The One Ring

New Harad and Easterling Army
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Author:  ElfGeneral [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  New Harad and Easterling Army

Hey guys I'm planning on starting a Eastern Kingdoms army but I also want to use my Dragon as he if in my opinion the best thing I've ever painted and gets very little love as a mostly good player with that in mind here's the list

Warband 1

4 Black Dragon Guards, with Shield
8 Easterlings with Pikes

Warband 2

Khamul, with horse
4 Black Dragon Guards, with Shield
8 Easterlings with Pikes

Warband 3

Haradrim Chieftain, with horse, bow and war Spear
10 Haradrim Raiders, with Bow and war spear
1 Haradrim Raider, with war spear

Warband 4

Dragon, with fly and tough hide

(1000 points 10 might and 39 units)

The idea being that the Easterlings make up a solid front of F4 D7 guys with Ambur bringing the might and and Khamul the magic. The dragon acts as the hammer to there anvil charging targets when he gets the chance and generally using fly to cause problems. The raiders will be use to cap objectives, take of poorly defended archers and try and shot out some spear support.

What do you think?

Author:  pokyha [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Harad and Easterling Army

Well it looks pretty good, I'm no expert in army building though.

Your haradrim warband is illegal as they are an ally and not part of the easterling forces.

Author:  JamesR [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Harad and Easterling Army

My concern would be low model count. Easterlings lack punch and Haradrim lack defense and that Dragon flees too easily. Amdur is good but none of your heroes are amazing. I'd swap him and the Haradrim Chieftain for Suladan and an Easterling Captain with Shield. That way you have a 3 attack hero. It does cost you that F6 hero but IMO the 4 attacks on the charge is worth it.

Author:  Valadorn [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Harad and Easterling Army

Imagine it vs an elf 1000pts army. They may have even bigger numbers!
Rain of deadly arrows will land to your lines every turn and captains like rumil etc will keep with other high F value the front lines. Vs this army I think its not gonna work.
With dwarves maybe the same..

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Harad and Easterling Army

JamesR wrote:
My concern would be low model count. Easterlings lack punch and Haradrim lack defense and that Dragon flees too easily. Amdur is good but none of your heroes are amazing. I'd swap him and the Haradrim Chieftain for Suladan and an Easterling Captain with Shield. That way you have a 3 attack hero. It does cost you that F6 hero but IMO the 4 attacks on the charge is worth it.

I'm keeping the dragon that's for certain but what troops would you suggest to give it some punch. As for the Haradrim I was planning on using them in a very limited couple of shots on spear support and capping objectives sort of way so would you suggest maybe only taking 6 and putting the points elsewhere.

Author:  AlextheGreat789 [ Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Harad and Easterling Army

also easterlings are only D6 with shield not 7

Author:  Draugluin [ Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Harad and Easterling Army

also this thread is almost 2 years old

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