GreatKhanArtist wrote:
I made it to my sort-of local GW this weekend to pick up the new boxed set. (I failed my will save against the power of the plastics.) They had the new set out and assembled and base coated. The rule books were there to be examined by curious pastry pilfering hobbit fingers. However, aside from the books, all that was available was the cardboard display sets. It was conveniently located next to the register.
I popped in to get some paints a while back, and it happened to be during a 40K release (Kill Team, I think) and you would've been grateful to have had Balin's ear horn. You could hardly move around the place. This weekend, almost no one was there. Interestingly, the new Age of Sigmar stuff was all fully painted, as was the 40K stuff, but our table sat woefully undercoated. C'mon guys, the Dead of Dunharrow are as easy to paint as the AoS undead.
The staff (only one guy), didn't seem overly interested in pushing the game. A few customers came in and looked at the display and boxed set. The commented they would buy it, but didn't know if anyone would play. I said *I* play and want more opponents. One said he thought the game was dead, and wondered about it. I dutifully explained our golden age, dark age and resurgence. I emphasized that the fan base is what kept the game going for five long, dark years and that much of what we had created got officially adapted.
Really, there is much to be loved by MESG by other players. In fact, much of the recent rules for our system have been adapted, especially for 40k. Like Kill Team? I know you do. We have a rules set that lets you field a "kill team" of miniatures that gain experience and lets you slowly build up a force that can later become an army for the main game. Like skirmish games? Yeah, 40K has a version of that now, they call it "Cities of Death" or something. We have been skirmishing since 2002. And yes, we field massive armies from time to time. No, we don't have tanks and planes, but our monsters are pretty darn fun. Come to the dark side, we have cookies.
If I have to push the game harder than the staff do, will our resurgence be as short-lived as a troll in the sun (they turn into raisins, you know)? What do you think? What have you experienced?
My local Gamers Gambit is starting it, and they are fairly crowded. Many Warhammer fans, I know me and a friend would go, possibly another, and others expressed interest and knowledge of the game... It is alive on the East Coast of the USA.