The One Ring

300pt lists, help me choose?
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Author:  Smeagol [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  300pt lists, help me choose?

So I'm having a tad bit of trouble picking between a few lists. I'm quite happy with them all, but would like some 3rd party opinions to help me choose.

List 1: Azog's Hunters
Warband 1
Fimbul w/ Fell Warg
6x Gundabad Orcs w/ Shield
6x Gundabad Orcs w/ Shield, Spear

Warband 2
Narzug w/ Fell Warg
6x Fell Wargs

List 2: Azog's Hunters/ Mordor
Warband 1
Hunter Orc Captain
3x Hunter Orcs
3x Gundabad Orcs w/ Shield
6x Gundabad Orcs w/ Shield, Spear

Warband 2
Spider Queen
Giant Spider

List 3: The Fellowship/ Minas Tirith
Warband 1
Boromir of Gondor w/ Horse, Elven Cloak (spare points left over)

Warband 2
Beregond w/ Horse
4x Citadel Guard w/ Spear, Longbow, Horse
4x Osgiliath Veterans w/ Shield
4x Osgiliath Veterans w/ Shield, Spear

I really like the theme of this one. I could be when Boromir leaves Osgiliath for Rivendell to attend the Council of Elrond (the cloak isn't right in the timeline, but come on, 10pts left over :roll: ) and Beregond coudl have led a small contingent of Citadel Guard to escort Boromir to Osgiliath.

The other lists feature Gundabads a lot simply for them to get painted to be crossed off of my backlog. Plus they look really cool :-D .

As always, I look forward to and appreciate all your comments :) .

Author:  Bronf [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

your 2rd list is ilegal spider queens cannot lead warbands its been fixed in a FAQ.

im not familiar with gundabad orcs ( im assume they are regualr orcs but with rerolls on vsing dwarf and elfs)

i offer my two cents on the gondor list. gondor is more rely on numbers an i could see you struggling in a match vsing force's like orcs and s4 troops.

Author:  Galanur [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

list 1 is nice although I would take som hunter orcs over gundabad... you need killing power on your core as well as the heroes are squishy.
Less fell wargs more hunter orcs, fell wargs cost 1pt more, they do move faster but not as kiling power as hunter orcs (again referring)

Narzug can be ok, and his bow special rule its awesome, but now if you see what kind of now he got, its just a S2 bow, you wont do much really, even with might.
Also Narzug prob is the bow, if you wanna shoot you gonna delay that model to support others and if you will support others you wont be using not even half the uses of the bow.

If hes ment to support melee, he got fight 4, other captains with 3 might like yazneg still despite going more or so same stats, he got lance and suddently its a very deadly character to face...

So for fight purpose I would choose hunter orc captain over yazneg if taken on foot and narzug, why? 3A on foot oon an orc that cost like a goblin captain, its HUGE and got pretty high defence (5) for his cost...

I would suggest the following.

Warband 1
Gundabad orc captain with shield
4 hunter orcs
6 gundabad orc warriors with spear
2 gundabad orc warriors with shield

warband 2
Fimbul on warg
2 fell wargs

warband 3
Hunter orc captain


might: 7
models: 17

the core its strong.
Gundabad orc captain is the only orc you got with S5 and very high defence, he can spank and hold the line nicely.
I got severals spears as those benefit mroe from their rule, why?
- elves and dwarves got higher fight value (the swordsmen gona feint regardless) so the rule its a waste
- spears cant feint, so they actually benefit from it, so there you got more spears = more support, they are a bit squishier though

Fimbul jsut go with 2 wargs and hunter orc captain to munch on the enemy line.
Small games tend to make a big diference on heroes more than troops.

Author:  Smeagol [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

@Bronf Whoops! Just had a look through the FAQ's and saw that, indeed, it is illegal. Thanks for teh heads up :).
I have played Minas Tirith plenty in the past and they've been tough enough to stick around well. Although, that was more before a lot of the newer S4 evil troops appeared. So that's an excellent point.

@Galanur I REALLY like that list you suggested. I'm still trying to get the hang of the whole warbands thing. I think I still have weird OCD hang ups with wanting to keep nice orderly units together rather than perhaps taking under strength warbands or heroes on their own (that aren't independent).

With the left over 5pts I could easily give the Gundabad spearmen shields to make them less squishy, perhaps even switch a Gundabad swordsmen to a Hunter Orc and give the last spearmen a shield too?

Thanks for the replies lads, both very helpful. Keep them coming. :)

Author:  Grungehog [ Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

if you have 5pts left over turn the spider into a mirkwood spider

Author:  Smeagol [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Grungehog wrote:
if you have 5pts left over turn the spider into a mirkwood spider

That was actually in response to Galanur's suggested list. All the lists I thought of were 600pts spot on.

Author:  Hands_Hammerhelm [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Couldn't the 5 points left in Galanur's list be used to make upgrade to a named hunter orc captain?

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

I don't think Boromir of Gondor can take a horse

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Hands_Hammerhelm wrote:
Couldn't the 5 points left in Galanur's list be used to make upgrade to a named hunter orc captain?

Well yes he could get narzug or yazneg

narzug is nice although shooting means losing focus on your battleline, would also be his only bowmen in the army, I dont think it justify the cost
Yazneg two handed axe is ok, other than that hes just a regular orc captain with an odd rule

for those 5pts you get 1+ might though
but you lose many blades special rule....

for once I find way more deadly a model with 3A base

Author:  JamesR [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Isilduhrr wrote:
I don't think Boromir of Gondor can take a horse

Yes he can. I own the model of it

Author:  NarsilReforged [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Galanur wrote:
Hands_Hammerhelm wrote:
Couldn't the 5 points left in Galanur's list be used to make upgrade to a named hunter orc captain?

Well yes he could get narzug or yazneg

narzug is nice although shooting means losing focus on your battleline, would also be his only bowmen in the army, I dont think it justify the cost
Yazneg two handed axe is ok, other than that hes just a regular orc captain with an odd rule

for those 5pts you get 1+ might though
but you lose many blades special rule....

What about Fimbul mate? Amazing buck for his bang.

for once I find way more deadly a model with 3A base

Author:  Smeagol [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Weird multi-post. :shock:

Author:  Smeagol [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Weird multi-post. :shock:

Author:  Smeagol [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Weird multi-post. :shock:

Author:  Smeagol [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Weird multi-post. :shock:

Author:  Smeagol [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Weird multi-post. :shock:

Author:  Smeagol [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

NarsilReforged wrote:
What about Fimbul mate? Amazing buck for his bang.

Fimbul is already in Galanur's suggested list running with a couple of Fell Wargs in the second warband.

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Woah man what happened there?

Author:  Smeagol [ Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

I have no idea :roll: . I was editing my post to get the quote tag right and it appears to have made it a bunch of multiple fail posts. Whoops. :o

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 300pt lists, help me choose?

Galanur wrote:
list 1 is nice although I would take som hunter orcs over gundabad... you need killing power on your core as well as the heroes are squishy.
Less fell wargs more hunter orcs, fell wargs cost 1pt more, they do move faster but not as kiling power as hunter orcs (again referring)

I agree completely. I play with Hunters as much as I have anything. They've not really every been an army that has even been close to getting beat easily. Even with bad rolls for me and mistakes they come out swinging and never stop.

I understand what you type about getting the Gundabads off your back log, and they are awesome models, but man Ive used them twice against Elves and Dwarves and their D didnt hold up enough. Their fight value is weak, and the rest of their traits make them weak Uruk Hai basically with less options.

As for your lists, I like the Boromir one. Its a nice little army. Good theme to it. And honestly Boromirs a maniac.

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