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 Post subject: Elves mixed - 600 pts
PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:23 am 

Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:41 am
Posts: 1
Hello there!

I am back to the game after a very, very long time and need some help regarding army building...

I'm going to take part in a 600 pts tournament soon and I'm considering what changes can I make in my High Elf army (Twins, Erestor, high elves).

Here is what I was thinking about:

High Elves:

Elladan and Elrohir in heavy armours
4 High Elf Warriors with spears
2 High Elf Warriors with shields
4 High Elf Warriors with bows and spears

Lothlórien og Mirkwood:

Thranduil, King of Mirkwood with bow and armour

4 Mirkwood Guard with elf bows and wood elf spears
3 Galadhrim Warriors with shields
4 Guards of the Galadhrim Court

The White Council:

Galadriel, Lady of Light

600 points, 25 units, 12 Might.

I have never tried Galadriel-Thranduil combo, but it looks promising as enemy models would have to pass modified -1 courage to attack my troops - this would be very helpful considering that i have only 25 models... Galadriel makes Twins resistant for magic, so they should be able to do their killing job without problems - and with support of 4x F6 pikes they shouldn't worry about low rolls that much (if I manage to maintain shield wall). Well-placed Nature's Wrath can be also very helpful.

I also get 4 Mirkwood Guard archers that hit on 2+, can do spear-support and use shielding. I could exchange them to Galadhrim Warriors with bows (also for the looks), what gives me +1 model.

Alternatively I'd also be happy to use more Galadhrim Warriors (cause they are cool models). Gil-Galad on horse is also welcome, or any other changes that would rise my numbers... Cause 25 troops would still be a probem, right?

I would really appreciate any advice from you guys :)
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