The One Ring |
Great Resource for Painting Schemes for LOTR |
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Author: | ja33 [ Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:41 pm ] |
Post subject: | Great Resource for Painting Schemes for LOTR |
Hi all - I just wanted to share something that I have found to be really useful. As someone who is somewhat 'new' to the hobby - at least compared to some of the long timers here - I've struggled at times with deciding on painting schemes for different models, both heroes and foot soldiers alike. I've tried to stay true to the movie color schemes as much as possible, but even in attempting to do that, I've had trouble determining proper colors, from shades of green to use on cloaks to making proper choices of metallic paints for armor, to painting larger models like horses or Trolls... However....what I stumbled across recently has already begun to greatly help solve these issues for me - and I'm sure some of you will have already guessed to what I'm referring to - but I'm speaking of the LOTR Journey Books. I was able to purchase both the Fellowship of the Ring Journey Book and the Return of the King Journey Book, and these two books are both just absolutely FILLED with painting guides for dozens of different models. Page after page of color schemes for cloaks, armor, faces, belts, tunics, etc The RotK book alone has painting guides for 45 different Heroes or Troop types ! The list is endless: Rohan (Riders & Royal Guard), Minas Tirith, all of the Fiefdoms including Forlong & Angbor, Ringwraiths, Fellbeasts, Trolls, all of Mordor, Serpent Riders & Guards, Rangers, Eagles, etc., etc. Now I do believe that these books are OOP, but I would really recommend to all 'newer' players who are struggling with paint schemes to go out and try to find these books, especially the RotK version, and purchase them either on eBay or Amazon or anywhere you can find them. They've been an enormous help to me already, and I've got many, many more pages bookmarked for future painting sessions ! I understand that this may be 'old news' to some of our long time members, but I wanted to share it with our newer members in hopes of helping some of them along with their painting Cheers |
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