The One Ring

Legolas Helm's deep problem
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Author:  Gondors Finest [ Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Legolas Helm's deep problem

Hiya, I just bought this Legolas (Helm's deep edition) of off a secondhand site and the top of his bow was missing, not a big deal i thought since i had a pellenor fields lying around (ugly painted). So when i glued the new top half and the legolas together with some superglue and greenstuff everything seemed to be going well except that now that it has been dried overnight the pieces just broke off.

I do have a drill and succesfully drilled a hole in the bottemhalf (hand) but the tophalf seems to be too narrow to drill.

Has anyone ever had this problem or does anyone know how to solve it?



Author:  oxford_guy [ Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legolas Helm's deep problem

you can buy pinning tools they come in a verity of sizes i have a few or you could try a safety pin have used that before dependent on the material

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