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 Post subject: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:23 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Buying this thing was a mistake.

There, I said it. I was entranced with the idea of a new Radagast figure, the fifteen heroes, and a horde of what I imagined to be a host of "unarmoured" goblins. With scenery, what's more.

I hadn't seen the film yet when I ordered it. It arrived late. When I got it, I fished the dice and the rulebook out and left the rest put away.

I had an idea though: paint up this and various other dregs of my collection for another project. So, I've been painting lots of little mutant goblin things. Today, I cut the Great Goblin from his sprue, vaguely hoping to make use of the break in the weather to undercoat it and the throne.

All was going well until I started looking online for pictures of the throne and then realised...

The throne is a toilet. With included, uh, droppings. And isn't there a gag rule about the goblin on the crane throwing said droppings? (On top of the dumb toilet joke in the second film). So now I have a massive weird toilet thing hanging around. I presume I could make it less, uh, loo like, but its still a weird looking and utterly silly piece of plastic.

Grumpy now :)

Dreaming of getting back to painting...any month now.
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:01 pm 
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There are plenty of things I think PJ has mucked up this time around. Those Goblins are hideous, and not just in the way one would expect of a Goblin. I sliced and shaved off most of the festering boils from mine because I simply didn't like that. I also didn't paint them with a soft, fleshy human skintone because I didn't like that aspect either. As for the toilet throne, I just didn't paint that at all.

We're kind of over a barrel though, as that's the only place to get a full Company. Thorin and Company are far, far superior to the old plastic Fellowship from MoM.

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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:06 pm 
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a toilet? man your kiddin me lol. I've not even looked at the throne yet.

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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:16 pm 
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This could easily turn into a what I don't like about the Hobbit Film Thread. In this particular case, the goblins are made to be extremely disgusting (throwbacks to Bad Taste, Peter Jacksons Early film). At the same time you have Peter rushing it, very unsure of what he wants so he is filming everything then writing the script in the editing chair then re-filming what he missed in Pick ups. This is apparent all over these two films so far.
In the Goblin Town scene alone you have a Goblin King that needs to be told that "dwarves" are who came into his domain (they are standing right there in front of him) and then not a moment later he recognizes Thorin like they are old friends. And of course not a single Goblin can do a single wound to anyone, they just die by the hordes... but you have a scribe going to tell the pale orc that the Dwarves are with the GK, but Azog is already outside the mountain tracking them and so the scribe went where? (scribe is also a toilet). Also the entire guess who I am thinking of, pale orc, old enemy of yours, white warg, defiling days are done... never does the GK acknowledge that Azog is the one he is talking about yet we all know who it was cause he is already shown in the film several times, that was just ridiculous. The Goblin King also has some magical way to travel way ahead of thorins party to cut them off, yet the small goblins didn't know how to do this to cut off escape? The entire scene is flawed without even talking about the fights, the running, swinging, and falling of the whole ridiculous thing.
That said, I want to get more of the goblins to convert, but obviously they are not a popular look. The throne looks very cool when put together and you would be hard pressed to see it as a toilet. So I would say the Goblin Town set has exactly what the Hobbit film represents and is good if you like those elements, if not, it comes appropriately with a toilet to flush it and the film. I am actually considering buying another set and selling all but the goblins so that I can help out people who don't want them to get the party while I get the gobs I need to convert.

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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:46 pm 
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Sithious wrote:
That said, I want to get more of the goblins to convert, but obviously they are not a popular look. I am actually considering buying another set and selling all but the goblins so that I can help out people who don't want them to get the party while I get the gobs I need to convert.

Can't wait to see these conversions. I loved the paint work you did on these. I think you posted them on TLA

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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:21 pm 

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Personally I think this set is excellent value for money. Lots of figures and the new rule book. Happy days!
I hope the next box set is equally as good.
At the end of the day you can't please everyone but if the majority like it I think that's a job well done! :-D
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:30 pm 
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Dwarfendale wrote:
Personally I think this set is excellent value for money. Lots of figures and the new rule book. Happy days!
I hope the next box set is equally as good.
At the end of the day you can't please everyone but if the majority like it I think that's a job well done! :-D

It's only a deal if it's all figures you want. If I hadn't gotten them in the set, I probably would not have bought them. I got it because of Thorin and Company.

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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:34 pm 
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I was pretty ticked off about the toilet as well, but I painted it gold and silver to make it look like a little treasure bucket under the throne. X
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:30 am 
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:? I am the only one who likes the movie goblins, huh? Actually I love the goblins in the movie. But the GW figures don't look like them. They look more disgusting and ugly than in the movie. (And I like the throne toilet :roll: )
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:41 am 
Elven Warrior
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I like the goblin models more than I do the goblins in the film personally. I don't think goblins should have human skin tone, so I painted mine accordingly.

The Goblin Throne is a pretty awesome piece of plastic IMO, and generally I think the set is excellent value, regardless of whether you want the models or not- I don't eat pizza, but if I knew of a pizza restaurant which sold gourmet pizzas at £5 a head it'd be foolish to deny that it was a bargain, whether I'm going to partake or not.

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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:05 pm 
Elven Warrior
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heh. good responses.

the irony, of course is that while the Goblins are ugly, look nothing like every other Goblin I've had* and are mildly offensive to look at, they are also lovingly sculpted, dynamically posed and full of character.

It's just not a character I much like. :)

They paint up nicely using the Goblin Town paint set, and they'll all get good use in the project I'm working on. The throne, on the other hand, I have no idea. I'll probably paint it, eventually. Do something with the damn thing.

On the last lap of Goblin painting and the lady friend wants to paint the Great Goblin, which should be amusing at least. And then onwards to the Dwarves. With a small diversion towards some scenery.

Dreaming of getting back to painting...any month now.
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:31 pm 
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FWIW, you can often find Thorin & Co. on bitz sites for a fraction of what it would cost to buy the whole boxed set. I agree that the boxed set is a bargain compared to what those models normally cost, but I didn't want anything to do with the goblins, and the scenery, while nice, isn't worth the cost to me. So, if like me, you only wanted Thorin & Co., then I would see if you can get them second-hand.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:56 am 
Elven Warrior
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The toilet throne was kinda funny.

My old WIP thread -
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:33 am 
Elven Warrior
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Think about it though.... Would there really be M/F toilet cubicles down there? I think it was a good idea to have the toilet throne, shows how dpraved and disgusting they are. Also the pale flesh would kinda suit as they spend their time in the dark tunnels and caverns so dont get much sunlight to top their tans up!!!
This is all! lol
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 Post subject: Re: In which I vent about the Escape from Goblin Town set.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:32 am 
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aelfwine wrote:
Buying this thing was a mistake.

There, I said it. I was entranced with the idea of a new Radagast figure, the fifteen heroes, and a horde of what I imagined to be a host of "unarmoured" goblins. With scenery, what's more.

I hadn't seen the film yet when I ordered it. It arrived late. When I got it, I fished the dice and the rulebook out and left the rest put away.

I had an idea though: paint up this and various other dregs of my collection for another project. So, I've been painting lots of little mutant goblin things. Today, I cut the Great Goblin from his sprue, vaguely hoping to make use of the break in the weather to undercoat it and the throne.

All was going well until I started looking online for pictures of the throne and then realised...

The throne is a toilet. With included, uh, droppings. And isn't there a gag rule about the goblin on the crane throwing said droppings? (On top of the dumb toilet joke in the second film). So now I have a massive weird toilet thing hanging around. I presume I could make it less, uh, loo like, but its still a weird looking and utterly silly piece of plastic.

Grumpy now :)

I know this topic is old, but I cant help but comment....

This starter set is amazing. I cant believe you complain about the toilet. Its funny for a laugh. I was trying to figure out what it was for quite a while then it dawned on me and I had a chuckle.

But thats not at all what this is about!!!

The terrain is nice, and even if you dont want it, sell it, like I did.....

Thorins WHOLE company, a new Gandalf, Bilbo, and Radagast with Sebastian....theyre all lovely. Then you have the Goblin King, a fantastic and brutally good gaming piece. And the Goblins themselves are a tough army. You also get a scribe....really interesting piece.....and you get the captain, and named hero.....

You already have two starting armies, with tons of cool abilities, and you get like 60 units for retail $120 but on ebay around 85-90!!

Its a wonderful set, nice scenarios, great much included. This is one thing I did not regret buying retail at all......even after I saw it for 30-40 off on ebay lolol.

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