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 Post subject: (sbg) evil hero/beast heavy 1500 point list
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:05 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:51 am
Posts: 26
I recently bought some new models, and couldn't wait to make a list with them in it. So I created what is probably one of the most ineffective lists in the world. Although if I saw all these characters on the board against my normal horde, I wouldn't be all that confident. So here it is:

witch king with the morgul helm and full stats
the Dark marshal
Ring wraith with full stats
mumakil with tusk weapons
goblin captain
10 white hand uruk-hai with sheilds
10 white hand uruk-hai with pikes
15 goblins with spears
12 goblins with bows
12 goblins with sheilds.

coming in with a total of 66 models
9 might
a whooping 47 will

so, although it is not the nost effective list out there, i think my opponent would defenitly think twice before trying to hack through my force when he has to deal with a trampling mumak, 3 wraiths, two of which are named, and the fearsome balrog. All in all, this list was mostly created for fun, but I"m not sure if it could really be effective. Any comments or advice would be appreciated.
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 Post subject: Re: (sbg) evil hero/beast heavy 1500 point list
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:07 am 
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It wouldn't work. You don't have nearly enough troops. At this points' level I think you can field 100 models (not sure, don't have LoME at hand). Three wraiths is over kill. I played 1500 points recently and the witchking on full was enough. Perhaps another budget wraith. Mumakil get killed pretty easy at 1500 points. All you need is an aragorn, boromir, or Imrahil on horse and an unlucky courage roll and there's half your army smushed. Also, it isn't fully legal as you don't have a leader for your uruk-hai. Saruman would be a good choice at this points' level instead of those two other wraiths. Durburz is a much better deal than a captain so I would also make that swap. Also, if you have a dragon, it may very well serve you better than the balrog at this points' level but if you don't have it, don't worry. So, it may end up looking like this.

Witchking full on horse or fell beast
Saruman on horse
Uruk captain with heavy armour and shield
rest filled out with uruks and berserkers and goblins with perhaps some gundabads and prowlers.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject: Re: (sbg) evil hero/beast heavy 1500 point list
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:36 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:51 am
Posts: 26
thx for the feedback, I don't actually have the durburz model or saruman, or for the matter an uruk captain. My model collection is not all that large, and when i started i was just collecting the models for painting. Thus i have a lot of monsters but not that many regular troops or captains. As for the list: I agree a dragon would be useful, but I just love the balrog as when my opponent plays a magic strong army, I have a model that can completely ignore the wizards/spell-caster, or slaughter them depending on the case. He is pretty useless if used improperly, but so far, he's been performing well. Keep in mind that this list was more for fun then anything, and thus it is probably useless. I have a few lists that i could use that are more effective, but I quite honestly I wanted a list that's overpowered on the magical side of the battle. I took the uruk-hai to give a bit of a battle hardy force, and the goblins to make numbers, and mostly to back up the uruk-hai. I also made this list so that it could dominate the opponent heroes. I have very little experience with the mumak, so i guess i'd drop that (going off your word) and fill in the points with an uruk--hai captain and more uruks. dropping the dark marshal, although i really like him (wraith plus banner), probably is too much in this lis.
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