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To Destroy the World Of Middle-Earth Or Defend it?
Defend it to your last breath! 39%  39%  [ 7 ]
Destroy All Those That Oppose you! 61%  61%  [ 11 ]
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 Post subject: Opinions Needed On My Personal Army
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:02 am 
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Hi Guys,

I need help on deciding upon my army. I've allways normally been a bastion of good. always defending the Free Peoples Of Middle-Earth.
Except when I'm versing friends, then i usually cant help being evil and causing carnage.

I've been looking through the legions of middle earth. I'm Looking to create a 600 point force. And a Smaller 300 point force.

And the forces of Good just doesn't seem to do it for me anymore.
Thinking about allied army between Eagles, Fangorn, Wanderers in the Wild, with either the Grey Company or The Fiefdoms.

The Thing that is driving me in the game at the moment are the cool beasts. and all good has at the moment is a Tree & an Eagle.
I've also thought about Khand and there Chariots, and making an army of them work.

But what I'm really leaning towards are the Evil Monsters Of Middle Earth.
A army consisting of a Mumak with either the Serpent Horde or Far Harad
Or a Balrog/Dragon allied with Moria/ Angmar / Dwellers Below, I'm quite fond of that wild warg cheiftan as well. On a side note which armies do the balrog/dragon theme with better?

I've never been a true follower of the evil forces and to think there might be a chance that i will be standing on the other side of the table. Anyway thoughts and opinions on which forces i should roll with?

Last edited by Arthanore on Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:20 am 
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If you've been a good guy for the most part it might be fun trying the darker side of things. Especially if you're thinking about going with monsters. The idea of an all monster army sounds totally awesome to me.
The trolls have banded together and now form a crushing tide that's sweeping down from the mountains, hundreds of wargs now stalk from the shadows to shed the blood of the innocent, frigid specters and winged terrors are roused from centuries of sleep by the sounds of carnage and the screams of the weak.
How much fun would that be to play! :-D
I say go for the monsters and don't look back. I would love to see an army that's totally feral, and doesn't always have to have a ring wraith leading the charge.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:32 am 
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I usually play Good as well, but I'm planning to get into Evil one of these days.

If you do take a all monster army, then Buhrdûr is a good choice for a hero. The Wild Warg Chieftain looks good as well.

"Woe to the Vanquished!"
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:09 am 
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i understand how you want a monster/beast army... and i know where to get it!

dol gul dur (spelling?) is a great list full of beasties. in a WD issue i saw an army made up of 25ish wargs, 2bats a dragon w/ wings, spider queen and 5 spiders. since then ive been yearning for an army like that
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:32 am 
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Yes, Dol Goldur and Angmar are probably the best armies to go with if you want monsters. Here's a sample army full monsters which I made from the top of my head.

Spider Queen 75pts.
Warg chieftan 75pts.
6x Giant Spiders 150pts.
20x wild wargs 160pts.
bat swarm 35pts.

total: 495pts.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:17 pm 
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Consider goblins, spiders, wargs and bats led by Druzhag, the Spider Queen, and the Wild Warg chief. Since your monsters are a bit soft-bodied, you need a few goblins to provide cheap shield cover over open ground. Druzhag has a powerful Enrage Beast spell which adds +3 to several crucial stats in the Fight phase. It's a fun and crazy combo.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:48 am 
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I guess evil has finally claimed me..

I've Put together a couple 600 point forces

The !st

Goblin Shamen
2x Goblin Prowlers (2h wp)
2x Wild Warg
9x Goblins (sh)
9x Goblins (sp)
7x Goblins (bw)


31 Models 1 Might 7bows

2nd Force

Wild Warg Chieftain
4x Wild Warg
4x Goblin Prowler (2h wp)
11x Goblins (sh)
11x Goblins (sp)
9x Goblins (bw)


42 Models 4+might(not sure on dragon stats) 9bows

Just had a few quieries
The Balrog/Dragon could i make them my leader / king of the force, so if i rolled to kill a king, i would love to see someone try kill them.
If i am correct other models can use Balrog / Dragon's standfast role
And someones not game to give me an idea on what the dragon's stats and upgrades look like?
And do the wargs knockdown the opponent if they charged in? and negate other calverly charge bonuses?

Otherwise thoughts and critisim is more then welcome...

note this is the 2nd time i had to write this reply today... :(
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:59 am 
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I like the idea of the Dragon list. Dragons can cost a large amount of points if they are given the max of 2 upgrades. This can make them the largest points cost contingent, which means you could make the Dragon your main force and have the goblins as it's allies.

I use dragons in 750+ games normally 'cause 48 goblins are so cheap to field, even with a captain, that i can afford the have a horrible montrous hero-slayer.

Stats (without points costs) and the special rules for all the models from the Khazad-Dum sourcebook can be found on the GW website.

Here is the link to the thread with all the links on it.

Hope this helps.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:19 pm 

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I'm a Good player in general, using either my Dwarf or Gondor army to defend Middle Earth. Occasionly though I'll set loose my Mumakil or Goblin hordes to destroy Midde Earth. If you've been playing Good for a while, I'd recommend you now get an Evil army for a change.

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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