The One Ring

Dwarves vs. Easterlings (600 Points) - Sieze the Plunder
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Author:  Chris GoM [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Dwarves vs. Easterlings (600 Points) - Sieze the Plunder

Just a quick battle report done today

A Dwarf collapsed, an arrow in his neck, uttering strangled noises, with an Easterling being slain in return. Gimli growled; some of the goods had been taken by the enemy, although they’d managed to secure two. “Barak Khâzad!” yelled Balin, and the Dwarves crashed into the Easterling line. Balin and Gimli quickly sought out the enemy leaders, each engaging a Captain. ... sieze.html

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