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 Post subject: List of all MESBG Releases by date since new edition
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:35 am 
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Upcoming confirmed releases:

- Armies of Middle-earth
- New Matched Play Guide



Upcoming new releases
- Hera, Daughter of Helm (Foot & Mounted)
- Bolg (Foot & Mounted)
- Prince Imrahil (Foot & Mounted)


Here is a list of the stuff that will likely be released at some point (based on the current rulebooks):

- Braga, Captain of the Guard (profile found in Armies of the Hobbit)
- Gundabad Catapult Troll (profile found in Armies of the Hobbit)

Lord of the Rings
- Beechbone (profile found in Armies of the Lord of the Rings)
- Corsair Ballista (profile found in Armies of the Lord of the Rings)
- Rhûnish War Drake (profile found in Defense of the North, previous edition but could resurface in Armies of Middle-earth)

War of the Rohirrim
- Olwyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan (Foot & Mounted)
- Lief, Page of Helm (Foot & Mounted)
- Fréaláf, First Marshal of the Riddermark (Foot & Mounted)
- Wild Man / Hill Tribes Chieftain (with Light shield / Two-handed weapon option)


Previous book releases
Middle-earth SBG Rules Manual (Dec 2024)
Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Dec 2024)
Armies of the Hobbit (Dec 2024)


Previous scenery releases


Previous misc releases
War of the Rohirrim Box Set (Dec 2024)


Previous new miniature releases
- Warriors of Rohan (new sculpts, Dec 2024)
- Hill Tribesmen (Dec 2024)
- Helm Hammerhand, Wraith of the Hornburg (Dec 2024)
- Freca, Lord of the West March (Dec 2024)
- Lord Thorne of the Wold (Dec 2024)
- Buhrdur, Hill Troll Chieftain (Dec 2024)
- Hill Trolls of Angmar (Dec 2024)

- Haleth & Hama, Princes of Rohan (Jan 2025)
- Héra, The Bride of Death (Jan 2025)
- Wulf & General Targg (Jan 2025)
- Shank & Wrot, Orc Scavengers (Jan 2025)

Previous re-releases
Dec 2024:
- Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains (now with 60 mm base)
- Osgiliath Ruined City of Gondor (6x Ruins, 3x Mansions, 1x Gondor Tower)

Jan 2025:
- Rohan House
- Rohan Watchtower & Palisades
- Rohan Stronghold (2x Watchtower & Palisades, 6x House)
- Tom, Bill and Bert (with new 80 mm base for the campfire)
- The Watcher in the Water (with new 130 mm base)
- The Goblin King & Retinue (with new 60 mm base for the Goblin Scribe)
- Cave Troll (with new 50 mm base)
- Gundabad Orc Warband (with Gundabad Orc Captain now included)
- Isengard Assault Balista (with new 105 mm oval base for the Ballista)
- Uruk-hai Demolition Team (with 25 mm bases for the bombs)
- Morannon Orc Commanders (now without Shaman option)
- Mordor War Catapult (with new 120 mm oval base for the Catapult)
- Mordor Orc Commanders (now without Shaman option)
- Gorbag and Shagrat (now without Shagrat with Shield option)
- Iron Hills Dwarf Ballista (now with 100 mm base for the Ballista)
- Bard, Hero of Lake-town (now with 55 mm base for the Windlance)
- Thranduil, King of Mirkwood (now without Horse option)
- Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet (now with 120 mm oval base for the Trebuchet)
- Rohan Commanders (now without Huntsman)
- Minas Tirith Commanders (now without King's Champion)
- Lorien Elf Commanders
- Haldir, Galadhrim Captain
- Galadriel and Celeborn (now with 40 mm base for the Mirror)

Feb 2025:
- Birchseed, the Ent (previously known as Quickbeam)

Previous Made-to-orders


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Last edited by Voyager360 on Sun Mar 09, 2025 12:57 am, edited 65 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:26 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:51 pm
Posts: 213
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Previous 2018 - 2024 edition releases:

Event / Warhammer World Exclusive
- The Ringbearers (Isildur, Gollum, Frodo, Young Bilbo, Old Bilbo in clear resin), previously available as Made-To-Order
- Bilbo Baggins (exclusive Hobbit version), previously available as Made-To-Order

Previous book releases
Middle-earth SBG Rules Manual (Sep 2018)
Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Sep 2018)
Armies of the Hobbit (Nov 2018)

Gondor at War (Feb 2019)
Battle Companies (Apr 2019)
Scouring of the Shire (July 2019)
War in Rohan (Dec 2019)

Matched Play Guide (Jan 2020)
Best of White Dwarf (Aug 2020)
Quest of the Ringbearer (Sep 2020)

Fall of the Necromancer (Oct 2021)

Defense in the North (May 2022)
Middle-earth SBG Rules Manual (Updated) (Dec 2022)

Rise of Angmar (September 2024)

Previous scenery releases

Rohan Watchtower & Palisades (Dec 2019)
Rohan House (Dec 2019)

Mines of Moria Terrain (Sep 2020)
Hobbit Hole Terrain July 2020; Forge World)

Ruins of Dol Guldur Terrain (Oct 2021)
Amon Hen Terrain Kit (Dec 2021; Forge World)

Gondor Terrain: Mansion (April 2023)
Gondor Terrain: Tower (April 2023)
Gondor Terrain: Ruins (April 2023)
Amon Hen Fallen Head Statue (May 2023; Forge World)

Previous misc releases
Mordor Dice Set (Sep 2018)
Rohan Dice Set (Sep 2018)
One Ring Dice Set (Sep 2018)
Battle of Pelennor Fields Box Set (Sep 2018)
Gandalf the White Dice Set (Nov 2018)

The Three Hunters Dice Set (Feb 2019)
General Accessories Pack (Feb 2019)
Dead of Dunharrow Dice Set (Oct 2019)
Profile Cards (Oct 2019)
Magical Powers Card Pack (Oct 2019)
Isengard Dice Set (Dec 2019)

Profile Cards (Feb 2020; re-release)

Fangorn Dice Set (March 2021)
Dark Powers of Dol Guldur Dice Set (Oct 2021)
Angmar Dice Set (Oct 2021)
Balin's Tomb Board Game (Dec 2021)

Easterling Dice Set (May 2022)
Rivendell Dice Set (Sep 2022)
Garrison of Dale Dice Set (Sep 2022)
Rohan Battlehost (Sep 2022)
Mordor Battlehost (Sep 2022)
Isengard Battlehost (Sep 2022)
Minas Tirith Battlehost (Sep 2022)
Battle of Osgiliath Starter Set (Dec 2022)
Rohan Dice Set (slightly altered; Dec 2022)
Isengard Dice Set (slightly altered; Dec 2022)
Gondor Dice Set (Dec 2022)
Mordor Dice Set (black; Dec 2022)

Hunt for the Arkenstone Board Game (Sep 2024)

Previous new miniature releases
Théoden Foot and Mounted (Sep 2018)
Foot Knights of Dol Amroth (Sep 2018; Forge World)
Guritz & Gothmog's Enforcer (Oct 2018; Forge World)
Wardens of Gondor (Nov 2018; Forge World)
Gandalf the White and Pippin (Nov 2018)
Denethor & Irolas (Dec 2018; Forge World)

Azog & Thorin (Jan 2019; Forge World)
The Three Hunters (Feb 2019)
Goroth and Zagdûsh (Feb 2019; Forge World)
Elfhelm Foot and Mounted (March 2019; Forge World)
Raza and Delgamar (March 2019; Forge World)
Dernhelm (Eowyn & Merry) (Apr 2019)
Deorwine Foot & Mounted (June 2019; Forge World)
Will Whitfoot & Baldo Tulpenny (Aug 2019; Forge World)
Ruffian Leaders (Aug 2019; Forge World)
Holfoot Bracegirdle & Robin Smallfoot (Sep 2019; Forge World)
King of the Dead with Heralds of the Dead (Oct 2019)
Farmer Cotton & Folco Boffin (Oct 2019; Forge World)
Lotho Sackville-Baggins & Ted Sandyman (Oct 2019; Forge World)
Haleth & Aldor (Nov 2019; Forge World)
Saruman & Grima (Dec 2019)
Rosie Cotton & Gaffer Gamgee (Dec 2019; Forge World)

Heroes of Dunland (Jan 2020; Forge World)
Dunlending Huscarls (Jan 2020; Forge World)
Dunlending Horseman (Jan 2020; Forge World)
Helm Hammerhand (Feb 2020; Forge World)
Ghrisnakh & Snaga (Feb 2020; Forge World)
Crebain (March 2020; Forge World)
Eomer Foot and Mounted (Aug 2020)
Keeper of the Dungeons (Aug 2020; Forge World)
Anborn & Mablung (Sep 2020; Forge World)
Barliman, Harry Goatleaf and Bill the Pony (Oct 2020; Forge World)
Gundabad War Bats (Nov 2020; Forge World)

Easterling Acolytes (March 2021; Forge World)
Treebeard with Merry & Pippin (March 2021)
Quickbeam (March 2021; Forge World)
Thorin Stonehelm and Old Dain (April 2021; Forge World)
King Brand & Bard II of Dale (Aug 2021; Forge World)
Knights of Dale (Aug 2021; Forge World)
Witch-King of Angmar Foot & Mounted (Oct 2021)

Razgûsh and Muzgúr (Jan 2022; Forge World)
Rutabi and Brórgîr the Conjurer (March 2022; Forge World)
Easterling Black Dragons (May 2022; Forge World)
Easterling Dragon Emperor (May 2022; Forge World)
Dale Commanders (May 2022; Forge World)
Dale Windlance with Crew (May 2022; Forge World)
Grimbeorn (June 2022; Forge World)
Beornings (June 2022; Forge World)
Glorfindel (Aug 2022; Forge World)
Rumil & Orophin (Aug 2022; Forge World)
Guards of the Fountain Court (with Banner option) (Aug 2022; Forge World)

Faramir, Madril and Damrod, Rangers of Ithilien (March 2023)
Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron (March 2023)

Warriors of Carn Dûm (Sep 2024; Expert kit)
Aldrac & Fráecht, Heroes of Carn Dûm (Sep 2024; Expert kit)
Aranarth & Argadir, Heroes of Arnor (Sep 2024; Expert kit)
Werewolves of Angmar (Sep 2024; Expert kit)
Knights of Arnor (Sep 2024; Expert kit)
Eärnur, the Last King of Gondor (Sep 2024; Expert kit)
Nazthak and the Shadow of Rhudaur, Heroes of Angmar (Sep 2024; Expert kit)

Previous miniature re-releases
Lurtz with Shield (Oct 2018)
Glorfindel Armored on Foot (Oct 2018)
Dain and Mablung (Oct 2018)
Haldir (Oct 2018)
Elladan Foot and Mounted (Oct 2018)
Elrohir Foot and Mounted (Oct 2018)
Legolas & Tauriel (Oct 2018)
Faramir and Damrod (Oct 2018)
Citadel Guard with Spears (Oct 2018)
Citadel Guard with Bows (Oct 2018)
More ??? (Oct 2018)
Galadriel & Celeborn (nov 2018)
Khandish Horsemen (nov 2018)
Arathorn & Halbarad (nov 2018)
Warriors of Arnor (nov 2018)
Arnor Command (nov 2018)
King Arvedui & Malbeth the Seer (nov 2018)
Serpent Riders (nov 2018)
Forlong & Angbor (nov 2018)
Serpent guard (nov 2018)
Mahud king foot and mounted (nov 2018)
Mahud warriors with blowpipes (nov 2018)
Corsair arbalesters (nov 2018)
Dalamyr fleetmaster of umbar (nov 2018)
Duinhir (nov 2018)
Khandish king in chariot (nov 2018)
Elendil and Isildur (nov 2018)
Numenorean bowman (nov 2018)
Numenorean spearmen (nov 2018)
Durburz (nov 2018)
Mahud warriors (nov 2018)
Mauhur (nov 2018)
Elrond & Gil-galad (nov 2018)
Corsair bosun and captain (nov 2018)
Groblog, King of the Deeps (nov 2018)

Axemen of Lossarnach & Clansmen of Lamedon (Feb 2019)
Flói Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria (Feb 2019)
Cirion & Beregond (Sep 2019)
Angbor, Forlong and Duinhir (Sep 2019)
Citadel Guards (Sep 2019)
Named Nazgûl in packs of 3 (Oct 2019)
Glorfindel & Erestor (Oct 2019)
Elladan Foot & Mounted (Oct 2019)
Elrohir Foot & Mounted (Oct 2019)
Elrond & Lindir (Oct 2019)
Fimbul & Narzgu (Oct 2019)
More ??? (Oct 2019)
Feral Uruk-hai (Dec 2019)
Gamling with Royal Standard (Dec 2019)
More ???

Champions of Erebor (Feb 2020)
Boromir Captain of the White Tower (Feb 2020)
Bard with Bow & Windlance (Feb 2020)
Orc Shaman Foot & Mounted (Feb 2020)
Mordor Uruk-hai (Feb 2020)
Gorbag & Shagrat 3-pack (Feb 2020)

Frodo/Sam/Gollum at Mt Doom (Jan 2021)
Haldir with blade and bow (Jan 2021)
Gildor Inglorion and Glorfindel (foot and mounted) (Jan 2021)
Three mounted Black Riders (Jan 2021)
Dead Marsh Spectres (Jan 2021)
Barrow-wrights (Jan 2021)
Lorien Elf Commanders (Oct 2021)
Galadhrim Elf Commanders (Oct 2021)
Wood Elf Sentinels (Oct 2021)
Thrain the Broken & Gandalf the Grey (Oct 2021)
Vanquishers of the Necromancer (Oct 2021)
The Spider Queen (Oct 2021)
Spiders of Middle-earth (Oct 2021)
Castellans of Dol Guldur (Oct 2021)

- Lake-town Captains (Militia and Regular) (May 2022)
- Captains of Erebor (Erebor Dwarf and Grim Hammer) (May 2022)
- Khazâd Guard (all 8 poses) (May 2022)
- Ashrâk & Drûzhag (May 2022)
- Dragon (May 2022)
- Durbûrz & Grôblog (May 2022)
- Moria Blackshield Warband (Captain, Shaman, Drummers, 6 with Shield, 6 with Spear) (May 2022)
- 6 Moria Goblin Prowlers (May 2022)
- Warg Marauder (May 2022)
- Easterling Mounted Commanders (War Priest and Dragon Knight) (May 2022)
- Ruins of Middle-earth (September 2022)
- Blackroot Vale Commanders (October 2022)
- Boromir Mounted (Fellowship version)(October 2022)
- Elendil & Isildur + Isildur Mounted (October 2022)
- Haradrim King Foot & Mounted (October 2022)
- Mahûd King Foot & Mounted (October 2022)
- Mahûd Raiders (October 2022)
- Mahûd Warriors Warband (October 2022)

- King of the Dead with Heralds (in translucent plastic)
- Army of the Dead Warriors (in translucent plastic)

- Kings of Men
- Lords of the Dunedain (Arathorn and Halbard with and without banner)
- King Arvedui & Malbeth the Seer
- Círdan & Erestor
- Gûlavhar, the Terror or Arnor
- Dúnedain of the North (6-pack)
- Rangers of the North (6-pack)
- Shade of Angmar
- Warriors of Arnor Warband (12 warriors + 1 Captain & Banner-bearer)

Previous Made-to-orders

- The Breaking of the Fellowship Box Set
- Cirdan the Shipwright
- Faramir Mounted on Horse (Blue armoured shield version)
- Rangers of the North (Grey Company version)
- Halbarad with Banner of Arwen and Horn (newer version)
- Galadhrim Warriors with Bow (metal)
- Galadhrim Warriors with Sword (metal)
- Kardûsh the Firecaller
- Morgul Stalkers

- Gandalf the Grey and Bilbo Baggins with Sting
- Goblin King Throwing Goblin
- Mordor Orc Bowmen
- Mordor Orc Warriors
- Armoured Moria Goblins
- Dwarf Kings
- Kings of Men
- Twilight Ringwraiths
- Death of Gothmog Diorama
- The Lord of the Rings Casualties

30-08-2019 (on Forge-World)
- Defenders of Lake-town (new poses of Legolas, Tauriel and Bard the Bowman)

- Bilbo Baggins (exclusive Hobbit version), now available exclusively at Warhammer World

- The Ringbearers (Isildur, Gollum, Frodo, Young Bilbo, Old Bilbo in clear resin)

- Théoden Unarmoured on Horse (Warg Attack)
- Gamling without Banner on Horse
- Legolas Mounted
- Uruk-hai with Battering Ram
- Metal Ent
- Gimli on Dead Uruk
- Metal Galadhrim Warriors with Swords (Helm's Deep)
- Metal Galadhrim Warriors with Bows (Helm's Deep)

- Breaking of the Fellowship box set
- Arwen with Frodo Mounted
- Elladan & Elrohir Unarmoured
- Sam & Frodo in Orc Armour
- Múrin & Drár
- Galadriel, Protectress of Lorién
- Cirdan
- Witch-King on Horse (Fellowship of the Ring version)
- Cave-Troll with Spear
- Cave-Troll with Hammer
- Mordor Orc Captains

- Thranduil, the Elvenking
- Mirkwood Elf Captains
- The White Council
- Kardûsh the Firecaller
- Twilight Ringwraiths

- Thorin's Company (alternate poses)
- Bilbo Baggins (exclusive Hobbit version)

- Haldir's Elves with Swords
- Haldir's Elves with Bows
- Lorien Elf Bowmen
- Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlorien
- Captain of Dale
- Easterling Warriors Warband
- Moria Goblin Shaman
- Armoured Goblin Warriors

- Attack at Weathertop
- Escape from Orthanc
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Battle at Khazad-Dûm
- Ambush at Amon Hen

- Gandalf the Grey
- Final Fate of the Witch-King Diorama
- (Old) Bilbo Baggins

- The Ringbearers (Invisible, clear resin) [Forge World]

- Théoden, King of Rohan (Unarmoured mounted version)
- Heroes of Helm's Deep
- Gamling, Captain of Rohan (Mounted version without Banner)
- Uruk-hai Battering Ram
- Gimli on Dead Uruk-hai
- Warg Riders (3 Metal Mounted Warg Riders)
- Gandalf the White (Foot and Mounted, Helm's Deep version)
- Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee and Gollum in Ithilien
- Ringwratih on Fell Beast (Metal)
- Rangers of Ithilien

- Halbarad (Banner and horn)
- The Grey Company
- Elladan and Elrohir (Unarmoured)
- Kings of Men
- The Witch-king of Angmar on Fell Beast (Metal)
- Mordor Orc Captains (Metal)
- Mordor Orc Warriors (Metal)
- Mordor Orc Bowmen (Metal)
- Cave Troll with Chain and Hammer (Metal)
- Cave Troll with Chain and Spear (Metal)

- Heroes of Helm's Deep
- Defenders of Rohan
- Théoden, King of Rohan Mounted (Unarmoured mounted version)
- Gamling, Captain of Rohan (Mounted version without Banner)
- Eomer Mounted (Pelennor Field version)
- Rohan Commanders (on foot): 1 Captain (with axe and shield) + 1 Banner Bearer

- 6 Warriors of the Dead
- Minas Tirith Command (2 versions)
- Gandalf the White as he appeared at Minas Tirith
- Heroes of the West
- Frodo and Sam in Orc Armour
- Mordor Troll
- Mordor Orc Captains
- 14-strong Warband of Easterling Warriors
- The Fall of the Witch-king set featuring Éowyn, Merriadoc Brandybuck, and the Witch-king of Angmar

For scenario and campaign playthroughs, visit

Last edited by Voyager360 on Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:02 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:59 pm
Posts: 91
Nice, I was hoping on some of those re-release for a long time.
Where did you find the info about those re-releases? I've not seen it on the warhammer community page (or I've not read al the posts...?)
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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:35 pm 
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Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:51 pm
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It's not on the Warhammer Community page unfortunately... They showed this at the seminar where they also revealed the Scouring of the Shire stuff that did get a mention on the community website. There are photo's of the re-releases in a display cabinet at that seminar in the GBHL Facebook group (if you search for 'Radagast', you'll find the post with pictures). I wasn't there but I've read the same thing being confirmed by multiple people and there wouldn't be a reason to show off those out of stock models if they weren't going to get re-released soonish.

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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:10 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Any word on Hobbit-era minis being rereleased? I've been waiting ages for Bard the Bowman with bow.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock." -Will Rogers
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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:41 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Nice that you gathered them. Thank you!

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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:42 am 

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Pre-orders are up - ... 3206404541

Little less than we thought but picked up a couple I missed first time round.

Was it just me or was the drake released in metal originally?
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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:35 am 
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GreatKhanArtist wrote:
Any word on Hobbit-era minis being rereleased? I've been waiting ages for Bard the Bowman with bow.

Only that they'll be re-released eventually.

This1s4Frodo wrote:
Pre-orders are up - ... 3206404541

Little less than we thought but picked up a couple I missed first time round.

Yeah, though if you look at the remaining confirmed upcoming releases they are all Scouring of the Shire themed, so I guess it makes sense for them to release them later. My wallet doesn't mind the wait. :oops:

This1s4Frodo wrote:
Was it just me or was the drake released in metal originally?

Originally, yes. But then it was converted to Finecast at some point (at a higher price) and that's the one that now sees the re-release.

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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 4:34 am 

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So order arrived and the lords of umbar pack contains 2 metal figures and a fine cast model!

Gutted, only ordered the thing for the two metal assassins.

:sad: :roll:
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 Post subject: Re: Upcoming MESBG Releases
PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 9:15 am 
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Updated and now contains a list of all releases by month since the new edition. If you spot any mistakes or omissions, please let me know!

For scenario and campaign playthroughs, visit
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 Post subject: Re: List of all MESBG Releases by date since new edition
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:54 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:39 pm
Posts: 15
Thank you.

Wasn’t the Balin’s Tomb Board Game released in Dec 2021 vice 2020?

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 Post subject: Re: List of all MESBG Releases by date since new edition
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:09 am 
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Thank you, that is correct!

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 Post subject: Re: List of all MESBG Releases by date since new edition
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 7:54 pm 
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Nice work. This is useful info to many so I've stickied it to the top.

You don't have to be great to start. But you do have to start to be great.
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 Post subject: Re: List of all MESBG Releases by date since new edition
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2022 1:08 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:37 pm
Posts: 25
This is an awesome list thanks man. May be worth adding the Rhunish War Drake to your list of "might be released"
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 Post subject: Re: List of all MESBG Releases by date since new edition
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:50 pm 
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I've updated the list for the new 2024 edition. Every release for the previous 2018 edition can be found in the post below it. :)

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