'm planning to once these essays are dealt with, Atm I'm asking peoples opinions based on the profiles on paper ect.
Hadn't though of them going against each other, but it's likely to happen as most tourny good lists include wizards as standard. My main concern with Galadriel is that she is very specialised, and relies on the enemy havign spirits or magic users who target my own heroes for her to to work, though her blinding light is helpful, especially for numenorians.

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