The One Ring

Movie influenced Fall of the Necromancer Campaign?
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Author:  polywags [ Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Movie influenced Fall of the Necromancer Campaign?

Hey all!

After a bit of hiatus of hobbying during my last year of college, I am back! And I've always wanted to play through a campaign and The Fall of the Necromancer has always been a favorite of mine. I've been collecting for a bit now and I am getting close to having the models to play through it but I am interested in modifying it a little by adding in some of the new Hobbit range models, Beorn, Mirkwood elves, rivendell knights, ect.

I am concerned that by changing the forces up I will undermine or imbalance the scenarios. I know that they always include the points as to using alternative forces but I feel like the models chosen really impact how the scenarios play out.

So I am wondering if anyone has done this before, or done similar changes to other campaigns and if so what were your experiences, problems, or success?

I'll post some more when I start writing it and hopefully some reps if I ever to get to play it out!

Cheers all, hope to hear from you,

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