The One Ring

Old Cotton's Farm
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Author:  DaveT [ Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Old Cotton's Farm

My Scouring of the Shire (2019) play-through continues with Old Cotton's Farm. Now with (extremely limited, but maybe still kinda fun) animation!


Author:  Mapper [ Wed Jan 29, 2020 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Cotton's Farm

Nice write up as usual, I did enjoy Farmer Cotton "running"!

I would like to see your complete collection of hobbits in one shot, it is complete now?

Author:  DaveT [ Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Cotton's Farm

Thanks, Mapper!

Below is my hobbit army. Fellowship unarmed hobbits are in front, armed hobbits are behind (note two armed Sams, one based for Shelob). Heroes are behind them, then Militia (left) and Shirriffs (right) and archers in the back.

Some of the Fellowship models are over fifteen years old at this point. I'm still not a great painter but the recent ones heroes (e.g. Gaffer) do look better overall so at least there's some improvement. You can see that I wasn't very good at color matching where a model has multiple sculpts, either. I may go back and fix that sometime.

The collection's not quite complete yet; I still have to paint Rosie Cotton, Bullroarer Took and a few miscellaneous poses of the Fellowship hobbits. But nearly there!


(If you're really keen, you can open the image in a new tab to see it full size; evidently the bulletin board software restricts the size.)

Author:  Mapper [ Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Cotton's Farm

Samwise in front - conversion from sword to skillet? Nicely done. Great looking hobbit army! Thanks for the picture!

Author:  Kuribo [ Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Cotton's Farm

I agree with Mapper, this is another excellent report, Dave! It is also neat seeing your army of hobbits. They are definitely something to be proud of. Off the top of my head, I'd say you've only got a couple of scenarios left to play, including Battle of Bywater. Is that correct? It has been awesome watching you playing through all of these scenarios. I am working on terrain to play my first one of the bunch so hopefully in about a month's time, I'll be contributing some reports again. Either way, keep the reports coming as they're very motivating!

Author:  DaveT [ Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Cotton's Farm

Thanks, Kuribo! I appreciate the encouragement.

You're right that I'm nearly done. Just Bywater (ready to go) and Burning of Woody End (needing yet another hobbit hole). But I want to do the three "bonus" non-Scouring Shire scenarios, too.

The question is then what next? Fortunately I've got some time to figure that out.

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