Sithious wrote:
Don't know why I am dreaming, still have not seen Smaug nor Bolg...I can wait on scenery.
Bolg was a CGI creation and a fairly last minute change, if they are making a new model then it'll come out around August like Azog and the young dwarfs did last year and Sauron, the Fell Beast and the Mumak did back in the day. In other words, the digital/CGI stuff that GW don't have concept art for always comes out towards the end of the summer.
As for Smaug, who knows? The above would certainly apply to him too but if they are doing a model they might well now be waiting for the third film to give the game a huge first-wave release.
As for scenery, I doubt there'll now be anything until the third film and even then I wouldn't expect too much. To be honest, looking at the price of the Goblin Town kit part of me's glad they didn't release a Laketown set as, whilst it would look amazing, it would probably be prohibitiivley expensive to get a board's worth.
We can but wait, I'm really enjoying painting the Hobbit range at the moment, I'll keep buying and painting as long as they send me new toys, whatever they may be

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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