The One Ring

Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost
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Author:  HSHP [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

Hi there. I don't post here often (mostly cuz its blocked at work :wink: ), but I wanted to share a discovery with the community. Whether you've ever dipped models before, or just like to hit your minis with matte spray to seal them, there's a chance you've run into the dreaded Dullcote Frost. Until now, I've struggled to deal with this minor catastrophe. :)

I wrote up an article on my little blog (with pictures!) showing how to fix models that have been frosted by Matte Spray. Thought some of you might find it useful. I know it has saved me a ton of headaches!

Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

Author:  hithero [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

How the heck did you come up with the idea to oil a model? :)
I'm not so sure that humidty is THE problem. I had exactly these symptons from 1 can of spray and not the other when spraying 1 hour apart with 2 different cans. The first was at the end of the can and was OK, went down the high street bought another identical can for the next batch of models, shook the hell out of it and got the white mist effect :( I'm now pretty sure that giving one to many spray passes is the problem. I've found that spraying again with a gloss puts the model back to normal and it was suggested to me just yesterday that washing under the tap does the same thing.

Author:  Dezartfox [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

Its the varnish drying in the air that causes the models to frost, lots of experience with it :)

Yeah spraying it again with the varnish will clear up the frosting.

But never heard that solution before! Good thinking :)

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

Good tip! I like your photo back ground you should post it too.

Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

oh hey Happy Scrappy Hero Pup just noticed you when I saw your avatar!

good to have ya here!!

Author:  HSHP [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

hithero wrote:
How the heck did you come up with the idea to oil a model? :)

Well, I was having dinner and. . . no, actually I was just rubbing at the models with my fingers trying to see if I could rub the frost off, and I realized that the oils on my skin were working - albeit in a limited fashion. I wasn't greasy enough by myself, so I went looking for help

I've found that spraying again with a gloss puts the model back to normal and it was suggested to me just yesterday that washing under the tap does the same thing.

Since I put the article together I've heard the same thing regarding gloss sealer, but I've tried tap water and not had any success. Interestingly enough, I think the olive oil actually ended up bringing out some of the color's natural luster. :lol:

Old Man Willow wrote:
I like your photo back ground you should post it too.

Thanks! And I shall :) Its actually a couple of display bases I made for past armies, and not really functional terrain. But its gotten quite a bit of use in the end - much more than it did in its original function.

feanorthenoldor wrote:
oh hey Happy Scrappy Hero Pup just noticed you when I saw your avatar!

Thanks, its good to be here :wink:

Author:  BlackReaper [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

Awesome idea there mate(Btw,I loved the Publix olive oil.Hahahaha,I actually still have a few Publix food items from when I moved last year,lol)

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving your dipped models from Dullcote Frost

Wish I'd known this years ago. I ended up repainting entire minis and throwing my can of GW purity seal away. Never touched the stuff since.

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