The One Ring

WIP Posting Guidelines
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Author:  Dagorlad [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  WIP Posting Guidelines

This forum is intended to give people a place to showcase the modelling and painting projects they are working on. It is not for displaying completed works, that's what the galleries are really meant for, but of course, after a project has been completed you can show off the finished model in all its glory at the end of the topic.

Naturally, the topics here will be "picture heavy" and so including that phrase in the title is not so necessary in this forum - it is considered a courtesy to do so though, especially if there are significant amounts of images included.

Images should be kept to a reasonable size - a width of 640 pixels is best because it doesn't throw out the alignment of the page and force users to scroll to the right to read the text. Images can be taller than this, but try to keep the file sizes down if possible because we don't all have high-speed connections to the internet.

Please keep the number of photographs under control too. We don't need to see multiple shots from every conceivable angle, but at the same time, it is good to view a model from more than one angle. So some restraint is required, but some leeway is granted.

It is requested that any comments given are constructive and supportive, especially to those who are just starting out in the hobby or are trying out a new aspect of it for the first time (like me with sculpting). Remember, everyone was a beginner once.

And it's not a bad idea to include the date of the last update in the topic title. Just go to the original post and edit it, amending the title with something like 'updated 12/03'

Have fun

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