The One Ring

Converting Hunter orcs to rep other models.
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Author:  infinateremains [ Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Converting Hunter orcs to rep other models.

Has anyone tried converting hunter orcs into other models? The main ones I can think being; feral uruks, uruk berserkers, orc trackers or morgul stalkers? I think they would work well and am thinking about trying to convert them at some point but was reaching out to see if anyone else has done any conversions?

Author:  Auspainter [ Sat May 07, 2016 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting Hunter orcs to rep other models

Haven't seen it done yet but with a little greenstuff it'd come up nicely! Maybe just adding something like the shoulder armour similar to the uruks or a bit of 'metal' plate to the side of the head and putting uruk style blades on instead would look awesome. I'll be hanging out to see what you come up with

Author:  infinateremains [ Mon May 16, 2016 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting Hunter orcs to rep other models.

Thanks for the interest! I am currently working on converting a box of hunter orcs. The ones armed with bows are receiving hoods, skulls and other trophies to make them look more like orc trackers. The orcs with two hand weapons are currently waiting for casted up uruk weapons and heads so I can incorporate them in with a bit of greenstuff work and the work on suitable armour, shoulder pads and metal plates to make them more like the normal ferals. I have chosen to use uruk heads because the orc heads that come with the kit have a more defined features (pointed noses and higher cheeks). I will update this with pictures once I have some examples ready. May be a while as I don't get too often to do hobby recently.

Author:  Auspainter [ Tue May 17, 2016 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting Hunter orcs to rep other models.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'm too damn slow at what I plan on doing too haha

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