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 Post subject: Harad 1000pts
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:57 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
Harad 1000pts

Warband 1
War Mumak of Harad
- sigils of defiance
11 warriors of kârna with bow
1 haradrim warrior with warhorn

Warband 2
Suladan the Serpent Lord on Horse
6 Haradrim Raiders with bow

Warband 3
10 Haradrim warriors with spear

Warband 4
Haradrim Taskmaster
11 haradrim warriors with spear

Warband 5
Corsair Bo´sun with shield
8 Corsair reavers

total: 998pts
might: 8
models: 53

Why taking upgrade on kharna? Well I could take the actual models for a few mroe points but then, I dont intend getting the haradrim watchers down the mumak and for resist to magic I got the sigil of the mumak in which not only gives resistance to magic but also a 6+ fury.
To keep safe I´ve decided to keep the horn up there so my overall army get +1 C, getting suladan at C6 and most of the army around 4 to 5s making them sturdy to keep em in line along with to avoid mumak stampede that often.

on foot I got a big core of haradrim warriors, suladan goes with raiders, on this they are shooting ones so still need to evaluate if the shooting riders will be worth or serpent raiders or raiders with warspear.

THe Hasharin is my assassin, he can tie up a big heroe long enoguh specially with 3 fate points, so he can sneakly hide inside the group.
Then my hitting power core will go with 8 reavers and kept a boshun nearby so I dont need to be around a mumak, these are my sledgehammer and I intend running them with axes probabl.

What you guys think?
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 Post subject: Re: Harad 1000pts
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:37 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:39 pm
Posts: 27
I would recommend you put axes on the Reavers and use the Shadow Lord on fell beast rather then a Mumak.

The Mumak is very vulnerable to high fight and might heroes who will stop it trampling every time. The Shadow Lord makes archery pretty much ineffective which you need with Harads low defence. Oh and hoping over the enemy and hurling with the Fell Beast is real fun.

Oh and if you have a Shade put it in.

Put some more fight 4 troops in as well. You have too many Haradrim with spear, they are weak, especially versus Dwarves. you cannot beat watchers of Karna, especially with bows.

Why do you need a hornblower, a banner is better.
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