The One Ring

1000 points of uruk-hai against 1000 points of gondor.
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Author:  joris267 [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  1000 points of uruk-hai against 1000 points of gondor.

I played a match last saturday and I'm planning on making a battle report. anybody got any tips?

I'll post the army lists now so you can guess who won:

me playing isengard:

2 uruk-hai cap. with sh & ha...............120

12 uruk-hai with sh............................120
14 uruk-hai with pi.............................140
10 uruk-hai with xbow........................110
4 berserkers.......................................60
9 orcs with sh......................................54
10 orcs with spear...............................60
10 orcs with orc bow............................60


2 feral uruk-hai....................................39

shadow lord on horse..........................120

total 1000 points 77 units, 11 orc bow & 11 xbow, 10 might and pal of dorknes

him playing gondor:

1 captain of Minas Tirith with hr, la & sh..............70

7 wariors of Minas Tirith with sh..........................56
7 wariors of Minas Tirith with sp &sh ...................63
22 knights of Minas Tirith with sh.......................308
16 Cidatel Guard with longbow .........................160

total 1017 points, 55 units, 7 might +1 a turn, 16 longbow 1 elfbow & lots of horses

aragorn with anduril, armour & horse.................265
legolas with armour............................................95

Author:  gaarew [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 points of uruk-hai against 1000 points of gondor.

joris267 wrote:
I played a match last saturday and I'm planning on making a battle report. anybody got any tips?

List the armies used, scenario, points values, any special/house rules in use, provided plenty of photos, table set up before deployment, after deployment, pics of both armies is nice, setailed description of what happened each turn in a narrative style as opposed to play-by-play list. More pics. Another pic or two.

Also, pictures of the actual gamers. We all need a laugh every now and then.


Author:  joris267 [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

don't want to see the army's we both didn't have al the models so he played mixec rohan and gondor and my orcs were dwarfs :oops:.
oh and I almos forget to mention that I made the gaming table when I was about 11/12 so pics wouldn't be so spectaculair.

but I post them anyway :D.
with wich program sould I make the maps?

Author:  Darren-5-08 [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

i think the gondor player won...

Author:  joris267 [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

and wat makes you think so :twisted:

Author:  Darren-5-08 [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

LOADS of cavalry. legolas expert shot. aragorn + anduril. isengard force doesn't have heroes of the same calibre. also 16 elf bows...

Author:  joris267 [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

making a battle report is much more work then expected :evil:

here are our starting positions.


see now that I forgot 6 CG and the vertical edge is also 100cm.

to be continued

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yay a battle report! :D I tried to make one of these in a week and I'm still doing it lol, nice use of 'Paint' I see, can't wait to see photos and text :P

Author:  Sauron630 [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

i agree wit darren gondor had a massive calavry force along with aragorn and legolas as two mighty heroes and the acurry of the elf bows and legolas' accuracy u just didnt hav enuff heroes and troops to fight that

Author:  joris267 [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

part two of my battle report, part three will be uploaded this evening or tomorow.

the units that are dead are white.

TURN 1-3

in the first three turns nothing really exiting happens, the peskey Citade Guard volleyd at my advancing Xbow man killing three and wounding Vraskû twice buth becouse god had other plans with Vraskû, he was saved (fate).
once the Citadel Guard came into range my Xbom men shot but they didn't roll very well so they only managed to free the earth form 3 of them.
meanwhile my orcs moved forward while killing one Knight of Minas Tirith (wich shall be mine very soon by the way ;) ) and one soldier of Minas Tirith. with volley fire.
further I moved 2 Uruk-Hai forward to slow the enemy down once they would attack.
I also shielded the Shadow lord with some berserkers.

becouse the archery didn't really went well for me I decided to attack with my uruk-hai on the right flank.
he decided to attack on the left flank advanding first with his foot soldiers and once the figthing had begun he would move forward with his cavalry.
but then in shoot phace things changed. I maneged to kill 4 Citadel Guard and 3 soldiers of Minas Tirith. (two with shield and one spear).
while the Shadow Lord shielded my soldiers with his pale of darknes, none was killed.

everybody still sticking with Gondor?:lol:

to be continued

Author:  Darren-5-08 [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeap, still sticking with gondor - aragorn ... wounds on a 4+ ;)

Author:  Gorb@g [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the shadoe lord is a nasty punch :twisted:
I think evil wins ( xbows OWN longbows :P )
I see forward to the next part :D

Author:  General Haar [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gorb@g wrote:
I think evil wins ( xbows OWN longbows :P )

In a shooting match against each other, they're even. Hit on 4, wound on 5.
They both have strengths and weaknesses.
Crossbows are S4, no moving and shooting or volley.
Longbows are S3, but you may volley fire and move/shoot with them.

Seeing as how I don't know either of the generals, I'm not sure. They both have a lot of points invested in heroes, and overall, Good has better quality heroes, though 4 S5 captains is nothing to sneeze at. My guess is that the Shadowlord pretty much neutralizes Aragorn with Transfix and/or compel, and the Uruk captains rip through the WoMT. Evil has more might than good, and unless priority really kicked him in the face, they will be able to get the charge on some knights. Plus, the knights only have an average fight value, and while the lances are nice, they probably won't win too many fights, due to lack of numbers, might, and fight value.

That, or the Shadowlord drains Aragorn's courage down and breaks the low-numbered force, then watches him run away. Well, maybe not, but that's one of my favorite things to do.

Also, I view Anduril as a waste of points. Yes, wounding on a 4+ is lovely, but what in this list don't you wound on a 5+ already? The two unnamed captains and the Shadowlord? Is 75 points really worth that little extra bit? You can almost purchase Gimli for that!

Author:  Gorb@g [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

When comes the rest of it?

Author:  Natarn [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm interested to see how this turns out. At the moment I'm going for a Gondor victory. Legolas is a pain in the archery butt with his three shots and Aragorn will surely be able to take out many of the Uruks on his own.

You don't seem to have got many Uruks for your money. Orcs (imo) are a waste of points as are additional heroes. You've got a higher total of troops than the Gondor army but I wonder if you need more.

Crossbows are good if used well.

I'm surprised that you only had 14 pikes! That seems a stunningly low number considering the amount of points you had. Pikes are great, allowing at least three attacks! Try using more next time. They can be powerful against cavalry and could have done you a load of favours.

I've not used the Shadow Lord (actually I don't even know who that is - so excuse my ignorance!) In my last game I used the Witch King tooled up with all his powers and, with my rotten luck, he was useless!

Because of possible poor performance from costly heroes, I try to use only a basic hero and then increase the bulk of my force with swords and pikes (mainly the latter). A far larger force means that it takes far longer to break the army because the Uruk's defence is pretty good. Uruk courage isn't great and they often run like crazy once broken.

Author:  joris267 [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I completely forgot I had a thread here, here comes an update:

he was winning the shoot-out but then the Shadowlord decided it was enough and completely hid them from enemy fire. My x bow man decided it was time to strike and killed 6 CG in two turns.
it was about at this point that Gonder realized that they couldn't win a shoot-out so they had to advance.

he moved his horses on his right flank and the warriors on his left side forwards killing one of my scouts :shock:
with shooting die one x-bowman and one horse of gondor. and 2 supporting warriors of gondor get pickked by orc archery.

TURNS 9-10-11
the orcs on my left flank supported by pikes completely obliterate the man of Gondor and on the right flank are my Uruks making short work the Knights but unles there little brothers they don't stay unbeaten, one with shield one pike and one feral drop death.

Author:  Natarn [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Shadow Lord

Who is the Shadow Lord and what are his powers? :?

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:56 am ]
Post subject: 

He's a ringwraith GW decided to name. Going from memory he costs 10 points more than a normal wraith, but has the same effect as Gandalf's Blinding Light and has 14 will. I think he has one less courage than the average wraith though.

Author:  Natarn [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Jack.

Author:  Corsair [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Lord

Natarn Ulka wrote:
Who is the Shadow Lord and what are his powers? :?

heres a link to the shadow lord on the GW site. ... GameStyle=

Nate, I can't beleive you didn't know who the SL was. :lol:

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