The One Ring

Galdrhims side by side
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Author:  Haldir glory [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Galdrhims side by side

Now with new profiles for sbg and Wotr i decided to make a new army list for my Galadrhims a 500pts. for sbg and 1000 points for Wotr
SBG: As i bought Lome i have now army lsits.So this is a Lothorien army with an ally hero from Rivendell because i love this hero^^
The hero from Rivendell:
Erestor 95
The army from Lothorien:
Haldir elven bow armour 80
Elven stormcaller 60
9 Galadrhims warriors with elven bow 90
19 Galdrhims warriors with glaive 171

496 points 30 models 5 might

WOTR:The elven kingdoms army
Haldir elves 4 companies(Haldir is leader)295p.
Rivendellg guard 3 companies 255p.
Galadrhim archer regiment 6 companies with elven hornblower 315p.
2 Galdrhim knight regiment companies with banner bearer 135p.

Author:  Noddwyr [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

For sbg I would drop erestor, that would enable you to get your number highers. Also i would take Haldir, Defenders of Helm's Deep, giving you room for yet another warrior.

My lorien list has 37 models, 500 points, 6 might

Your list has to many heroes, if you want the storm caller, then drop erestor and add more warriors. I find erestor isnt really worth his points anyway. Or you could drop the storm caller and erestor and put in rumil and a bunch more warriors.
Can't help with Wotr as i dont play.

Author:  Haldir glory [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks here is the new
The hero from Rivendell:
Erestor 95
The army from Lothorien:
Haldir elven bow armour 80
11 Galadrhims warriors with elven bow 110
23 Galdrhims warriors with glaive 207

492 points 36 models 4 might

Author:  Noddwyr [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:50 am ]
Post subject: 

As I said i dislike Erestor who costs 75 by the way, dont think he is worth his points, but if you wanna keep him why dont you do something like this.
haldir, elf bow, armour
11 Galadrhims warriors with elven bow
8 Galdrhims warriors with glaive
16 with shield and spear
37 units, 497 points, 4 might

Still not the list I would use, but i think that it is ore flexible than yours.

Author:  spuds4ever [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Actually, I've found Erestor very useful myself. He seems much better than a captain with heavy armour and is much more fun to use. His only let-down is 1 might point. But I do think that Erestor needs to be dropped. He is not going to do much exactly unless you want to ally in some Rivendell. Drop Erestor and get some more warriors and maybe a few elites as well (like Knights).

Author:  General Elessar [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 

The WotR army needs more formations. I'd drop at least one of the Legendary formations and get a (cheap) Epic Hero. Then split the archers into three company formations and get some Galadhrim with shields.

Author:  thelordcal [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

For the wotr arny you need to divide the formation onto two formations of thrree companies to allow more shots in a narrower firing lane.

Drop the hornblowers they wobt do anything for you

How many companies are in the knight formations?

Its a good first start but right nowq you'll be shot off the tabnle

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