The One Ring

WotR 1500 Misty Mountains Force
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Author:  BlackMist [ Sat May 01, 2010 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  WotR 1500 Misty Mountains Force


Epic Heroes:
Gothmog (ally)
Khamul the Easterling (ally)
The Betrayer (ally)

6 x Moria Goblins with Shields
6 x Moria Goblins with Bows
3 x Wild Wargs

6 x Gundabad Black Shields
1 x Stone Giant
1 x Dragon (no magic)

Total 1500

6 x Bowmen because if Khamul joins that formation, they will be dying 33% less often, effectively changing the 4+ killing by S3 and S4 into a 5+ killing. In addition it's always good to have some shooting in an army, no matter how bad it is.

Giant rocks

Dragon with no magic because there aren't enough points for Magic and I really don't wanna go above 1 level per 200 points, I think the force is more balanced that way. In addition the Dragon + Overlord combo is pretty cool.

Comments welcome.

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Sun May 02, 2010 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

ok im going to keep this short because: i dont know anything about wotr....
but i have 2 reasons for commenting:
im SO glad that there are more than 5 ppl on here that understand the importance of having bows, no matter who is wielding it....

and i love goblins, even though they suck

Author:  spuds4ever [ Sun May 02, 2010 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

You may be a little bit hero heavy and I think you might get out-manouvered very easily as you don't have that many formations and goblins are slow.

Author:  General Elessar [ Sun May 02, 2010 1:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

spuds4ever wrote:
I think you might get out-manouvered very easily as you don't have that many formations and goblins are slow.

In WotR Goblins can move 8".

I don't like the army list much. There isn't much of a theme and you've hardly got any formations.

Author:  spuds4ever [ Sun May 02, 2010 6:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Move 8"?! That's ridiculous! :o

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