The One Ring |
[*] The Tower of Cirith Ungol - by SamGamgee |
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Author: | The One Ring Community [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | [*] The Tower of Cirith Ungol - by SamGamgee |
Category: Scenarios Article Type: Scenario Article Title: The Tower of Cirith Ungol Author: SamGamgee Article Description: Frodo has been captured by Orcs and imprisoned within the tower of Cirith Ungol. Samwise has vowed to enter the Orc-infested tower, alone, to save his beloved master Frodo. As he stands before the gate, he can hear the sounds of battle from within... >>Read Full Article |
Author: | the director [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:52 pm ] |
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great article, can't wait to play it against a few of my mates |
Author: | Dorthonion [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:02 pm ] |
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A neatly constructed scenario. I might spice it up with more stairs (for orcs/uruks to fall down) and the Frying Pan weapons-option for Sam. |
Author: | Ragnos [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:11 pm ] |
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Very nice article, will play it with my friends when I get the chance. |
Author: | SamGamgee [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:24 pm ] |
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Thanks for the comments guys. Dorth - as far as the stairs go, I was aiming to create a scenario folks could play without needing to build a whole set of terrain first! If you have the terrain (or want to build it) for a higher flying scenario, then buy all means go for it! ![]() As for the frying pan, he used that in Moria - in Cirith Ungol he had Sting, which is far better! (cuz it glows n stuff) |
Author: | the director [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:26 pm ] |
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Well I played the scenario with a friend and it is fair to say i kicked his ****. in the first scenario my Uruks out rolled the orcs to win only losing 2 with no might will or fate gone. the last kill was made as we surrounded the final orc and killed him, this ment for the next scenario sam had to kill a lot of Uruks and they were all very close together. It is fair to say The ring will not make it to the cracks of mount doom, we had a laugh playing it, especially when sam won his first combat but then managed to roll snake eyes. |
Author: | BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:17 pm ] |
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Well thought out and I am looking forward to playing it some time soon...keep up the great work! ![]() |
Author: | valpas [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:46 am ] |
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A great scenario! I have yet to play it, but it tempts me to get some Mordor Uruks. It's always refreshing to see a scenario that is not a pitched battle camouflaged in some random events, but instead has original and clever special rules and lets the playing skills have effect on the outcome. Nice work. -- Pasi |
Author: | SamGamgee [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:25 pm ] |
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the director: Sounds like you had a lot of fun, and it also sounds like the scenario worked out for you exactly as designed - your Uruks won the day due to excellent tactics and dice rolls, leaving quite a few alive to take defend the tower, so poor Sam didn't stand much of a chance! Try it a few more times and I'm sure you'll see different results depending on the outcome of the first battle. One of my playtest games resulted in only Shagrat and two other Uruks left standing, and they were slightly strung out. Sam snuck around in the smoke and confusion, killing both Uruks before Shagrat was able to get to him. The poor captain of Cirith Ungol had used up all of his Might in the previous battle, and his single point of Fate wasn't enough to protect him from the wrath of Sam! ![]() BilboOTWT: Thanks - let us know how it goes. I love to hear stories about battles fought using my scenarios (like the one the director posted). valpas - Thanks for the kind words. I tried very hard to make this scenario fun, playable and true to the story while avoiding the classic "you have these guys and they fight these other guys and whoever slaughters the other guy wins and gets to brag about it" scenario with careful thought to the outcome of one fight determining the difficulty of the next. Oh, and thank you very much for being my proofreader - the scenario is just that much better for being clarified by a second set of eyes! |
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