hello! i need help to improve my good and evil armies for local tournament! there are different rules on this tournament for armies! max. model count is 50!
Far Harad:
-Mahud King (shield) 80 pts.
-10x Mahud Warriors 110 pts.
-2x Mahud Raiders 42 pts.
-2x Half Troll 44 pts.
Serpent horde:
-Harad Chieftain (horse,warspear) 60 pts.
-16x Harad Warrior (spear) 96 pts.
-11x Harad Warrior (bow) 66 pts.
-6x Harad Raiders (warspear) 66 pts.
The Nazgul:
-Shadow Lord (dark steed) 130 pts.
points: 694
model count: 50
bow: 33%
so my Mahud king will lead the infantry together with Shadow Lord that will protect them from bow fire because we all know that harad has low D value and my Harad Chieftain will lead cavalary. My question is if it is better to give my shadow lord dark steed that he can protect cavalary or it´s better to leave him with my infantry?!
Grey Company:
-Elladan & Elrohir (horse, heavy armour) 170 pts.
Tower of Ecthelion:
-Beregond 25 pts.
-Captain of MT (shield) 55 pts.
-14xWoMT (shield) 112 pts.
-8xWoMT (shield,spear) 72 pts.
-6x GotFC (shield) 66 pts.
-6x KoMT (shield) 84 pts.
-12x Citadel Guard (longbow) 120 pts.
total points: 704 pts. (yes i know it´s 4 points over but we can go 5 point over point limit because this is friendly tournament

model count: 50
bow: 26%
twins will lead cavalary to outflank the enemy and the infantry will do the rest of the job.
please help me improve those 2 armies! have fun! tnx