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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:26 pm 
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"Aye, we should set up now, for the safe places between here and the pass will be few and uncommon" Spoke Kaldor. And with that the decision was made to stop for the night, kaldor approached the ruins in the hill and began unpacking his gear, he was traveling relatively light for a dwarf, only carrying a single, well made, sleeping roll, a large metal pot, some cooking utensils and a tinder box to light fires. As he unpacked the tinderbox a thought came into his mind "where will we get firewood" He looked around for trees but the only ones nearby lied within mirkwood, Kaldor had no intent to wander into the forest so he casually approached Cyllamdir with an axe in his hand.
"Ho there elf" Said Kaldor with some feint friendship in his voice "Would you do us a favor and fetch us some firewood, while i collect leaves to get the fire going?" He then handed Cyllamdir the axe and patted the elf on the back, he made sure not to mention mirkwood to the elf since he didn't want to make a big deal out of it.. Kaldor felt he had avoided looking like a coward and had passed the task of entering mirkwood to the most capable member of the team.

Once Cyllamdir had retrieved the wood Kaldor had combined some dry leaves, an old handkerchief and some cotton into kindling, he thanked the elf greatly for gathering the wood and then got to work cooking. Kaldor stood over his fire for an hour or so cooking some venison and potatoes in a steel pot that had clearly been used alot due to all the dents and bumps that ran along its exterior. The party could hear Kaldor giving off a brief "Ha ha" every now and then, probably due to some level of success in his cooking.

Eventually the food was ready and Kaldor laid his pot out in the middle of the hill and handed everyone a beautiful hand carved bowl, each of which featured a different animal etched into the basin of the bowl.
"These are what i spent my money on, i figured we could enjoy some fine dining while on the road, and what better way to do it than in some of Orin's bowls?" Kaldor sounded a bit embarrassed as he spoke but his intentions were good and while he did feel a bit stupid handing out hand carved bowls to a group of fighters and hunters, he was glad he made the effort to gift everyone something. He was also concerned that not everyone would have packed a bowl, which would have rendered his culinary skills far less useful.

"Now then you two" Kaldor said to the elves as he handed the bowls out to everyone " I know your kind don't like meat and whatnot, but i urge you to try some of this stew, it's my signature dish and i have cooked it for many prestigious figures, including your very own king thranduil!" Boasted the dwarf, everyone seemed a little suprised that he had cooked for royalty, or that he was a good cook at all, but Kaldor felt he had been the first to share a little more of his life with the group.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:24 pm 
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The night was cold, winter was cold, snow was almsot everywhere... Strangely more snow was left on the trees of Mirkwood ratehr than the fields...
When kaldor offered them some meat Hathol moved his head negative...
' No meat for me...' He thought and continue to eat his emal.
When he finished his meet he gave the bowl to Turgwaith who ahd agrred to wash them on a small lake created by the rain nearby... Each one of them would do a work.
Hathol got up and went towards Mirkwood... " I will be back" He shout as he heard whispers from his companions as he left...
'I hope I will' He thought a little afraid from these dark forest.
Owl's sound were heard from the forest and only an elf used to such a way would udnerstand that this was not an owl but an elf using a special lute...
He got throught the first threats and when he could no longer see his companions three figures apearred from the trees surrounding him...
Elves dressed in dark green cloaks with capes holding their equipement ready for battle.
' Mirkwood sentitels...' He breatehd a sigh of relief for being right.
" Hi I am Hathol from Lorien..." He started speaking but an elf interrupted him...
" We know who you are... Your brother was a good ally of us... What do you seek in this no longer green forest?" One of the sentitels asked.
Hathol had to be serious and choose his words carefully. Sentitels were elite warrios, no defence they need and they are able to overwhelm their enemies without wound.
" My mission is to save a single, yet important person... We pass near here and as we are few in number we don't want to be in danger from this forest..."
'" What do you want us to do?" The elf in right of him asked.
" Follow our tracks by the forest and please watch for dangers from in the forest and dangers from behind our route..."
Hathol begged them... They stared at each other without speaking...
" Your will will be done..." Said the last elf and used his horn... That was a sing... ' They must be around 30'
He thought hearing sound of feet coming over their place...
" Thank you, veyr much." He said and bowed to them...
He left the forest and saw the others around the fire place...
The dwarves near to each other were sitting on the left with their axes near them ready for action... Gramm was sitting towards the forest having lied on the grass...
Cyllamdir was more afar to the right looking into the flames while Sulvan was near the dwarves hearing thei discussion... Hathol walked over them and sitted between Gramm and Cyllamdir giving his fellow elf a smile that got his worry off... Turgwaith soon approached with the dishes, sure to be clean now...

"The stars are veiled.Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice."-Legolas, The Return of the King
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:40 pm 
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Dwalvyn had simply slipped his pack off and placed it against a rock. He remained standing to eat and appreciated the craftsmanship of the bowl that Kaldor had kindly gifted to him. Kaldor had been speaking of his cooking and, thankfully, it was justified compliments he had given himself Dwalvyn was silent as he ate, his only non-mastication motions being to give Kaldor a nod and a raised bowl in thanks and occassionally stooping to his pack to drink from his waterskin. As he finished, Cyllamdir appeared back at the camp - Dwalvyn hadn't even noticed hm slip off and became instantly curious, but thought it best to not yet pry. "Kaldor, I see why you created this cuisine for Lord Thranduil, for it was a meal fit for kings!" He laughed in an appreciative manner and performed a warrior's handshake in thanks for the treat and the bowl. "I should know, I've shared a few," he added with a wink and smile. "A luxury before our travel become earnest, but I am grateful for it, nonetheless. Who is prepared to take the first watch for the night?"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:29 pm 

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It was the first day of walking but turgwaith had got tired ebcause of the wounds on his legs.
They stopped by Mirkwood and eat their meal... Kaldor make jokes about the luxury food.
" Very nice indeed, thank you ver much." He said when he finished. He waited all the bowls to be set on top of each other.
" I will clean them he said." And tookt he bowls and runned off to the river.
' That's my job for today, if I fall right in my calculations I will be able to watch Albaron if that's his name... Also I will watch the pass in the night aroudn the misty mountains.'
As he was elaving eh turned and saw the others sitting around the fire, Hathol went into the dark forest. 'What is he doing?'
Turgwaith stopped but then he went further on thinking ' Let him on his ways, he has soemthing to see or do.'
He went to the small lake they ahve seen a little ebfore they stop.
Waterdrops were still falling from the leafs from alst night's rain. Luckily it happened after they finished their battle.
He cleaned the dished one by oen on the water. After he finished he took the bowls and went back to the others.
When eh arrived Hathol was back and he sat as more near to Cyllamdir as he could away from the other ranger.
then the question came... Who will stay awake to watch in th night Dwalyn asked.
' Better not be the one I don't want or else I will not sleep all night.'
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:10 pm 
Elven Elder
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After the meal which Sulvan ate almost ravenously despite his lack of hunger, he watched Turgwaith go off to clean the bowls, "see how he sneeks off alone, he hissed into the ears of his companions. " Sulvan decided to sow the seeds of distrust within the companions for his own entertainment. He had not spoken to Tom Ferny recently, and he knew it was too dangerous to contact him, so he left the man to his own devices for the time being.

When it was time for night, Sulvan spoke; "I will take the forst atch if you wish it, but if any one else wishes to override me, please do," he smiled. Sulvan waited to hear what his earnstwhile companions would say, whilst secretly hoping that they would all drop dead the momnt he found the halfling, leaving him to take care of it...

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:54 pm 
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"Sneaking off alone?" Exclaimed Kaldor "Yes, because cleaning our dishes does require a high level of stealth!" Laughed the dwarf while awkwardly patting Sulvan on the back.
"I will take watch whenever you all deem necessary, i am capable of waking up and falling asleep very quickly so i will gladly take the shift tin the middle of the night!" Announced Kaldor before clambering loudly into his sleeping roll. He then turned to Gramm and began to enquire about Gramm's hometown of Dolby.
"We have placed our hopes of finding some rest in the hands of your people Gramm, i personally have never heard of a town called Dolby, but i would very much like to learn about it, and why you have traveled so far from your land to help us in a rather insignificant quest, especially to your people, who are not within the enemy's grasp."

The dwarf meant no offence when he expressed his ignorance and seemed genuinely eager to learn about Gramm's background. The dwarf found he had taken a liking to Gramm and found the man very easy to get along with, although Gramm was equally as mysterious as the rest, he did not flaunt it, which Kaldor found refreshing. Nonetheless Kaldor still respected the rest of his company: he valued Dwavlyn's word above the law, still needed to repay Cyllamdir for saving his life. But Kaldor had yet to spend much time with the other three, Turgwaith seemed very focused on the task at hand but Kaldor thought he was plain stupid for running away from the fight at dale to take on wolves single handedly. The other ranger, Albaron, seemed honest, if not a little less brave than the rest of the party. Hathol seemed to be another "lone wolf" in the group, even though the elf was always applying himself fully to whatever he was doing, and had fought very hard in dale, Kaldor hadn't been able to learn much respect for him yet.

However what Kaldor had learned more than anything was the durability of the elves he was traveling with, one had leapt from a wall in an effort to save him and the other had survived a duel with a black numenorian and still managed to rescue Turgwaith; Both of the elves had surprised Kaldor in their resilience and courage, but he still found their immortality and the fact that they would only know him for a fraction of their enormous lifespans difficult to handle.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:14 pm 
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Dwalvyn gave a quiet snort of contempt at the peculiarly daft notion of sneaking behind each other's backs. As Kaldor continued discussion, Dwalvyn thought it best to set the watch rota now, so that they could enjoy each other's company if they wished without it further interrupting them. "Albaron, I think it good of you to offer the first watch. Cyllamdir, I wonder if you may wish to aid him: after all, you know what to expect of the wood and I would rather have two sets of eyes on watch." He began to think about what he knew of the strnegths and weaknesses of each of his companions, but felt it too early to truly decide on each member's role. "Once your stretch is done, choose two to awaken and so on." Again, he bent to his pack, took out the waterskin, straightened, unplugged it and drank throatily, before wiping his lips gently and replacing the stopper, replacing the vessel into his pack and reclosing it.
"I too am intrigued about Dolby, master Gramm," he added in a pleasant tone, proffering an optional branch to encourage comraderie.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:50 pm 
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Gramm sat up from where he had been reclining on a small hillock and moved closer to the fire. Taking out his pipeweed pouch, he filled his pipe and then passed the pouch around the circle in case anyone else had a pipe and shared his taste for the fragrant smoke. Turning to Kaldor, Gramm thanked the Dwarf for the surprisingly fine meal, and also for the carved bowl. Gramm thought it odd that the bowl he was given had a stylized bear figure worked into the bottom of the bowl. Did Kaldor know more than he was letting on or was there a deeper meaning to the gesture?

"I know that you are all curious about Dolby, since we have chosen to pass through there on our journey. Few have heard of it, unless they chanced to pass that way, but it is not as large as the Mannish and Dwarvish settlements on this side of Mirkwood. My people are a simple folk and are mostly content to live quietly off of the land and tend to their husbandry. The bee pastures and orchards are especially treasured, as we believe they are the finest to be found. Dolby is the largest of our villages, and it is there that we have built the Great Council Lodge where the elders assemble to guide our people. My nuncle presides over the Great Council and it is at his request that I have traveled so far.

In the years since the Great Goblin was slain by Thorin and his company, it has fallen to us to maintain and guard the Old Forest Road and Ford, as well as the eastern end of the High Pass. We have striven to keep the goblins and wolves from building a strong presence in the region as they once had, and have made passing into the West a much safer prospect than it once was. The Stone Giants still do as they please amongst the mountain peaks and the goblins will occasionally make their presence known, but we are quick to smash them again before they can amass in great numbers.

A few months back, some of our huntsmen noticed a group of suspicious travellers passing through our land. They had an altogether unhealthy look to them, and were very careful to avoid the beaten paths. What is more, they avoided making any contact with toll-collectors and then simply vanished. We were able to pick up signs of their passing, but the group had split into two and some had pressed into Mirkwood itself, while the others went around and took paths that would lead them to Dale. When the huntsmen reported this to my nuncle, I was dispatched to inquire as to the business of these trespassers and determine if they meant ill towards our people.

When I arrived in Dale, I discovered that these men had been to see your rulers and had made offers of alliance and safety in return for information about Mr. Baggins. Having learned their intent, I made to head straight back home to inform the Council of these matters, but I was asked by Hrothgar to join this party and to assist in any way I could. Thankfully, our path will allow me to report back to my nuncle, and I am sure that when he learns of our task I will be given permission to continue with our quest."

Gramm had watched the faces of the others in the group as he related his tale, and was interested to note some of the reactions...


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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:36 pm 
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Kaldor listened intently to the tale, he was not aware of there being a community of men who guarded the old forest road, even though Kaldor had travelled along it with Balin, he had not encountered any of Gramm's kinsmen, but if his memory served him wel, Kaldor did not encounter any goblins or wargs on the old forest road either, so Gramm's men must be doing a good job.

"If your people specialize in honey, then i plan on staying a very good while when we visit!" Laughed the dwarf, he had always been very fond of Honey. "Come to think of it, the Beornings are also great bee-farmers, maybe all the bees on the west of mirkwood make especially good honey and are eager to give it away."
"I did not realize you will be called to council upon your return, if you need any of us to vouch for your importance in the quest, i will gladly volunteer. There are few enough of us as it is, and i don't want our number to be decreased because of a worried nuncle!" Spoke the dwarf in his typical 'accidentally offensive' tone.

He then wished the party good night, reminded them to wake him and turned towards the fields. He did not want to look into mirkwood, the forest was a place of great evil, he stared at the fields which lay outside of mirkwood so that the forest was behind him, but he could not stop obsessing about something sneaking out of the forest and grabbing him in the night, so he rolled over to face the forest. He lay awake for a few moments, before being overwhelmed by fatigue and comfort, so he passed peacefully into a deep slumber.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:01 am 
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Dwalvyn enjoyed gaining the information that had been given to the party. He revelled in knowledge and enjoyed it immensely - learning was he was of showing life he cared to know about it, to relax and to find happiness in any situation. He jjoined in with Kaldor, regarding the bees and council.
"I too wouldn't mind sampling some of this fine honey. If it were to be offered, of course. As young Kaldor here has said, you have Dwarfen oration to back you up if it is needed an desired. A king's emissary and guard should hopefully hold some sway for you." He began to think about the amount of work that he suspected Gramm's people must have to do to keep the roads clear. "I would also like to thank your people for making our travels safer. I can't imagine that it's easier or safe work to perform. Speaking of such things," he continued, "We have much travelling to do, an early start ahead of us and some rest to get. Whomever decides my watch is next, wake me quietly as I don't wish to disturb the others." He then bade them all a fair night, went round the other side of the rock and lay with his head on his pack, from which he pulled a small blanket that was both wor with use and well made, lay down, with his cloak wrapped round and his axes in hand, laid the cloth over himself and began to snore the night away.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:22 pm 
Elven Elder
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Sulvan became very excited at Gram's words, not because he wanted honey, he did not care about that, but if he could lead Vrâsghul to an ambush that would destroy the beornings, he was sure that he would be well rewarded. Sulvan immediately began to make plans in his mind concerning this, whilst doing so, he spoke to his companions; "I too am intrigued by this news, I would pay you for some of your prized honey."

Sulvan had not been this excited since, at aged six, his father had promised him that he would take him on a dwarf raid.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:05 pm 
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Hathol heard his companions speaking... Gramm spoke of his life and the others made funyn comments about his honey to raise up the atmosphere.
" Your life seems far intresting... Since when I was a child long of years ago I made friends easily... My brother was lonely but very wise... He would have joined us if he didn't got an injury some days before the message arrived. I have fought in many battles but to few palces I travelled. Inside lorien and Mirkwood and i the road between where my only known places."
He stopped althought hsi tone made the other think the full story wasn't told. Hathol lied on a tree behind him on the small cliff and watched the moon speakless...

"The stars are veiled.Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice."-Legolas, The Return of the King
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:05 pm 
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Cyllamdir sat with his back against a rock, and he stretched his legs before him. When Kaldor had asked him to gather wood, he went to the border of Mirkwood. He didn't use the axe, but only gathered some branches laying on the ground. Not too long after he had returned with the wood the dinner was ready. Although Cyllamdir preferred food that was not dwarf-made, he had to admit it was good, and he thanked Kaldor for it.

'As I do not plan to really sleep, I will take the first watch for tonight, if you all agree', he said when there was asked who would take it.

Cyllamdir listened to Gramm with interest when he told of his homeland. Only rumours he had heard before of Dolby, until now. It seemed fine to cross that land. He also listened to Hathol's story, about his brother.

'I am sorry about your brother', Cyllamdir said. 'It would have been nice to meet him, and I hope he is healing well. What is his name, if I may ask?'

He looked to Hathol for a moment. Cyllamdir didn't feel much for telling about himself. He slowly began to prepare to spend the night. He laid his provisions and weopons on the ground, but kept them close. He changed the position he was sitting in, and looked around the group, inspecting everyones faces, in the light of the fire. It was getting dark.

The love of Arda was set in your hearts by Ilúvatar, and he does not plant to no purpose.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:18 pm 
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The sky was becoming dark... Not that it wasn't already clouded since they left Dale. Was it just happened or was fate trying to give them a message?
' The moon reminds me of her...'
He ehard Cyllamdir's words and such kind words gave him a smile. Theought so little time they have become good friends...
" His name is Alpeth meaning 'no word' in sindarin cause since he was a baby he was too quite. I belive you two would become good friends. But tell me Cyllamdir..."
Cylalmdir turned and looked at his fellow elf and Hathol felt it was time to learn more about him...
" What about you?" He asked and that got the attention of most of their companions.

"The stars are veiled.Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice."-Legolas, The Return of the King
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:10 pm 
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Cyllamdir stared into the darkness and said nothing more. The rest of the companions slowly drifted off into an uneasy slumber, although the elves did not seem to sleep very much. At sunrise Kaldor was called upon to be the watchmen, he uncomfortably rose and wiped the sleep from his eyes. His field of vision adjusted to the beaming sun which blazed upon the company "What a fine day" Thought Kaldor "But in this sort of heat, the air will soon become moist and uncomfortable" he thought. The dwarf slowly packed up all of his sleeping gear, making sure none of it was dirty before he strapped the sleeping roll onto his walking pack.

Morning was only a few hours away and Kaldor knew his watch would be uneventful, he foundhimslef overcome with morning drowziness and he slipped back into a light slumber. When we awoke he raised his head and let out a loud yawn, as he moved to stretch his arms, he found that he could not move his arms, upon further inspection he noticed his arms were stuck to a thick white substance, the dwarf could hear clicking and scuttling all around him. As he surveyed his surroundings it did not take long for him to realize he was in the web of a giant spider, he began to scream for help but he realized that it would alert his captors, so instead he began to reach for his knives, his arms could barely move but his knives were only a few inches from the palm of his hand. He cursed himself for not being more vigilant, he knew his fate was at hand but he still had time to get out, if he was quick....
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:22 pm 

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The night was silent... Sleep took Turgwaith dast and he slept for hours...
When he awoke he saw no one other was awoke
Some of his companions was even snoring
Turgwaith didn't heard what the three of them were talking about. Cyllamdir and Albaron were still awake but didn't look tired althought they didn't sleep the whole night.
Turgwaith looked around and noticed
'Something, no someone is missing.'
He walked to the others and said:
" Hey. Did anyone noticed Kaldor is missing?"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:23 pm 
Elven Elder
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During the night's watch, Sulvan's continued excitement at the prospect of such a large reward, kept him wide awake for hours, giving him plenty of time to plan his next move. As he did so, he paced continuosly around the sleepers, looking at them or at his companion, the elf, Cyllmadir. Sulvan did not remember if he had stayed awake all night, or if he had in fact, gone to sleep at some point, and if the latter, whether or not he had woken up another to take his place.

In either event, the next thing that Sulvan remembered was hearing the voice of the ranger, Turgwaith. He did not hear what he said, so asked the man to repeat what he had said. This revealed to Sulvan, that the dwarf, Kaldor, was missing. Never one to taka another man's word for it, he scanned the sleeping bodies and the bodies of those awake, searching for him, but the dwarf appeared to be missing.

"I am doubling back the way we came, searching for Kaldor, there will be no need for your assistance, I may be gone a while." He told his earnstwhile companions. Sulvan, of course, had no intention of searching for the dwarf. It did not matter to him if he was missing, if may make his job easier in the long run. No, instead, Sulvan was searching for Ferny. As he left, the companions behind, he struck up a well-paced jog, and continued at this rate for what seemed like hours, following the trail back, that he himself had laid for Vrasghul's men to follow. After a while, Sulvan took from his pouch, a small ruffled quil, and a bottle of ink. Sulvan, himself could not write but, contrary to his outwrad appearance, Tom Ferny could. Moment later, he nearly bumped ito the ruffian, whose eyes were on the ground, scanning for further trail.

"I want you to write down a message for Vrasghul, for you to have someone deliver directly to him. I wnat you to write the message exactly as I describe it to you." He looked at Ferny, making sure he had taken in everything that he said. "The message is; 'To my dearest commander, dread lord, VrasghuI. Sulvan, your trusted ally and subject, have found the trail leading to the location of the home of the Beornings. Vicious brutes who guard the passes, protecting your enemies from orcs, wargs and other creatures. For a small additional cost, I offer to lead you to their location, and give you inside information that willl lead to the complete eradication of this thorn in your side. Signed S ' "

With that done, Sulvan turned and left the man, heading back to wear the other companions were waiting for him and the dwarf. The first thing he would say to them upon return would be; "I have searched high and very low for the dwarf but regret to inform you that he cannot be found anywhere, if he is still alive he must be in some other direction." ...

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:40 pm 
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Hathol sleep came fast... After such a nice day with hsi companions he rested very well...
He awoke in the morning and when he got up he saw Cyllamdir speaking some words with Turgwaith...
He looked around and saw Albaron leaving to the south.
' What is he doing?' He thought and asked his companions...
Then he learned of Kaldor's disapperance...
As always he was worried about his companion... " We must find him..." He said getting up with a worried voice...
They tried to calm him down but then he saw something afar. His eyes got fixed and the others looked also there.
" Not again..." Someone whispered.
" Warg riders..." Hathol said as his sight was upon six warg riders that were marching fast towards the southerneastern land... Almost near their location...

"The stars are veiled.Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice."-Legolas, The Return of the King
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:24 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Location: Before the gates of another fortress, telling those maggots that they have to form ranks!
"Greetings my friend,"
Vrâsghul stared right in to the iron guard's eyes, "how are we feeling tonight ?". He saw the poor thing was just realising where he was. "Yes, beautiful here, isn't it ?". He came closer. "Lost our tongue ?". Vrâsghul's iron hand smacked against the dwarfs mouth. Putting his hand inside he pulled out the red-colourd tongue, "Oh, here it is".
"No dear fat-beard, am not intrested in who you are or what you're doing here, that is information I already have. Recently." said Vrâsghul smiling.
Slowly, he drew a small, jagged dagger.
"But it could make it easier for both you and me if i'd know where you are going. Where that skinny halfling is..."

We must forgive our enemies...
But not before they are hanged
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:33 pm 
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:14 am
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"A skinny halfling, i've never heard of such a thing!" Cried Kaldor, it took a great deal of courage for him to call out his enemy but he was certain he would die no matter what hapened. Kaldor spotted the man draw a dagger from his belt, to which Kaldor thrashed around madly in an attempt to escape the webbing. The web did not give way but during his flailing the dwarf's helmet flew from his skull and hit Vrashgul square in the head, the dwarf let out a brief cry of astonishment and success, only to realize that hitting the numenorian had done nothing but anger his foe, which was not good.

Kaldor continued to flail as Vrashgul recovered from the blow but to no avail, it seemed like he was done for, until a great raven flew into the web and began clipping at the strands of web, this raven must have possessed both great strength and an oily coat of skin because it was cutting through the web like butter and was completely immune to the adhesive properties of the web. While this bird was cutting the dwarf free, another two flew in and began hassling the numenorian, the courageous birds both fell holding the numenorian of but by the time they were both slain the fat little man was out of site. As he ran out of the lair the raven began tweeting madly away at him, Kaldor could speak very little raven and could just make out the following message:
"The brown wizard is always watching, return to your companions, for they are in need" The dwarf made sure to follow the bird, regardless of where it was going.
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