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 Post subject: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:23 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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warband 1
Budget wraith on horse with 2 extra will

warband 2
Cave drake

warband 3
Cave drake

warband 4
Cave drake

Total: 600pts

What do you think, is it a viable tournament army? I have not seen such a list in play before but I have seen monster lists work out alright and at 600pts I can't imagine I'd face more than 3 or 4 warbands. A dozen or so seems a reasonable amount for each drake to take on and I have the wraith to keep at least one spell caster or big gun hero like Gil Galad or Aragorn off them for a while.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:23 am 
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Well if there are certain scenarios youre not going to win anything. Its an interesting list and unfortunately Ive never even seen anyone use a cave drake......they look awesome on paper.

Kinda curious though what a budget wraith will do in this army....hes gonna count against your break limit and you will lose him with such a small amount of models. Youre gonna run out of magic quick, and he will be swarmed.

Take him out for sure hes just an anchor.

Otherwise how many points do you have left after the drakes?

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:19 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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I had thought the wraith could act as aura support with his -1 courage bubble and with the 6 spell he can try to cast he can either drain courage, sap will or transfix heroes or spell casters to stop them for gaining up of the drakes. I only have 75pts left to work with and I don't think the drakes can lead troops. I really can't take anything to back up the drakes so I went with a wraith for lack of options.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:28 am 
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That makes sense and he sounds good but I guarantee he's gonna be swarmed soon and run every game unless your opponent is clueless.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:12 am 
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at 450 for beginners and fun i get around

warband 1
hunter orc captain
6 hunter orcs
4 hunter orcs with bow

warband 2
hunter orc captain
6 hunter orcs
4 hunter orcs with bow

Warband 3
12 goblins

warband 4
hunter orc captain on warg
6 fell wargs

And still 150pts left which very likely gonna be for

warband 5
orc Shaman
6 orc warriors with shield

warband 6
goblin shaman
couple more moria goblins...

Try to face off a list like this, if you can manage let me know. and by no means this aint competitive.
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:15 am 
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if you could afford a game at 650pts

I would swap that naz for a dwimmerlaik, that would be a very usefull combo with point drain heroes stuff... or the undying as its the hardest of all to kill and can get some will back if there are nearby enemy wizards to immobilize your big monsters. So either can get very productive nearby cave drakes.
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:15 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:56 am
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3 drakes would be fun and pretty unique, I've seen multiple dragons but not drakes. My main concern is that you only have 3 might: i.e. nowhere near enough. You'll run out quickly and then you'll be vulnerable to getting tied up by warriors/heroic striking heroes who can then put wounds on you. I personally would take the wraith as a couple of transfixes here and there on heroic striking heroes would be a godsend and mean that you don't have to spend your own precious might to counter as F6 is higher than any transfixed model can get to. Try to block of any lines of attack on the wraith by using your massive drake bases as then enemy models won't be able to engage him and make him lose will unnecessarily. I would also buy one fate and one might for the wraith to help your might problem a little bit, just make sure to spend it before he pops, as he inevitably will. The fate is to make sure he doesn't just get instantly legolased and die immediately. Don't panic if your wraith does die, your opponent will still need to kill 2 cave drakes to break you. You'll lose on objective games and reconnoitre but it'll be fun. Lords of Battle will be hilarious.
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Okay so hoards with fury might give me trouble but what about more elite focused armies like the Fiefdoms, High elves or the Army of Thror? What else could I use the points for if not a wraith? A taskmaster, spiders from Mirkwood, a dweller in the dark(I think that's cheap enough but I don't have the book in front of me??

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:23 pm 
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Wan Shi Tong wrote:
Okay so hoards with fury might give me trouble but what about more elite focused armies like the Fiefdoms, High elves or the Army of Thror? What else could I use the points for if not a wraith? A taskmaster, spiders from Mirkwood, a dweller in the dark(I think that's cheap enough but I don't have the book in front of me??

Dweller is actually the PERFECT amount for what you have. I just looked....but he needs to be led......

My honest opinion on this is to go like....2 cave drakes, and then like trolls man. It would be awesome....

That would leave you 250 pts in your army. Throw in a troll Chieftan and Mordor troll. Thats almost perfect amount. Idk what else to say.....the 3 at 600 points is not really feasible.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:08 am 
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Wan Shi Tong wrote:
Okay so hoards with fury might give me trouble but what about more elite focused armies like the Fiefdoms, High elves or the Army of Thror? What else could I use the points for if not a wraith? A taskmaster, spiders from Mirkwood, a dweller in the dark(I think that's cheap enough but I don't have the book in front of me??

Fiefdoms its tricky they are elite indeed but aint absurb point cost either and 3 things you should NEVER EVER underestimate.
1- pikes, ohh ya they got several meaning they dont have to surround you to fill your gut with attacks
2- Heroes, their heroes arent that bad and Imrahil is nasty even if he do a thing in game the banner effect 12", your drakes gonna get in trouble if they dont roll 6s all times.
3- Lances, a total nightmare for drakes, remember the old medieval movies knight vs dragon and lances impaling the beast chest? these guys do it very easily on you, any roll of a 5+ you gonna get into major trouble and you still wound em on a 4+, its not that huge impressive.

High elves:
they lack in numbers but you get a torrent of volley fire easily and any 6 its a wound per turn. Also keep in mind an experience high elf player tends to show several good heroes in a row, since high elves dont have much variety of heroes the named ones are very often seen. Things like Gil Galad, Elrond, Elladan and elrohir tend to come in pains and 1 thing that pains them its that all these heroes causes Terror, that vs a C4 drake dont seem that great all the times. If the High elf player is nasty enough he will get it frequently Vanquisher of the Necromancer Galadriel and thats all he needs a -1 C against you in return and your nazgul´s bane. (and they keep it themed as he can get elrond and form a portion of the white council.)

Army of Thror its possible your best bet to get the drakes against as they are exclusively melee, their heroes are very decent some are nasty but not 2 overly strong. The dwarves are just tough to crack but aint 2 bad. unless he start doing piercing strikes and with attricion things might get complicated.
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 Post subject: Re: Cave Drakes in a tournament list
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:11 am 
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LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
Wan Shi Tong wrote:
Okay so hoards with fury might give me trouble but what about more elite focused armies like the Fiefdoms, High elves or the Army of Thror? What else could I use the points for if not a wraith? A taskmaster, spiders from Mirkwood, a dweller in the dark(I think that's cheap enough but I don't have the book in front of me??

Dweller is actually the PERFECT amount for what you have. I just looked....but he needs to be led......

My honest opinion on this is to go like....2 cave drakes, and then like trolls man. It would be awesome....

That would leave you 250 pts in your army. Throw in a troll Chieftan and Mordor troll. Thats almost perfect amount. Idk what else to say.....the 3 at 600 points is not really feasible.

He could possible get the one of the msot annoying units in the game since he need to trust the drakes to do the roll most of the times while the remain of his army is also durable and withstand a beating allowing the drakes to pick up fights easier while the others hold the line.

75pts dont leave much room for that, but like you said 2 drakes its enough, he could get along with them 6 castellans of Dol Guldur in which 2 got morgul blades.
I played with 4 once at 750 along with the necromancer and hunter orcs and fighting durin´s folk with an army filled up with dwarves, they got a beating on will points and near dead to banish, but dam they are freaking annoying.
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