I'm quite interested at converting some of the High Elf and Galadhrim warriors by taking advantage of them having a hand weapon by default (correct me if I'm wrong on this), so I don't have to spend an extra point on the elven blade and I can use that point on a shield instead if I wanted to, but as there are aren't any models which feature just normal hand weapons, I'm at a loss at which weapon to represent them with? AFAIK from my reading of the novels and watching of the films they don't have any other weapons in their arsenal apart from spears and their blades, they didn't use any swords I don't think (although I would really like to use them). My ideal scenario would be to just modify the model by having them carry a sword or elven blade in one hand (which would only serve as a normal hand weapon) and a shield in their other hand, although I can imagine a lot of people making a fuss with WYSIWYG, it's not canon, thinking they're proxies and what not, so I would rather have something more permanent.
Any ideas?