The One Ring

What was your Christmas haul?
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Author:  theavenger001 [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  What was your Christmas haul?

So, I'm interested to know what lotr-y stuff people got for Christmas. I myself got the new Dos WETA book, as well as the extended edition soundtrack for AuJ. I also got the second AuJ WETA book and AuJ extended edition for my birthday, which was ~ a month ago. No new figures, but then again I didn't ask for any! And I'm pleased with what I got.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

The LotR stuff has not arrived yet (not worried, plenty to keep me amused in the meantime) but it consists of:
Azog (Foot & Mounted)
Great Eagles
Hunter Orcs
Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs
Knights of Rivendell
The Hobbit AUJ hardback rulebook
Apart from that lot most of what I have is X-Wing (loads), chocolate, clothes, a signed copy of the latest Discworld book, more chocolate and more 15mm & 28mm WW2 from PSC and Perrys.
All of which is hidden behind the Deadzone terrain mountain :)

Author:  NarsilReforged [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

My gf got me a GW gift voucher with which I bought the Dwarf King's Champion.

Author:  Bofur The Dwarf [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

For me, i got some sculpting materials (tools, greenstuff amatures etc), a few high elf heroes, Glorifindel, Elladan and Elrohir, Erestor.

That's my lotr lot, but I also got an acting course thingy. Haven't given it a good look yet, but it's by far my favourite :-D

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got a Hobbit Lego set, first time I had touched the stuff in years, now I am more pumped for the video game than the third film :p

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got:
A lovely new flashgun
The hobbit on DVD
'One mug to rule them all' (that's what it says...)
A somewhat fanceh new fedora (I love hats)
Lots of chocolate
other stuff...


Author:  mordor orc [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

Mordor orcs
Mordor captains
Mirkwood spiders
Giant spiders
The new DOS book
unfortunately I got hunter orcs instead of warg riders but I'll sort that out later.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got £55 in vouchers which will probably go towards new releases. Plus a load of hobbit action figures.

Author:  MeatBoy1994 [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got the lotr extended edition blu ray 15 disc set.... :D

Author:  Papa Hoth [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got-
Blackroot Vale archer command
F/C Goblin captain
F/C Black Numenorians
Moria Gobbo sprue
Great Eagles
Fell Wargs
Hunter Orcs on Wargs


Author:  rutger [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  what did you guys all got for Christmas

I've got:

-thrain, not the broken one
-mirkwood rangers
-palace guard

Author:  Bandobras Took [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got:
-Barrels out of Bond
-Palace Guard
-Hobbit: Extended Edition
-Official DoS Poster (will look nice next to AUJ's)

And a few other things (chocolate, sweets etc...)

Author:  army-of-the-dom [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got some what the "deal of century" as I paid just 140 including p&p for 3 3ft x 3ft boxes of lotr/hobbit things with helms deep, carry case, 2 mumaks, 1000s of plastics, catapults, trebuchet a loads and loads of metals, death if gothmog, fall of witch king dioramas ,khands uruks Rohan easterlings dwarves... Absolutely all kinds, I will eventually sort through it all and make a complete list, for a 15 year old this is pretty great and should keep me going for long time!

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I'm really pleased with my tri tube pro light and Thranduil. A smattering of new vallego paints and all in all very pleased for an older bloke.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got a Mithril Miniatures Smaug from my lovely wife. Painting it now.

Author:  Grungehog [ Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

beer, more beer, cider, ferrero rocher 16pack, and some awesome featherlight shoes for parkour and stuff.
my present to myself was a plane ticket to french guyana.
nothing concerning the hobby though

Author:  DwarfWarrior [ Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

EFGT box lotr extended edition blu ray trilogy. And i bought myself tauriel and the new DOS book.

Author:  the big goblin [ Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

All the Dos minitures exepet for taureil,thranduil and barrels out of bond.
The new dos sourcebook.
Dos viual companion.

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

I got
40k Dark Vengeance :D
AUJ extended edition :D
And tickets to Wicked :D :D :D

Author:  Goldman25 [ Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What was your Christmas haul?

My GW haul is Tauriel, Legolas, Thranduil and some Mirkwood Rangers

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