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 Post subject: One Day 500pt Tournament, Toowoomba QLD, Australia.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:21 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:18 am
Posts: 66
Location: Gone abroad looking for our precious.
Hi lads,

I've organised for my local store to run a One day 500pt LOTR tourney on the 14th of October, the first tournament here in 2 years .

Here are all the details regarding the restrictions etc. for it all. We'd love to get a good turn out, so anybody interested, let me know.


*$10 entry fee.

*Minimum of four players for tournament to be held.

*Depending on how many players are present, prizes shall be awarded for
-placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
-favourite army (player who scored most for army composition and painting)
-best general (most victory points)

*No more than 500pts may be spent on your force.

*You must choose your force from one of those listed in the Legoins of Middle-Earth expansion book.

*Forces must follow all the rules and restrictions on force selection detai;ed in "Musteering of Middle-Earth" pages 4-8 in the Legions of Middle-Earth expansion book.

*Good forces may not included Tom Bombadil or Goldberry.

*Evil forces may not include Gollum, the Balrog, Dragons, or Sauron.

*Named heroes may only be taken once. (eg: Gandalf, Witch king, Aragorn etc.)


Scenarios shall be taken from the Legions of Middle-Earth book.

I haven't as of yet worked out how many rounds shall be played, so we don't have a set time for when the tournament starts. I'll post up more details about this when it's worked out.

Victory Points for each scenario.
*Major Victory/Defeat- 10pts/1pt
*Minor Victory/Defeat- 7pts/3pts
*Draw- 5pts

Bonus Points.

*Bonus points given shall be judged by the players for painting and army composition during the lunch break.

*The player who ends up with the most points for painting and army compostion shall be awarded with the "favoutire army" prize.

Up to 5 victory points shall be given for armies being fully painted and based.
*Army fully painted with at least three colours and bases flocked- 5pts
*Army not quite fully painted with bases flocked -3pts
*Army not even near or not at all painted with no flock or next to no flock-1pt

Up to 5 victoy points shall be given for the army composition.
*Great force. 5pts.
It was an army you'd want to own. You were happy to play against it, your opponent was considerate of your enjoyment when choosing this army.
It was well themed and really fitted into the background of Middle-Earth.

*Good Solid Force. 3pts.
This army was good mix of theme and threat. It was competitve but not crushing. It had good solid and balanced selections (not tooled in one direction) that gives their opponent a challenge, but also a fighting chance.

*Overly Powerful, or Poorly Designed. 0pts.
This list really says win at all costs! There was little enjoyment in playing this list.
It did not have a theme suited to Middle-Earth and was only designed to maximise advantages.
The majority of the points was spent on heroes with little or no warriors.
It was a one trick army - the list totally dominates one phase of the game.

The shop that it is being held at is called "Battlestation", and is located at.....
103 Russel St. Toowoomba.
For any extra details you can contact Battlestation at this phone no.
(07) 4639 1999.

We'd love to get as many players in as possible. so all you aussie gamers out there, if you're interested and able to attend please do reply as we'd love to have yo down.

Thanks Orry .

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like half of you half as well as you deserve.
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