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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:10 pm 

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i also hated that not one f-ing elf survived the battle of helms deep. Really??

They are probably middle earths best warriors and about 2 thousand of them die in one battle. I can just imagine a messanger coming to lorien and galadriel says what news of the battalion we sent to helms deep. The messenger is like. "They all died." Galadriels like WTF are u saying. Now we have like no f-ing army. F**K F**K F**K. F-ing ASS*****
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:12 pm 
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hendrix2896 wrote:
a string of badly hidden expletives

Wash your mouth out! There might be children reading this.

I on the other hand did a happy-dance when they all died.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:49 pm 
Elven Warrior
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hendrix2896 wrote:
a string of badly hidden expletives

Shield your eyes, children! :o

gaarew wrote:
I on the other hand did a happy-dance when they all died.

LOL, John. You really hate those elves. :lol:

I think the reason for the death of the elves, is that it enhanced the pogiancy of their sacrifice by having them die for the future of men. I, was quite frankly disgusted by the fact that the elves were at Helm's Deep at all...

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:11 am 
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Hendrix2896 - PM sent. Inappropriate language in a family-based forum.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:33 am 
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hendrix2896 wrote:
They are probably middle earths best warriors and about 2 thousand of them die in one battle.

And plus, the elves are supposed to be dying out. There were probably barely 2k elves left in all of Middle-Earth! They don't have the strength to send that many warriors to Rohan's aide.

Mordor summons them. Vengance drives them. Hatred lends them strength. Gondor will burn.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:02 am 
Elven Warrior
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Okay, Hendrix2896, there was not two thousand elves at Helm's Deep. There were two hundred. For proof, check the popular book Lord of the Rings Weapons and Warfare. It specifically says two hundred. If there had been two thousand elves, they would have massacred every last uruk there. One volley would have killed like a thousand uruk-hai. And they had time to pull off four or five volleys before the uruk-hai even reached the walls. And, also, I agree, language is not the best thing for a forum intended for all ages.

Back on topic: I hate the end of ROTK. Honestly, it's supposed to be a tearjerker and I didn't cry, I grimaced. And then I pressed the stop button. And I've never watched it since then.

I also hate the part where Legolas single-handedly kills the mumakil....which he did HOW? With a couple of arrows in the back of the head. Honestly, he shot the cave troll through the head in Balin's Tomb and it kind of went "ugh". The mumak, on the other hand, did a belly flop.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:38 am 
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Gorb@g wrote:
I think the worst part is when gandalf holds of the balrog, i mean, a goofy old man grinning at you and shouting "YOUY CANNOT PASS!!"
Also, the hobbits is kinda annoying, i mean, the way frodo and sam look at each other, and at the end of FotR when pippin and merry hides under a tree TOGETHER and says "hey, come and hide here, its safer (blink blink)" :o

What are you talking about? I see nothing wrong with those scenes at all. Gandalf holding off the balrog was one of my favorite scenes, and how is merry and pippin telling Frodo to hide gay at all?

The thing that [word deleted] me off was all the scenes with Legolas. Nearly every scene he has to do some out of this world stunt and it got worse and worse through the series. Jumping onto a horse in full gallop? Skating down the stairs on the shield WHILE shooting uruk hai with his bow?! Then The climbing up a mumakil and then sliding off its trunk?!?!?! :shock:
and what is with Aragorn breaking into song at his crowning? (that scene would have been good if it wasn't for that.)

and I would have rather had aragorn come with the gondorians rather than the army off the dead, but i understand that Peter Jackson didn't really have a choice. Though i think FotR is my favorite of all the movies.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:51 am 
Elven Warrior
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Anduril Flame wrote:
Back on topic: I hate the end of ROTK. Honestly, it's supposed to be a tearjerker and I didn't cry, I grimaced. And then I pressed the stop button. And I've never watched it since then.

Agreed. The first time I watched it I thought it would end after Frodo and Sam destroyed the ring, but was surprised (in a bad way) to see there was still 30min left, which is basically Frodo and Bilbo going to the Undying Lands, and blablabla... nearly put me to sleep :roll:

Hmm... what would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:54 pm 
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But that is how the trilogy reads. After the ring is destroyed, there is chapter after chapter on rescuing the Shire then finally sailing off into the sunset.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:01 pm 

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Visually i thought the films looked amazing. The Balrog looked better than i had imagined him to. I thought Minas Tirith was stunning. The armour, weapons and all the props were perfect. I don't mind at all that they changed some roles around (eg Arwen and Glorfindel) I can see why they did it, there's alot of characters to introduce.

For me it's the timing of the film they got wrong, which i guess is down to editing. Two scenes immediately spring to mind;

- The first is the weathertop scene, up until Frodo puts the ring on i like it. Once the ring is on and the Nazgûl are shown as Twilight Wraiths the film slows down. The Witch King shows us his best side, does a twirl. Fair enough they want to show off the CGI, but these Nazgûl have been searching for the ring, that's why they exist, it's all they do. They are fast and ruthless, and surely they know their prey is physically weak.

- The second is when the fellowship is fleeing from the Balrog, and they go down those stairs and spend a long time leaping a gap, Gimli does that "Nobody tosses a dwarf" line. When i first saw that in the cinema everyone laughed. I remember thinking "that's removed any tension the film had trying to escape this big demon. What's the Balrog doing? waiting for them to cross over?" Yes you could argue the Balrog is taking another route, but for me it ruined a tense and dramatic escape scene.

But saying that, i did enjoy the films overall. Hopefully the Hobbit will be great :-D
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