The One Ring

New Lord of the Rings Campaign!
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Author:  Jacob [ Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  New Lord of the Rings Campaign!

Hey guys,
I used to play Lorrd of the Rings sbg religiously until a few years ago when my older brother had to go to uni, but this summer we recently picked it up again and it's awsome!
To cut a long story short, I created a campaign for us to play. It's not visually stunning and it's taylored to our models but it really is fun with the right people!
It also breaths a bit of new life into the sbg, such as creating heroes. The story is ok, but it's really just a means of getting between the scenarios which really are good!
It wouldn't let me attatch a PDF here at the forum so the file is host here: -it's free and safe, it's a PDF file.
Test it out with your friends or at your gaming clubs and let me know what you think!
Can't wait to see what kind of heroes you make, looking forward to battle reports, feedback and general goodness!
Thanks guys!

Author:  Eorltheyoung [ Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Lord of the Rings Campaign!

Very nice! Thank you!

Author:  Jacob [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Lord of the Rings Campaign!

Hey this things had over 200 downloads now (from this post and another off another site) but still no feedback!
Has anybody actually played it!?

Author:  TheEggman [ Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Lord of the Rings Campaign!

I think it's quite good. Some of the special rules seem absurdly overpowered though. +1 might and everybody in 3” counts as fight value 9 or +1 might and everybody in 3” get plus one dice to wound are two examples. Also, the map of Helm's Deep is quite off. My keep is 3' wide, and I wonder if it is too small! The rules for the battering ram are pretty good, but most players will use the Siege Rules. Other than that, I really like it. I'll probably use the Helm's Deep scenario myself when I finish my Helm's Deep. thanks for posting this!

Author:  GoldBandOfBlackGrace [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Lord of the Rings Campaign!

Very nice! loved the first one! Always wondered how they got the son of the Steward to Rivendell!

Author:  Jacob [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Lord of the Rings Campaign!

Haha thanks very much! Third mission was my favourite when you get there!

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