Carloway wrote:
Thanks for the advice, going to pick up Erkenbrand for the cav, and then grimbold and Eowyn.
Sorry but what do you mean that riders already have bows? Is that just how they come? I presume that counts towards the 33% bow limit. Do throwing spears count towards the 33%?
Riders of Rohan have a special rule: they are not counted towards the bow limits. That means that if you have 30 units, 20 of whom are Riders of Rohan, the bowlimit is calculated on the remaining 10 units. Basically, you can have all the RIders of Rohan you want and you only have to pay attention to the limit when fielding Rohan Outriders or Rohan Warriors with Bow.
So, in the example above where you have 20 Riders of Rohan out of 30 models, only 3 other models can be equipped with bow. (33% of 10)
The reason is that, since the bow on the riders is mandatory equipment, doing otherwise would have made playing an All-Cavalry Rohan impossible.
Throwing weapons do not count towards the limit.