The One Ring

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Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Dunedain

Chief hugh and I finished the first 2 scenarios from the fotr journey book. For those who don't know, these scenarios feature the ringwraiths sneaking into the shire, and the dunedain trying to stop them. I am a big fan of the dunedain minis. I think they look way cool, they're heroes, and they are cheap to field. They really surprised me. Now I'm a big fan of the dunedain profile! They aren't super powerful, but for what you get (pointwise) i didn't feel short handed at all.

Author:  J.R. [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dunedain

Didn't celevue made a nice report with accompanying beautifull photography, of those scenarios ? They sound like great fun.
I only have rangers of the north, are they the same profile only with armour on ?
It would be nice if you post some pics of your Dunedain, or do you simple want to discuss their awesomeness :)

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dunedain

Sure, i can post some pics. Yeah, another board member is going thru the scenarios as well. Chief hugh and I decided not to post our scenario battles so as not to conflict with the ongoing campaign.

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