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 Post subject: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:43 am 
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Ok here we go everyone, feel free to pitch in whenever you please, and don't be scared to RP a bad guy if you so please. Everyone can join in :)

But first off: a few "rules" This is an RP, not a campaign where the aim is to "win", it's more important to play your role well, this sin't difficult, it's just little things like: Being wary of elves if your a dwarf or being wary of dol-guldor if your an elf, it helps if you think up a back story for your character, that way you can have a much more fun time Rp'ing, it could also allow you to be a more non-traditional character, perhaps you were an elf who knew one of the wraiths before he fell into darkness, and thus you have an emotional connection to one of them, and find it difficult to fight them. This also means that if your character is a dwarf miner, he shouldn't be the one ordering everyone around mirkwood, because it is an unfamiliar place. Don't be afraid to rp a non-combat character, like a bard, i will do everything i can to support you if you choose to rp a less powerful character, like maybe giving you a flute which summons you an ent, or something else :) Most importnantly: Have fun!

One last thing: No-non rp posts here, pm me if you have a question, or talk in the thread in the "site suggestions" thread.

Chapter One: Departing Dale

You each find yourselves gearing up to leave alongside some rather unknown companions, the night is pitch black, and there has been little time for talk, you have all been hired, ordered or otherwise recruited by the respective lords of erebor, mirkwood and dale. Your task is simple: Reach the sleepy land of the shire and warn Bilbo Baggins that the enemy is searching for him. A few days ago a rider rode into Erebor and demanded a counsel with King Dain, in this counsel the mysterious rider spoke on behalf of Sauron, the dark lord, and offered Dain great riches in exchange for information regarding Baggins, Dain is as greedy as any dwarf but he is similarly as honorable as any dwarf, Bilbo had saved Erebor, and would not be turned in so easily to the enemy. The rider was most dissapointed with Dain, and departed at once, leaving only warnings that Erebor would not be safe from the dark lords wrath when the time comes.

Dain then contacted his strongest allies: Thranduil and King brand, after a brief discussion it was decided that the three kingdoms would stand united against the dark lord and all of them wanted to warn their good friend Bilbo of the horrors he may have to face. While the rest of your people are gathering resources to prepare for the Dark Lords coming, it is your job to travel to the "thief" that saved erebor, and warn him of horrors to come, but do not travel without caution, there is much evil inbetween you and your destination, not all of it necessarily infront of you, but fear not, there are many friends along the way aswell.

You have all been ordered to go to the Red Menace, Dale's most prestigous Inn, once inside you should ask the barman, Preston, for Hrothgar, he is one of Dains most trusted Lietenants, while he is far too fat for much fighting anymore, his knowledge of combat and warfare is still going to prove a useful counsel in planning your trip, which is what you should do this evening once you have all made your acquaintances. You have all been booked into your own individual rooms and shall leave tomorrow morning once you have decided upon your route.

Okay there we go, sorry if it isn't very well written, well join in by having your character enter the bar and approach the barman (feel free to rp him yourself) he will then tell you to go wait in the large circular table for Hrothgar, while waiting for him you should introduce yourselves to one another. Have fun!
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:34 pm 
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As Dwalvyn entered the inn, he thought about how small it was compared to the one that he was used to, but equally how dizzying it was in its disorientating affect for its height. He had acted as an ambassador for the King under the Mountain many times, but had never managed to shake the affect and so had managed to secure his place in the courts of the King, the throne and warrooms as his informational advisor and as a scholar and librarian of the hold. Still, this task that had been set forth was more than enough for him to not grow concerned by a mere manbuilding and so he steeled himself as he walked to the bar, shouting across to the barman in a deep and booming voice, flowing over his age-lightened beard, "Innman, where is Hrothgar?" He may have been wise about the reason for meeting his fellow and keeping discreet their mission, grouping and tracks, but he was unafraid to have it be known that two Dwarfs would be meeting.
"Why, master Dwarf sir, 'e said if anyone were'n to ask for 'im, to steer 'em ov'r to that there table," the man replied, pointing towards a large and circular table, low enough that a Dwarf wouldn't be uncomfortable, but not so low as to make Elves and men feel out of place. He'd already begun to pour a pint, knowing the customs of Dwarfs from having lived in a hovel so close to a mighty kingdom full of them. Dwalvyn picked up the pint, placed a coin with the palm of his meaty hand on the bar, scooted it to the barman and gave him a thanking nod.
"Don't you forget to keep 'em coming as well," he added as he turned, whilst the barman realised how much ale the Dwarf was buying with that coin. The Dwarf sat, nursing his pint and liquoring his throat as he waited, muttering under his breath "Ruddy Elves never show up on time."
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:14 pm 

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The night was black and the stars shined. Turgwaith a human, a ranger was dressed in his usual attire wearing a white cloak and brown clothes...
A ranger that have travelled across middle-earth away from his homeland. He was a master at fighting skill and he was a perfect archer having fought along elves and dwarves . He walked between people and althought the sky has got dark their was too much noise. Then he stopped on his steps and saw small letters in the dark "Red menace" it was written in the color of red. It was a small inn but it was full of people when Turgwaith walked into it. Some were singing and others were dancing. It didn't seemed strange to him... The best way to hide an important metting is throught 'simpliness'.
He went to the barman and whispered "Where is Hogthgar?" The barman without speaking pointed a round big table over the edge of the inn.
Turgwaith walked away but the barman asked ' Wouldn't you like a beer or soemthing to eat?' " No but take this and bring me just water." Turgwaith without looking threw a coin at the barman. He walked towards the table. On one of the chairs was sitting a dwarf and Turgwaith knew he had to be one of his companions.
He sat on the most right chair and under his hood he said " Hi, fellow dwarf..."

Last edited by Hilbert on Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:38 pm 
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A dark shape walked through the streets. Now and then his head turned to the sky, to look at the the stars. He liked the stars, they made him feel small.
He looked around several times, and finally he'd found what he was looking for: the Inn named Red Menace. He he walked to the door of the inn.

He was Cyllamdir, an elf of the house of Thranduil. He was clad in a moss-green robe with a brown belt. Dark was his hair and his eyes were grey. From his shoulders hung a cloak of such dark purple it seemed black in the night.

When he opened the door he heard music, and shouting and drunken people. Silently he walked to the bar, looking to the many people inside. He didn't like this, he didn't like the dirty and noisy inns like this. He looked around and then noticed the barman and he approached him. He asked him for someone named Hrothgar, and the barman answered with a short "Over there", and pointed out a table. When he asked the elf if he wanted anything to drink, Cyllamdir shook his head. Slowly he walked to the table. Around the table already were already a man and a dwarf. He looked suspiciously at the dwarf, and then sat down at the other edge of the table. "Greetings", he said.

The love of Arda was set in your hearts by Ilúvatar, and he does not plant to no purpose.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:26 pm 
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Hathol was one of the finest archers of the guardians of the white lady. Years ago along his brother they begun something unusual... They were travelling between Mirkwood and Lorien. Dressed in a pure white cloak and wearing silver armour he was called long his brother to Dale for an important mission. His brother stayed at Lorien recently wounded but he answered the call.
He was walking in the city of Dale and suddenly on one road he ehard much noise and a lot of singing. It was there. The 'Red Menace'. He entered it and walked to the barman... " Where is Hogthgar?" "Over there sir..." He saw a big roudn table on the edge of the inn. " Do you want anything other sir?"
Hathol asked if they had any lembas but the barman moved his head negative. He walked over the big roudn table. There were already three persons sitting on it. A dwarf, a man and another elf. He sat on the chair right of the elf. "Hi..." He whispered...

"The stars are veiled.Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice."-Legolas, The Return of the King
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:33 pm 
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The tall man stooped through the door and paused to survey the room. Thick smoke from the poorly constructed fireplace and greasy, guttering candles made it difficult to see all the way across the low room. The smell of unwashed bodies and the sound of a hundred voices talking at once were an unwelcome change from the cool night air. The large man worked his way across the crowded room to where the barkeep was wiping out some pewter tankards and eased onto a stool, which groaned from his bulk. Not portly, the man was a head and a half taller than most in the room, heavily muscled and covered with coarse auburn hair. Leaning his staff against the bar, the man ordered a honeyed mead and surreptitiously surveyed the room as he drank. The man grimaced. He had set his arm down in a puddle of spilled ale, and the mead was a far cry from the brews back home. Still, it would have to do. Despite curious looks from the barkeep, the stranger didn't engage the man, but continued scanning the room.

"There," he thought, as he spotted the large round table, nearly empty except for a dwarf, a man, and two elves. The occupants of the table were carefully studying each other and fidgeting uncomfortably as they attempted to start a conversation. It was obvious that they had just met. Wiping the heady mead from his close-cropped beard, the man stood up and tossed a small silver coin to the bartender. "Have a trencher of that venison stew brought to the round table over there and another pint of mead." Straightening his un-dyed woolen tunic & cloak, and brushing off his buckskin leggings, the man made his way to the table and sat down at the large table, not far from the other occupants, but not overly close either. As he sat, the low talking at the table ceased as they turned to inspect the newcomer. Leaning back in his chair with arms folded, he gave a lop-sided grin that looked out of place on his face, but which he hoped made him appear friendly.

"Greetings. I am Gramm, of Dolby..."


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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:12 pm 
Elven Elder
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Sulvan of Rhun had been a spy in Sauron's pockets for many years. Though he had no personal meetings with the Dark Lord, he had spoken to his lieutennaant, the Mouth of Sauron on many occasions. On this very occasion, the Mouth had been unable to speak to hinm in person but had sent a Blaclk Nunmenorean by the name of Tuor the Black-hearted who asked for his service. Sulvan had been hired to infiltrate the Dwarves council, but, knowing thatt the dwarves were none too partial with the Men of Rhun decided, he'd disguise himself as a ranger named Albaron, and through this disguise had learned that many enemies of Sauron were to mewet a Dwarf called Hrofgar in the Red Menace. Deciding not to abandon his disguise so early, so as to learn more about the plot, he entered the bar,declaring himself to be Albaran the Ranger who had come to speak to Hrofgar. The wheezy barman told him, "Why sir, he's at that table over there," Sulvan, pulled his hood down low over his face to disguise his sallow Rhunish skin and approached the table which was already ocupied by several men, elves and dwarves. Suspicion met his gaze immediatly at Sulvan's hidden features, but spoke in a voice allmost undistinguishable from a Westron tongue said; "I am Albaron the Ranger, I seek council with Hrofgar and have been sent here by Arathorn, I do not like to reveal my face for it was badly disfigured in a fire when I was just a boy, Greetings friends!" and inside Sulvan was swarming with well-disguised loathing...

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:49 pm 
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Just as the "ranger" had taken his place at the table the door directly behind Dwalvyn swung open, and out poured three heavily armoured dwarf warriors, most likely members of the merchant guards known as the "iron guard", each of them took a stern position a few feet from the tables edge, then a short, and particularly fat dwarf lumbered in. He was dressed very well, covered in red silk robes which concealed a loose chain shirt, it was clear that even in retirement Hrothgar was always ready for a fight, hence the "concealed" knife which swayed under his robes.

"Greetings friends!" Exclaimed the dwarf in a hearty voice, his entrance had not stirred great interest from the party, they had been kept waiting far too long to be glad to see the podgy fellow.
"I apologize for my lack of promptness, I've been watching each of you through the window in my quarters" he pointed to the window in the door he entered from "Watch and Wait i always say, it's not a particularly brilliant saying, but it has served me well my whole life." At this point a barmaid approached the table with a steaming pot of stew, once it was on the table the dwarf inhaled deeply "Hmm venison, it would appear someone has a good palate" He laughed and raised his mug to Gramm as a sign of appreciation.

"Now then, i believe you all know why you are here, your job is to warn Bilbo that the enemy is coming, and we would not like to keep our good friend waiting so you must take the fastest path possible. I would not generally advise taking passage through Mirkwood, but I see you travel with two elves, if they are good at talking the rest of you may not find yourself in the dungeons, if not, then you best bring a file!" At this point the maid placed some bowls and spoons on the table, Hrothgar instantly served himself the largest portion, before offering the pot to the rest of the companions to be. "Anyway, here is a letter addressed to Bilbo which Dain wrote himself, it has his royal seal on it so you should be able to use it to befriend any free peoples you may come across, except for elves, they don't seem to care for Dwarvish royalty" he shot a glancing stare at Cyllamdir.
"Anyway, it's about time you make some decisions: Chiefly what route to take, and who should take what role, i will meet you on the morrow at the gates of Dale, and i will bear gifts, so don't be late!" Hrothgar then rose from his chair, and approached the exit, followed by his iron guards, however upon reaching the exit one of the guards turned to him and proposed to him a question, the party were out of earshot of the conversation but Hrothgar looked concerned, but he gave in to his companions requests because it was curtly followed by the guard scurrying up to the party, removing his helmet, and exclaiming:
"Greetings i am Kaldor, son of Kaldin, i have requested to join your ranks as an escort, i was part of Balins expedition, but i was wounded en-route and had to return, as a result i know much of the way to the Shire, and have always longed to meet mr baggins!" While Kaldor's enthusiasm was refreshing, it was clear to the rest of the party that their quest would lead them to danger, no matter what route they would take....
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:46 am 
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As Kaldor sat down near to the other dwarf no one spoke. They didn't know who should or how should someone begin such a conversion.
Concered in his mind Hathol stood up...
" I am Hathol son of Helthar of Lorien. I was called here along my brother but he couldn't join me. I believe we should take the route inside of Mirkwood and then we must go to Lorien" His fellow elf smiled at him while the dwarves were looking him with a serious look.
" Then we can pass throught Moria to the other way of the mountains. With this I believe both elves and dwarves will enjoy a part of their journey and also it's a fast way to arrive at Eregion. Also it's very safe and no many trouble will keep us back from travelling." He sat back down with everyone's eyes looking him but also each other.
He waited someother to speak. Something that didn't happened long ago...

"The stars are veiled.Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice."-Legolas, The Return of the King
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:55 pm 
Elven Elder
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Unlike his earnstwhile companions, Sulvan was not yet aware of what their mission was, but now that he had the facts, a plan was already forming in his twisted mind. He waited fo Hathol to finish speaking before opening his own mouth, "Wel, I disagree on the route, I believe we should go further south of the mountains and walk around, this not only gives us humans equal rights but provides a less obvious route," (and, he thought, is less perilous for the warg pack on our trail, they might want to eat me, but I'm sure they'll come in useful). "However," he continued, "before we continue our arrangements I must go outside to pray for the Valar's protection". He knew that this would immediatly arouse suspicion, but Sulvan wanted to try something before it would be too late. Careful to ensure he was not followed, he slipped out of the bar and into his designated meting point with his own hired companion, Tom Ferny. Ferny was a small, weezy fellow who could be as silent as he wanted, but Sulvan did not expect him to succeed, "I want you to follow that fat dwarf Hrofgar, and slit his throat," he told him, but use the daggger from one of his own guard."

The pair departed from one another, and Sulvan slipped back towards the Red Menace, praying quietly to Morgoth as he slipped back into his chair.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:26 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:31 pm 
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Cylammdir listened to the dwarf. Most he said was already known to him. They had to get to the Shire, to warn Bilbo the enemy was looking for him. The next thing to decide would be wich route they would take. He silently listened when the elf on his left side told which way he wanted to go. Cyllamdir nodded soflty when the words Mirkwood and Lothlorien came to his ears, but when he heard about Moria a grimace appeared on his face. He didn't want to go through the dark mines. To be underground for days didn't seem acceptable to him. Then the man that lastly arrived took the word. For the most part Cyllamdir agreed with him. But when the man went outside after saying he had to pray to the Valar, Cyllamdir raised an eyebrow.

"I have to say I agree with him. We don't know what dwells in the darkness of Moria. It would probably be better to go around the mountains, and this route has my favour. But when all the others are against me I will accept that."

Cyllamdir knew he couldn't trust anybody except the other elf, Hathor. He looked around the table, inspecting the people around it with his icy grey eyes. His gaze lingered on the empty seat of the man who had gone outside...

The love of Arda was set in your hearts by Ilúvatar, and he does not plant to no purpose.

Last edited by Meneldil on Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:46 pm 
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"South!" exclaimed Kaldor "Why avoid the mountains when we know a perfectly safe route through them, and besides, wouldn't a ranger of the north rather pass through, well, the north?"
"I was one of Balin's expedition i'll have you know, i know the route he planned on taking, and if i forget his route, we can just follow the goblin corpses!" To this Dwavlyn let out a cheer and raised his mug "Anyway, if we go south we may pass through Rohan, the Rohirrim are distrustful of dwarves, more-so even than elves, anyway i have heard rumours of wildmen along the river isen.." Before he could finish his sentence the entrance to the Inn swung open followed by a fierce "Kaldor!" from the blood drenched dwarf who stood at the entrance.

Once everyone had turned around the body of a small, dirty fellow was thrown to to the floor of the inn by the other iron guard "He tried to kill Hrothgar, the dirty runt. He stabbed him good but Hrothgar's a tough fellow, i think he'll make it, but we'll have him taken to a healer" At this point one of the Iron guard exited the red menace while the other dragged the man up to the companions' table "Thanks to this rat, you'll have to see yourselves off tomorrow, Hrothgar is too gravely wounded. But he instructed us to give you this should something happen to him" at this point the dwarf placed a a large satchel of gold coins onto the table. "Do what you want to the assailant, we've already had our fun!" As he departed the assassin on the floor regained consciousness, and rose from the floor, revealing a face that had been recently beaten in, he moved with a limp away from the party but found he had been tied in place by Gramm.

Sulvan could tell, despite the heavily beaten face, that this man was not Tom Ferny, Ferny had a great skill for replacing himself with some poor sod in the nick of time.

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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:35 pm 
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Dwalvyn had sat mostly silently whilst everybody had arrived and said their piece. He had given a slight raise of thhe tankard or a nod to each member (even the elves), as was courteous, his ambassadorial training taking over. He stood in an authoritative manner at the last part of the night's events and began speaking.
"Before we begin our interrogation of this manling, I think we should figure out who shall take what. As a counsellor to the King under the Mountain and an occassional emissary, I proffer myself as the bearer of the written word and to be the pursekeeper for the beginning of our journey. We can ponder that as we begin our dealing with this one," he added as he pointed to the bloodied mess that had been dragged before them.

Most of the inn was staring at them by this point, having had a secret mission spoken of loudly amidst them, with a grandiose entrance, guards and a beaten man.
"Perhaps we should continue our proceedings outside," the Dwarf continued, turning to exit. As he left he began to drag the man by his boot.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:34 pm 
Elven Elder
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Sulvan watched Dwalvyn dragging the innocent wretch and then said to the rest of the group; "I am going after the dwarf, feel free to join us soon. Since he wants to take the lead for now, I will take this," he said, siezing the bag of coins, "to him, feel free to take as long as you want."

He caught up with the dwarf just outside of the inn, handed him the bag of gold, and saying, "here, guard this, I am just going on lookout, you will be able to see me from the top of that building over there," he indicated a smalish building with all its windows and doors boarded up. With that he took off, gliding swiftly across the street and climbing up, using dislodged bricks as hand and footholes. From their he spent several moments taking in the landscape, and could see, in the distance the blurry shapes of thre or four dozen white wargs approaching. Smiling, he turn around to face the dwarf, just in time to see a small weezy figure sneeking past the dwarf and round a corner. Knowing where Ferny was likely to be heading, he took a detour around Dwalvyn and the hapless victim, and did not stop until he caught up with him.

"Give me back the bag of coins," he told the man, "I know you slipped it out of that blundering dwarf's pocket." Tom reluctantly pulled out the bag from one of his many inside pockets.

"And the three coins you slipped out of it," he added, "I hope that sod is dumb or mute, or at least did not know anything about you." Ferny told that he was not a fool and that Sulvann should find that no matter how much the man was tortured, it would not matter for he was unaware of what happened to him until it was too late.

"When we leave," he told Ferny," I want you to stay close, for I will have need of your services again soon." With that Sulvan returned back to the dwarf, just before the rest of the companions rejoined them, "Here," he told the dwarf, handing the bag of gold back to him," I thought you were supposed to watch it, I caught the thief around the corner, but he was a poor boy so I let him escape back to his mother with a single coin from th bag, I hope Hrofgar does not mind." ...

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:23 pm 

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After the othes went out Turgwaith concetraded his mind on something that looked strange to him... It was the beggining of 2997 of the Third age... But what didn't stuck with the timeline... He couldn't concetrate with so much noise so he left the table and went outside... He didn't stay with the other two... Also the other ranger left soon leaving something to the early dwarf.
He suddenly thought what didn't stuck. Albaran said he was sent by Arathorn... Turgwaith had travelled many times with the rangers of the north and the chieftain of the Dunedain, Aragorn son of Arathorn... Aragorn had said him once that his father died when he was a two years old kid...
Turgwaith himself has dunedain blood in his veins being some years younger than Aragorn...
Lost in his thoughts he came back to reality when he realized that Albaran came back...
He whispered something to the dwarf and and they did something, they exchanged something...
He really didn't give attention... He watched carefully Albaron's face and saw it was pale...
He didn't know if Albaran was his name or from where he was.
But he thought ' Better not do something now as it will break us. It's better to find bt myself what's is going on and when I learn, then should I act..."
He leaned over the wall of the house opposite of the inn. Albaran and Dwalyn were talking about something that invovled gold...
" Just when the time comes..." He whispered...

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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:33 pm 
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"Well, sir, it could perhaps be that I was testing out the motives of the group. But thank you for the return and a decent gesture to the rapscallion that you mentioned. What might your name be? After all, I think it best that we acquaint ourselves within the group," Dwalvyn said in response. He wondered why none of the others had followed, nor said anything to his proclomation about being bearer of the word. Still, it didn't really matter - after all, they may simply assume that he had wanted to interrogate the man. On that thought, another arose: why didn't he have this hidden-faced man ask the questions? After all, Dwalvyn was a scholar and emissary, not a mortal intent on extracting information from others that had commited crimes.
"Thinking about it, it may be best we kept our identities hidden until this task is complete and removed. I shall let you take the lead in this investigation for it is not in my experience to do so."
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:31 am 
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While Turgwaith left outside, Hathol got up but before he could leave Kaldor asked him " Can you order me a beer?".
Hathol went to the barman and said that the dwarf over there wanted a beer. The barman asked what size...
"The biggest one..." He replied not knowing what size the dwarf wanted. He waited for the beer to be ready and then he left.
He got outside and saw from one side near the inn the other dwarf along the 'burned' ranger while on the house oppoisite of the inn stood Turgwaith.
He walked and stood ebfore the window so that eh wasn't blocking the window.
Looking into the stars and waiting for the other companions of him to get out...

"The stars are veiled.Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice."-Legolas, The Return of the King

Last edited by Legolas7 on Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:14 pm 
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Cyllamdir was still sitting next to the table inside the inn. He was deep in thought. The things had happened very fast after each other, and he wasn't sure what he should think of this. What he did know, was that all these happenings weren't a good omen. The expedition wouldn't be as easy as he previously thought.
He slowly rose from his chair, quickly looking around the inn one more time. Not much had changed. Most of the people in the Red Menace just continued with their activities, and the music didn't seem to have stopped. Few did the musicians know about the troubles he and his fellow companions were in. Was there a traitor in their midst? Hrothgar was wounded, and now they had to prepare the expedition on their own. All these things made Cyllamdir worry about the fulfillment of their task.

Slowly but firm he walked to the inn's door. As soon as he opened it, he felt the pleasant freshness of the night on his face. He took a deep breath; his hair fluttered in the wind. He walked to the other elf standing near a window and joined him.

"It is good to feel the fresh air on my face, after all that has happened inside", he said, without really looking to Hathol, like he was talking to himself.

Why was Albaron behaving so mysterious? What was behind the friendly smile of Gramm? Why was Turgwaith so silent? Could he even trust Kaldor himself?
He decided to keep his eyes open, but there were other things that needed to be done. They had to be on the road by tomorrow!

The love of Arda was set in your hearts by Ilúvatar, and he does not plant to no purpose.
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 Post subject: Re: Lotr RPG Thread
PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:37 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder
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Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:04 pm
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Sulvan listen to what Dwalvyn had to see, and though he wanted another member if the party on his side, he felt it difficult to do so with a dwarf as both his parents were killed by dwarves. When he changed his mind, Sulvan was almost relieved. He was just considering how best to interigate someone he knew did not know anything about what he was supposedly caught doing, when Turgwaith, Hathol and then Cyllamdir arrived.

Not wanting to reveal that he could be ruthless in front of the dwarf he had just pretended to be merciful to, he bent down towards the man asking him;

"Do you know who I am?" the man shook his head. "Do you know who this is, or any of these?" he said, indicating first Dwalvyn, then Turgwaith, Hathol and finally Cyllamdir. Again, the same reponse.

"What did you do to Hrofgar?" the terrified wretch moaned that he did not do anything. Sulvan eyed the man in the same way that a warg eyes a sleepy hobbit alone in the wildeness. "You liar!" he bellowed, crushing some of the man's fingers on his left hand with his fooot and drawing blood, "Who sent you?" Then, he realised what he had just done, and told the onlookers, "I do not like people who lie," he lied.

"I do not know anything," the man simpered, struggling to avoid screaming. Sulvan drew his sword, and pointed at the man, "tell me your name,"


"Do you have any family, Ruthwait?"

"No," the man lied. "before I put the wretch out of his misery, does anyone else want to try." Sulvan pulled a small vial from his pouch," one drop of this poison will kill a man, but it takes many hours and is very painful, there is only one known cure to this" Then he turned to the others.

"What do you think we should do?" Sulvan was so excited, he could only just keep it hidden...

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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