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 Post subject: How do you use Uruk Hai scouts wisely?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:12 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:23 pm
Posts: 63
Checking the models in my army, one thing becomes apparent; I have many scouts. The reason? When I first collected my army, I thought The Scouts of Saruman looked cool, and now I have a lot of 'em. I bought loads of boxes of scouts, Lurtz, Muahur etc., built and painted them and...never broke 'em out for a game. Damn. Well, now things have changed, there's a chance to get some gaming in. There's a lot of people now willing to give WotR a go. It's funny, as soon as people try it, they ALWAYS say the same thing "Actually...this is really good!" Hence, some games are lined up, and I need to get ready!

So, I came to the realisation taht Uruk warriors are perhaps better in a lot of ways; an inch of speed is something I'm very much willing to sacrifice for much greater survivability. And, uh, I have army regret (Shoulda gone for Mordor, grumble grumble) But, I have what I Have. Which is quite a few warriors, and many, many scouts.

So how are they best employed? Are they worth taking? Are The Scouts of Saruman or Ugluk's Scouts Battlehosts worthy of praise (To be fair, the former looks like killer Cavalry on two-legs, the latter looks like a heckofalot of fun). I have about 9 coys of scouts to about 5 coys of warrior, so how can they best be employed to create a formidible fighting force?
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 Post subject: Re: How do you use Uruk Hai scouts wisely?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:39 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:20 pm
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Nothing wrong with the Isengard list, and I think they especially will shine at the 2000pts you are doing, so you do not need to have army regret! I have an Isengard force, which heavily employs Dunlendings via the Battlehost, and one of my mates runs Isengard with Saruman and crossbows to deadly effect. I daresay that these are the armies, out of our respective collections, that we'd back vs anyone.

It is probably a little unhelpful to say he remodeled his own scouts as Ferals, but there you go. However, I can't find a photo of that particular unit on his blog, sorry. I've have a couple on the batreps on my own blog but they are too low-res to help you.

I tend to think that you can more easily get away with using a unit like scouts at 2000pts. At that point, being flexible and durable is relatively less significant that at 1000pts - in fact, being pathfinders will probably mean that they are useful just for their ability to make better use of scarce real estate, to move around.

(edit) I just looked at the battlehost. You don't have to take any of the legendary formations, Lurtz is an excellent hero and the upgrade costs 25pts. The guys are 30 pts, or 35pts with bows or shields. What you end up with is 16" move formations of Uruks. With the right casters (cheap allied Ruin casters spring to mind), this could actually be pretty fearsome around the flanks.

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