Greetings, One Ring Community! Most of you probably know that we've begun a new series of Painting Challenges over in the WIP forum. Well, the time has come to select the winner of the December Challenge. These are not the typical painting competition because votes should be based not just on painting skill, but also for merit, including creativity, application of painting techniques, artist improvement, etc. There are Gold Coins on the line, so vote for those who you think are most deserving. The poll will remain open for 7 days.
I now present, for your viewing pleasure, the finished miniatures! (Further photos can be found in the
Challenge Thread)
KJNecromancer's Saruman the White
Anduril Blade of King's Círdan the Shipwright
Blue Dragon's Elrond of Rivendell
BaruKhazad's Gandalf the Grey
aqan's Gandalf the Grey
Erunion's Gandalf the Grey
SonOfArathorn's Gandalf the Grey
valpas's Gandalf the Grey
eBob's Gandalf the Grey
Farmer Maggot's Gandalf the Grey
Click Here!
BrentS's Gandalf the Grey on Shadowfax
Samoht's Saruman the White
Do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly
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