JamesR wrote:
I always put my best effort into every piece. I take pride in the quality of each piece, I game all the time but I enjoy all aspects of the hobby
I do but years of abuse to my body has given me shaky hands. Not to mention the fact that Im super impatient. I love painting them my way....but when they turn out to be half of what I expected, it really hurts my motivation to paint in the future. Thats why like 90+% of my collection is unpainted and like 50% is unprimed.
Anyway, to further answer the topic, Ill say this. This is what I bought yesterday. The circumstances are slightly different as the products in question were mostly conversions, but I think nobody would have a problem with the paint jobs either! I got this from a local guy who does commissioned work, and is a friend of mine from a tournament I went to in Chicago. Hes a great guy, and does amazing work......
Anyone who'd have issue with buy his stuff at a decent price, is insane.....check it out:



3 reasons I showed these:
1-Because Im like a kid in a candy store with these models....just needed to get that out of the way.
2-This type of paint job nobody should have issues with adding to their collection. Its phenomenal. No way could I have every painted the Watcher or Fell beast so nicely, and I know it. Plus, the time it takes, for a piece Id use a few times....Id spend more time working on it then using it.
3-There are plenty of reasons to buy painted stuff to add another point of view to this instead of 'do you want to paint yourself' and 'how bad is the community painting on ebay'.
The other side is, sometimes, like in the case of these conversions, the paint job is great, and also, they have something unique. Personally, my morannons look NOTHING like his, but Id field them in the same army, because they are rag tag orc punks anyway. And those conversions/paint jobs add some variety to the army. Thats all.