The One Ring

Amy's WIP - Blood Angels (Updated 13/2/15)
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Author:  Amy [ Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Amy's WIP - Blood Angels (Updated 13/2/15)

Hi everyone, some of you may have been following my new adventure into painting over in my WIP thread for the Hobbit. I loved the new Wood Elf release so much and the new Durthu model really caught my eye.

Here is a photo of my current progress, I am aiming to go for a winter theme with a view to building a winter themed wood elf collection. So therefore I opted to go for a cold blue for the soft wood. Looking at possibly using either snow or creating ice for the base, but thinking of going with the fire on his sword and in his runes to contrast with the cold. Comments and criticisms welcomed! :)


Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP

This is great Amy, looking forward to seeing more soon! Earlier this month I also bought the new Treeman, I'll probably build the Ancient option with the staff, so can't wait to see how your Durthu progresses! I might even steal a few ideas... :E

I drifted away from Wood Elves about three years ago but leaped right back in as soon as I saw the new releases. I stripped my old Wood Elves (approx. 30 Glade Guard, 8 Glade Riders and 12 Dryads) and am currently repainting them in a much better standard. WH Wood Elves can be an incredibly rewarding army to paint and collect, as I've realised once again after my three year absence, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. I'm looking forward to seeing how your Durthu turns out!

Author:  Amy [ Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP

Wise Old Elf wrote:
This is great Amy, looking forward to seeing more soon! Earlier this month I also bought the new Treeman, I'll probably build the Ancient option with the staff, so can't wait to see how your Durthu progresses! I might even steal a few ideas... :E

I drifted away from Wood Elves about three years ago but leaped right back in as soon as I saw the new releases. I stripped my old Wood Elves (approx. 30 Glade Guard, 8 Glade Riders and 12 Dryads) and am currently repainting them in a much better standard. WH Wood Elves can be an incredibly rewarding army to paint and collect, as I've realised once again after my three year absence, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. I'm looking forward to seeing how your Durthu turns out!

Thank you! I've only recently got into Warhammer via my boyfriend so the new releases were the first things I've really seen of Fantasy. To be honest they sparked my interest in Fantasy, as I was mainly learning to paint using the Hobbit models.

It's a challenge but I'm really enjoying painting him, I think the model looks awesome! I also really like the Treeman Ancient too, so I think when I can afford it I may get another one and convert it up, I really like how people have merged the staff and sword into two. I wanted to do something like that for this one but as it's my first ever Warhammer model I just decided to go basic for now, but will try and spice things up a little with the theme :)

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP

Sounds like a plan! I'm in the same situation... druelling over the new Wild Riders in my local GW window every day on my way to work. :oops:

Also, I don't know how long have you been painting on the whole, but I thought I'd share my knowledge of painting WH Wood Elves with you. While older miniatures, I would strongly recommend a box or two of the Glade Guard as they are quite rewarding to paint and are very versatile as well, literally no two of my thirty or so Glade Guard have the same pose. To paint, I have six foresty colour palettes and paint each Glade Guard component differently (cloak/tunic/skirt/trousers/etc.) so there are probably about twelve different colour schemes in my Glade Guard overall. Using various GW greens, browns and yellows I've devised six palettes (see below). Just another idea as well, rather than buying foliage for the Treeman, use a lightly crushed up mixture of dried herbs. I find oregano, parsley, basil and thyme work the best, it gives a variety of leaf shapes and colours that look fantastic on bases, much better than any shop-bought terrain thingamajigs.

Dark Green
Base = Caliban Green
Wash = Nuln Oil
Layer = Caliban Green
Edge Highlight = Caliban Green + Loren Forest (1:1)

Moss Green
Base = Castellan Green
Wash = Nuln Oil
Layer = Castellan Green
Highlight = Castellan Green + Ogryn Camo (3:1)
Edge Highlight = Castellan Green + Ogryn Camo (1:1)

Leaf Green
Base = Waaagh! Flesh
Layer = Warpstone Glow
Highlight = Warpstone Glow + Moot Green (3:1)
Edge Highlight = Warpstone Glow + Moot Green (1:1)

Pale Green
Base = Loren Forest
Wash = Athonian Camoshade
Layer = Loren Forest
Highlight = Loren Forest + Nurgling Green (1:1)
Edge Highlight = Nurgling Green

Base = XV-88
Wash = Dryad Bark
Layer = XV-88 + Balor Brown (1:1)
Highlight = XV-88 + Karak Stone (1:1)
Edge Highlight = XV-88 + Ushabti Bone (1:1)

Dark Brown
Base = Dryad Bark
Layer = Dryad Bark + Gorthor Brown (1:1)
Edge Highlight = Gorthor Brown

Author:  Amy [ Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP

Thank you for all your tips, they're very useful! :)

Author:  Amy [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP

Here's a photo of today's progress, mostly done just need to do the runes, bit of tidying up and of course the base! :)


Author:  Amy [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

Here are the finished photos of my very first ever Warhammer model, the Wood Elves Durthu. I thoroughly enjoyed painting him, as a beginner I feel it really helped me to develop my skills and I also learnt a few new things too. As part of the winter theme I'm going for, I wanted to create a base of ice, and if you look closely the ice is cracking around his foot, either due to his sheer size or the heat coming from him! What do you think? :)







Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

Loving the end result! Great work on the glow effect of the runes, eyes and blade, that's something I've yet to master.

Author:  Amy [ Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

Thank you very much!
Yes I'm very happy with the way he turned out, especially the effect of the glow too :)

Author:  edge67 [ Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

Wow. That is spectacular. The glow effect on the sword and under the bark is first class. :yay: :yay: I like the base too - that works really well.

I think you can safely say you have moved on from being a beginner!

Author:  Amy [ Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

edge67 wrote:
Wow. That is spectacular. The glow effect on the sword and under the bark is first class. :yay: :yay: I like the base too - that works really well.

I think you can safely say you have moved on from being a beginner!

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the comments! :)

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

Do I detect an airbrush being used on the sword ?
If not then that blending is world class

Author:  Dezartfox [ Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

Gandlaf the Grey wrote:
Do I detect an airbrush being used on the sword ?
If not then that blending is world class

It's a mix of airbrush and brush work, my airbrush isn't precise enough (£12 cheapo brush for base coats basically) to get a really good gradient so the technique involves some glazes.

Author:  Amy [ Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Wood Elves Durthu WIP

Hi guys, I've not been on the forum recently, mostly as I have been busy and also not really painting much LOTR stuff. However, recently I have been working on the 40k Stormclaw boxset. My half is the Space Wolves. Having never painted any 40k models before these were an eye-opener! They took me forever to put together, not as simple as LOTR/Hobbit models, no! However, painting them has been super fun and I feel it has really improved my skills too! Here are some finished photos, so far I have done the Terminators and the special character Krom Dragongaze. I am currently working my way through the Blood Claws, and then I will do the last unit of Grey Hunters. Any comments/criticisms are greatly appreciated! :)











And then here is Krom. For this guy I did a different method on his cloak starting from a darker Khorne Red as opposed to Mephiston for the Terminator captain's cloak. I feel like this had better results! I also tried some OSL on him too.






Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Stormclaw Space Wolves WIP

Good heavens chuck, you are developing really well.
The darker red cloak, the face on the guy with the beard, the OSL, the battle damage to the armour and do I detect NMM ?
Overall standard is high and for development areas, look at the sword on the first one, some research here to help you progress.
Facially the tones are excellent and if you got the eyes right your figures would start to leap out.
Likewise the last one didn't have his teeth done.
Careful with the flicked white paint, I see what your aiming for but it goes too high up the cloak.
Small areas of detail make things pop and you are truly heading there, just keep at it.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Stormclaw Space Wolves WIP

Space Wolves have always been my favourite Space Marines from a purely fluff point of view (and maybe because I am fond of dogs, wolves, canines in general). Very nicely painted!
However, the treeman thingy is at least 2 classes above that in sheer oomph factor (even with the high heels!). That is a real eye-magnet. I think that is the best we have seen yet.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Stormclaw Space Wolves WIP

Check the sword on this thread to give you some ideas. ... post742906

Author:  Amy [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Stormclaw Space Wolves WIP

Thanks both!

And Gandlaf, thank you for your comments and tips. When you say the last guys teeth aren't done, did you mean the last photo? As all of them have had their teeth painted, so not sure which you mean, may be the photo. Also, I'm not sure what you were referring to with the sword. I was going for a frozen/frosted effect on it, and so it doesn't have any metal on it.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Stormclaw Space Wolves WIP

Ok I will take a couple on the chin ;)
I didn't realise about the sword, nice effect and yes it's the last photo and I accept the photo hasn't captured the painting.

Author:  Amy [ Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amy's Warhammer WIP - Stormclaw Space Wolves WIP

And here are some finished photos of the Blood Claws from the Stormclaw set! Just the Grey Hunters to go and I will have finished my half of the set! :)













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