The One Ring

[P] Vote for July Challenge "The Forces of Good"
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Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  [P] Vote for July Challenge "The Forces of Good"

Time to pick your winner. Here are the entrants.

Sorry to put this here but please note. From the August painting challenge submitting pictures via attachment is no longer an eligible option. It simply takes up far too much of my time to sort out the voting thread. Use an image hosting site such as Photobucket or Imageshack. Any problems feel free to PM me.



Gandlaf the Grey


Coenus Scaldingus










Aule the Valar































MWL Rambo






Dr Grant









Blue Dragon




Author:  AulĂ«, the Valar [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Dezartfox's Bilbo Baggins all the way... Incredible!!

Author:  halauas [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

So many incredible entries this month! Really hard to pick :(

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

My word, how many entries, and how many are so good ?
Is one vote enough ?

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Went with Bill Ferny this month. The concept appealed to me, and he was able to pull it off pretty well. Very nice blending. As usual some real nice entries. The source lighting on sting is great, and the shimmer effect on the Thranduil cloak both caught my eye. Freehand on that high elf deserves a mention too.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Can we have a limit on the number of entries please? Say, the first.. 2 to enter a completed model or so. At least flipping a coin is still possible when unable to decide then; now, even a D20 won't do the trick...

Author:  John [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Power of will got myvote. Can't stop looking at it. Well done everyone!

Author:  cal585 [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Ugh, that first photo of my Isildur wasn't supposed to be included. It was more of a proof photo until I could get the others up as it looks awful.

My vote went to Blue Dragon's Gandalf. Really enjoying the white robes which I always struggled with. Almost went Froggy's Haldir just because of the face which is amazing (and lovely base and cloak).

Author:  Grungehog [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

what happened to my entry?

Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Had to vote for Power of Will's entry.

1. It was an elven entry, haha

2. His progression these past couple of years, especially NMM, has been stupendous.

Well done man.

Author:  rumtap [ Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

wow, so many models, so so many...

Well seeing everyone took so much time to paint and enter I thought I would list my top five this month rather than just mention who got my vote.

5 for me was PowerOfWill's elf. Awesome paint job and will most likely be the number one choice of a lot of voters.

4 is Frogmorton's Haldir. I really like the way it all comes together.

3 is GuitarheroAndy's Galadrim Court Guard. Another elf that blends together beautifully, great colour choice

2 is BlueDragons Gandalf the white. White is not an easy colour to work with and this entry shows up so much of the character of the white wizard. lovely work.

but my vote this month went to.... Coenus Scaldingus' Lobelia. I really like the paint work on her face and the shading on her. Really shows her for the fierce little hobbit she is. And a nice simple base full of hobbiton flowers. well done.

Author:  J.R. [ Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Whoaw :shock: so good, I can see almost everybody has vacation time!
They are al so well done! Since I got married, :-D I did'nt have time to paint, but being on vacation, I'll do my part in giving feedback with what i like and a humble tip here and there :wink:

DwarfWarriors Mirkwood Ranger

I Like the dark colours you used, you did a very good job with his eyes. And i love the base! I don't know if it's hard to do it, but I always struggle with it. It could be the photo, but I would like a bit more layers on his face, although his eyes are great, the face seems somewhat to lack in shadows.
Gandlaf the Greys Thorin Oakenshield
A simple WHOW! Very well done, love the dynamic pose, and his excellent paint job. Also the setting with the fire is very well done. If I where able to make this and improve it, I would give it a darker tone, especially the base, since for me this pose belongs in a hard and terrible battle, where bright green grass would not grow.. :wink:
Coenus Scaldingus' Lobelia
My favorite! The contrast of the old little lady surrounded with flowers, and a face that screams, bring back my cake ! LOVE it and got my vote!
BillFerny333's Galadriel
Very nice! I always disliked the 'green' galadriels and you made a wonderfull combi of her white dress and a magic blue/green twist. That is here in powerfull action!
Jdizzy001's Goldberry
A very nice model! I love how you painted the tiny flame and her hair. She looks very bright and good, like the river daughter she is! Maybey its the photo but I would like some more shading on herr dress.
GuitarHeroAndy's Guard of the Galadhrim Court
A pretty conversion, I always thought shields would look very good on the guards, as I understand you made it a High elf guard ? Anyways I love Him, the bluewhite silver colours give him the look that an actual caras galadhon guard would have, according to the book discription, and the freehand :yay:
Aule the Valar's Faramir
A nicely done Faramir! You did a good job on the colours varation wise and nice painting of the arrow quiver and sword! Also here I think He would improve a lot with a but more shading and colouring on his clothes and leatherwork.
Chivs Eowyn
Ha my second favorite ! What a wonderfull piece. maybey quickly overlooked, but Eowyn looks SPLENDID, the armour, leatherwork and her face are very realistic, als the contrast with the snowy base makes her stand out. Also the cape.? well her back looks so good :oops: and I mean the mixture of green fabric with the cold wheater, Very well done !
Amy's Radagast
Ha Amy, the other part of the talent couple! Very nicely done, is your brown wizard. He is looking alive, and especialy in the second photo I can see his face is a superb job !
DezartFox's Bilbo
And the second part of the talent couple, While after making a Balrog shine, sting wouldn't be to hard would it ? An it looks you did it very well. I do not realy like the model, since he doesn't really look like bilbo, but that isn't your fault. You did him justice with a splendid paint job !
FrogMortonJustice65's Haldir
Well that is a golden haldir ! You did a very good job on his armour, Me myself and I prefer it a bit darker, but you executed the golden look very well. also his hair and face, top! Also a very nice base, which reminds me of the border woods of Lorien, where the fellowship enters teh realm.
Aranel7773's Thranduil
For such a terrible model, I think you did a wonderfull paint job, If I remember correctly you tryed a sort of drybush of silver to make his clothes match the shiny ones from the movie. I think you did it very well. He lookse very good, Aslo his face even looks like the real one ! super!
Hodush's Gandalf the Grey
A and good old gandalf the grey, He looks very well ! I can see you put a lot of work in colouring his head, his beard and his clothes, al very well done layers, love him!
Halauas' Captain of Dol Amroth
Love how you have given this model a mature 'realistic' look, instead of the warhammerish one he can be. (is it the captain I send ? :wink: ) Love his face with beard and all, I think, all swan knights should get beards! Also you did his base a lot of justice, this captain is ready to tremble on the armies of the serpent lord ! (did you make the serpent yourself?) Aside from the serpent, the dry ground and everything is realy good ! I am currently in your country, and I can see, it could resemble your homeland ground :P
MWL Rambo's Radagast
I like your brown wizard, It is nice to see the old and new version in one competition. I think you tryed to give hime, his current colours, with the blueish stone. Well he looks good! Nice varation of brown colours, as well as an excellent face and beard, Being a fan of tree's I love your base ! The strange thing is, since I know the 'new' radagast, it is hard to picture this brown clothed man as being a wizard..

PowerOfWill's Last Alliance Elf
Well I have come to dislike this model, because of his endlessly repeated, strange pose. But apart from that personal feeling, i love the Paint job, I think You'll get a lot of votes ! And you deserve it, this look is super, the armour, and the green I love it, aswell as the splendid free hand. The only thing I do not like totally, is that i think the red clothes doesn't fit in very well, the red on the back looks beatifull, but in fron it atracts a lot of attention away from the model, so I would like it more if it where toned down a bit. Nonetheless Wonderfull!
Jamros Barliman Butterbur
How I love this model, that holds the movie feeling so well! and it isnt even Gw made is it ? I think you did a very good paint job, the colours are a good match, although I would give him a more blushing skin colour, the man works very hard, and at this stage it looks almost the same colour as his white 'half front dress' ( dont know the english word ) Also the base could use a bit more 'thingss' maybey some balsa wood resembling a floor or something like that? :)
Dr Grants Beorn the Bear
Whell, i find it hard to give some feedback on him,he Looks very good, but having seen so little of him, i find it hard to say if he captures the Beorn we know.. :) But what I can see in the bit bright photo's looks very good! His claws, eyes and teeth are standing out, but are still part of his body, very realisticly and well done ! Also his fur looks good, but the brightness of the photo's makes it hard for me to see the details, apart from that he is grey/black.
Rumtap's Theoden
Well the quality of the photo isn't that good, but good enough to see you did a very good job. I especially like his face adn hair, in my view He realy looks like the real one, also the red clothing and armour looks super! If I where to mention somehting I think could be improved, that it is the sword, because at the 'back'photo it looks somewhat monotome silver.
Cal585's Isildur
Again a very good paintjob! I love how you higlighted his red tunic and armour, It lookse very good! Only point of improvement woudl be the make his eyes a bit smaller, although they could be good, when looking at sauron smashing his father.. :wink:
Blue Dragons Gandalf the White
My third/second favorite! I have a lot of admiration for bringing out the white wizard thiss well, I find the white colur pallette very hard to paint with, and this model, or one of his variations always gave me no satisfaction, but you did it so well, not only does he look very good, he also captures the 'spirit' of the person he represents! excellent paintjob!
Rygor's Gildor Inglorien
Well he looks super! His colour scheme gives me an old school lotr feeling. I dont know if that's true but he looks like an elf from before the movies. And he is done so well ! I truely love the green colours and how youve done his face, I find it always hard with elves to give there face enough different colours, like in my feedback about the mirkwood ranger, but you did it very well, is it mentioned in a WIP how you did this ?

Author:  Harfoot [ Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Wow what an incredible amount of entries, i did finish the Bilbo i entered but could not get hold of a good camera in time.

Hard to choose, going to have to look again and then make up my mind

Author:  rumtap [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Jelier wrote:
Rumtap's Theoden
Well the quality of the photo isn't that good, but good enough to see you did a very good job. I especially like his face adn hair, in my view He realy looks like the real one, also the red clothing and armour looks super! If I where to mention somehting I think could be improved, that it is the sword, because at the 'back'photo it looks somewhat monotome silver.

I just used my phone for the shot rather than taking the time to get the camera (which I should have) but at that stage there were so many awesome entries I was just joining in for fun rather that as a serious entry.

Thanks for your kind words. I was really happy with his look and it's one of my better paint jobs. Argh the sword, I agree, I always have trouble getting swords to look good. Axes are easy as they have a definite edge but swords are just one big lump. Any tips on painting swords will be greatly appreciated!

Author:  Hodush [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Thanks Jelier, well done all.

Author:  ja33 [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Too many unbelievably good submissions ! I kept making up my mind to vote only to continue to scroll further down and then find another great one and then yet another great one !

Especially loved the Galadriel, the Haldir, the Theoden, the Thorin, the goodness, just so many fantastic models.....

You should all be very proud - top notch work by everyone !

Author:  mertaal [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

My vote went to PowerOfWill. The NMM technique leaves little margin for error, and that's without mentioning the freehand on the back- excellent work.
Special mentions go to Gandlaf- super pose and a really dynamic piece, bedded well in to his environment.
BillFerny- very dramatic piece, adventurously conceived but achieved well. I would have preferred to see only a few photos, but full size- I think you lost points due to the thumbnail quality of the photographs.
GuitarHeroAndy- a pale miniature against a pale background is never going to look great, but I can see this is a really good paint job, and I love the colour scheme.
Blue Dragon- neat and very effective work. Whites and creams are difficult to achieve, and you've done a very good job of a realistic tone without too much contrast, but without making the miniature look flat either. The face is also very good. I would experiment with glazing over the nose and lips with your base skin tone with just a hint of red in it, and the same base tone with a tad of green on the temples- it can really bring a well painted face like this alive.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

Horrendously hard to decide! :)
Lots of great entries folks and as usual I feel there is but the merest whisker between about half a dozen of them, if not more. It is great to see old sculpts and new so there was a great variety on display.

Author:  Grungehog [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

I will ask again. what happened to my entry? I entered the challenge and had finished pictures of the model, look in the thread.

DMS what happened?

Author:  Blue Dragon [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] VOTE for July Challenge "Forces of Good"

I can't see any finished photos of yours in the competition thread. The only post of yours I see in the competition thread is with your proof pic and some wip shots.

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