The painting guide to the Sanguinor miniature was featured in White Dwarf 363. The gold armor was painted using a non-metallic metal style. What the article suggested was to first undercoat the model Chaos Black. Then, basecoat the model with a 1:1 mix of Calthan Brown and Snakebite Leather. Next, paint Snakebite Leather with a small amount of Bleached Bone onto the raised edges. Now, add more to the same step, this time 2:1 Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone. Then, again, a little more, 1:1 Snakebite Leather to Bleached Bone. For the next step, even MORE of the Bleached Bone, Snakebite Leather mix was added, this time, 1:2. Now, add a watered down Dark Flesh wash into the recesses. Next, mix Chaos Black and Dark Flesh, 1:2, and wash that into the recesses. An extreme highlight of watered down Bleached Down should be added next. Following this, a watered down Chaos Black shade was added to the miniature. Then, an extreme highlight of Skull White was applied. The entire armor was washed with a watered down Sunburst Yellow, then a Leviathan Purple was glazed into the recesses. Finally, add one more extreme highlight of Skull White.
That was probably extremely hard to follow. The article, as I said, is in White Dwarf 363. Is the article worth $9? You decide (no). But it really would be easier if you could see the description exactly as written accompanying a picture to verify that you are indeed doing it correctly (btw I have a sub to WD that was a Christmas gift, otherwise I definitely wouldn't have this article either).
Edit: Spelled "Sanguinor" as "Sanguinator", sorry