The second in my series of reviews.
Elrond's Sword was missing so I won't be reviewing him yet.
Here we have Galadriel, she needed a lot of work cutting away pieces of finecast attached to her dress, it was annoying and I accidently hacked into some of the dress but all in all a great mini. Her legs are not as chunky as the games workshop pictures show. With a decent paintjob and proper colour selection she could be a real centrepiece for a diorama.

Now for Saruman, it promised a lot by the pictures but was a pretty disappointing mini in terms of putting together, it was the toughest job I've had assembling a mini so far, right up there with Laketown Spearmen. While running his staff under hot water to reshape it the top part and bottom part beneath his hand both fell off, his right arm was also out of shape for the glue mould and couldn't be reshaped.

This kit is definitely a more advanced one with an unnecessary amount of different parts, it would've been much easier if it had less parts. The missing sword and wonky Saruman has let me disenchanted with this kit however the figures do look cool and hopefully once I reshape Sarumans staff and paint them up I will look upon them more happily.
Assembly - 6/10
Quality - 7/10
Looks - 8.5/10
Score - 72%
Assembly - 2/10
Quality - 4/10
Looks - 7/10
Score - 43%