The One Ring

Isengard Escalation SBG list
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Author:  archmage45 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Isengard Escalation SBG list

I'm joining an escalation league next week, and I'd like some suggestions.

It's starting at 250pts, and going up by 250/week until we hit 1,000.

For week 1 I was thinking this list:

Lurtz - 60
10 scouts w/ shields - 90
6 warg riders w/ shield - 78
1 Berzerker - 15

For the second week I was thinking of adding a couple more warg riders, sharku, 4 x-bows, and a bunch of orcs.

3rd week I was thinking Uruk warriors w/ shields or pikes and another captain.

The 4th week... would it be worth adding the White Wizard himself?

Thanks for the advice.

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

your list is illegal, the beserker is from the other isenguard list,
but a feral uruk is a good replacement
scouts are terrible compared to warriors, as warriors as twice as hard to kill normaly, but of course if you take them you cant take a named hero and the warg riders, so there is a trade off....

also, your list has NO BOWS(apart from lurtz) which will be your downfall as any army with bows will simply sit back and shoot as much as possible, and if they have mounted bowmen then your warg riders are your only hope, other wise they will literally run rings around you shooting....

isengard at this point level is hard, as you cant get much in a list (goblins shine at this pt lvl (durburz and 38 gobs!!!)), so having a mobile or rock hard army is the thing you need to ask your self.... (although judging from your original list i think your more for mobility, right?)

if you want an example
captian ha sh 60
7 warriors sh
9 orcs with spear (1 orc will be wandering around....)
6 xbows

Author:  archmage45 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Other Isengard list?

Author:  General Elessar [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

archmage45 wrote:
Other Isengard list?

Legions of Isengard.

There are two Isengard army lists: Legions of Isengard and Isengard Raiders. The former has Uruk-hai Warriors, Berserkers, Trolls, Saurman, Grima, and the Siege Assult Ballista. The latter has Uruk-hai Scouts, Feral Uruk-hai, Warg Riders, and all the named Uruk-hai heroes.

Author:  archmage45 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bother. I totally forgot about the Legions book (which I never bothered getting).

Hmmm.... The thing about bows is that uruks using orc bows isn't really impressive. Strength 2?

Ok, how about this -

Lurtz - 60
6 warg riders w/ Shields 78
8 Uruk scouts w/ shield 72
6 orc archers - 36

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

orc archers cant hit anytthing..... forget giving them bows, uruks shoot better than them, although then they wont have a shield.... so you need to find a balance in infantry (a bunch of uruks, some w/ shields some w/ bows; and orc spear support....)

Author:  archmage45 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

With a strength 2 bow is it even worth it? I mean, sure bow armed uruks can hit on a 4+, but they still need a 5 or 6 to wound just about anything. Should I just not worry about shooting?

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:45 am ]
Post subject: 

even if you kill on 5s and 6s you will still kill stuff (unless the dice hate you)
and you must have bows or your opponent will simply avoid you as much as possible and shoot you down....

how much experience do you have in sbg??

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:00 am ]
Post subject: 

You can play with a captain instead of Lurtz.

I have Lurtz and i don´t find him much better than a regular captain

Author:  batman4pres [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Legions Book

archmage45 wrote:
Bother. I totally forgot about the Legions book (which I never bothered getting).

I never got that book either I just mooch off my freind :D

Author:  spuds4ever [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shadowswarm wrote:
even if you kill on 5s and 6s you will still kill stuff (unless the dice hate you)
and you must have bows or your opponent will simply avoid you as much as possible and shoot you down....

how much experience do you have in sbg??

In this sized match I would actually go for a hard-hitting army (yes, maybe I have gone barmy) but here's an example list.

55pts. Uruk-hai captain with heavy armour

140pts. 14 uruk-hai warriors, 7 with shields and 7 with pikes
55pts. 5 uruk-hai warriors with cross bows.

Just suggestion.

Author:  huttlord [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you want to stick with the Isengard Raiders list I would suggest

Uruk-hai Captain w/shield

11 Uruk-hai Scouts w/shields
7 Uruk-hai Scouts w/bows
3 Feral Uruk-hai

This should come out to be 253 pts. I don't know if you will have any leverage to go over the 250 pt value, but if you don't you can always take the shields off of 3 of the uruks or switch a feral uruk for one with a shield.

As for the warg riders, I would leave them out for now and maybe add them at the next installment.

This force will have good close combat in the form of all the uruks with shield and the captain and ok shooting from the 7 uruks with bows. As for the feral uruks, you could run them by themselves as kind of a three man kill team, run them with the captain for real killing power (although this will leave the uruks with shields high and dry), or you could sprinkle them around the shield uruks along with the captain for some extra dice rolls to try to win fights.

Author:  huttlord [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you want to go with the Legion of The White Hand list then I'd say

Uruk-hai Captain w/heavy armor and shield

6 Uruk-hai w/shields
5 Uruk-hai w/crossbows
2 Beserkers
7 Orcs w/spears

This one should come out to 247 pts.

Support the beserkers and 5 of the shield uruks with the orc spearmen while the uruk crossbowmen whittle down the enemy ranks. Get the captain stuck in as his high fight, strength, and defense will keep him there longer.

I would (depending on terrain and the opponent) split up the force into three groups. Group 1 with a beserker, 4 shield uruks, 4 orc spearmen. Group 2 with a berserker, the captain, 2 shield uruks, 3 orc spearmen. Group 3 with the crossbowmen.

Group 1 will be the main force, group 2 the "kill team", and group 3 will just get into position and pepper the enemy with crossbow bolts.

Author:  ncea [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

can't he just ally in the other isengard list or arent they aloud to be allys or something?(i dont have legions of middle earth)

and you guys are forgetting that this is a 1000pt army not a 250pt army hes going up 250pts each week.but right now i wouldnt bother getting any bow armed troops. just wait untill you can get crossbows and vrasku or something.

Author:  spuds4ever [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

ncea wrote:
can't he just ally in the other isengard list or arent they aloud to be allys or something?(i dont have legions of middle earth)

and you guys are forgetting that this is a 1000pt army not a 250pt army hes going up 250pts each week.but right now i wouldnt bother getting any bow armed troops. just wait untill you can get crossbows and vrasku or something.

You could ally in Isengard Raiders but that would mean that you had to have at least one hero from each army list and that would end up in waaaay too many points spent on heroes.

Author:  gambit025 [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can play with a captain instead of Lurtz.

I have Lurtz and i don´t find him much better than a regular captain

Lurtz does have an extra point of might though, which is handy.

orc archers cant hit anytthing..... forget giving them bows, uruks shoot better than them

Orcs aren't in the Isengard Raiders list anyway (if your using that list), so uruk-hai scouts with bows are a good idea - if they aren't really doing much with range just chuck them into combat. But as ncea said, you might be better off just getting basic troops for now, and adding more elite stuff like crossbows later.

Author:  archmage45 [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you all for your comments. I've decided that I'm going to go Gondor for the league. I've got more painted Gondor themed units, and I don't really have the time to paint up another dozen plus warg riders. However, next time I'll be definitely taking your thoughts and suggestions to the table!

Author:  ncea [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

You could ally in Isengard Raiders but that would mean that you had to have at least one hero from each army list and that would end up in waaaay too many points spent on heroes.

Oo ok well why doesnt he just do that? it doesnt seem much of a problem to have one hero from each army list because theres only 2 armys right? so he would only need 2 heros, and from his first post it looked like he wanted to add 4 heros. if im missing a rule or something please tell me..

yes and i realise this topic is basically over now since he just said he wouldnt be using this army..

Author:  huttlord [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:12 am ]
Post subject: 

You have it right. It's just that would be a lot of points to spend on that starting 250pt army if he had to fit in two heroes. Later on in the league I could see the benefit of allying the raiders with the white hand if that was ok in his league, but not at the beginning of it.

And yes, this thread is pretty much done...

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

you could ally in Grima he doesn´t take many points

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