The One Ring

Tree beard
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Author:  D0Cdeath [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Tree beard

I really want to play some sort of monster but as I play gondor my choices are few , I thought about tree beard , he has impressive stats , any thoughts ?. Also our games usually are 1000 points , what would you recommend the rest of my army should consist of ?. I thought up the following.
Treebeard 225
Faramir 90
Isildur. 85
WOMT x 5. 125
WOMT x 5. 125
WOMT x 5. 125
Axemen x 4. 100
Rangers x 2. 60
Rangers x 2. 60
995 points.
10 might

Author:  NotLegolasJustTipsy [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

That's why I play Misty Mountains because I love playing monsters. You could also ally in the Kings Champion ( that piece looks epic) or Glorfindal. But yes tree beard is a good piece. D10 I think which is very good. The only thing you must avoid is a ruin caster.
The rest of your army looks good tho

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

Put the WoMT into blocks of 4, and increas the rangers to blocks of 3, if youroppant lets you go 5pts over, add 1 comp pf Axemen.

Treebeard, being Vh"K and a Hero monster means he is ok, better than Glorfy but not as useful as Champion, but you do have ambusher, like an extra tough Buhrdur

Author:  D0Cdeath [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

Gothmog do you think formation of 4 companies are the most effective ? If so why ? A few people have said this before in past post .

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

I believe 4 companies is the most effecient formation size for defence 7 infantry as they are sufficiently durable, sufficiently manoevrable and suffienciently expendable.

EDIT: If you would like it to be explained a little more descrptively, just ask.

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Sat May 12, 2012 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

Another option for a monster hero would be Beechbone (10 points more than a normal Ent and 1 point of might allowing AtD and heroic duels) or Quickbeam (25 points and plus 4' inches movement and 1 might but defence is down by one so even more flimsy,I wouldn't use him personally but still an option) both of these are less than Treebeard or a Kings Champion

Author:  Lays [ Sun May 13, 2012 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

If i where you i would use the three hunters.. Lot better if u ask me..

Author:  Telchar [ Sun May 13, 2012 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

ElfGeneral wrote:
Another option for a monster hero would be Beechbone (10 points more than a normal Ent and 1 point of might allowing AtD and heroic duels) or Quickbeam (25 points and plus 4' inches movement and 1 might but defence is down by one so even more flimsy,I wouldn't use him personally but still an option) both of these are less than Treebeard or a Kings Champion

Quickbeam can die in seconds, don't use him, take Beechbone.

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Sun May 20, 2012 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

Could I suggest with the spare points you have you may want to purchase some form of shock troop or artillery you should either purchase 1 or 2 two bolt throwers to deal with any monsters or some Clansmen of Lamedon for there furious charge but some KOMT would also be helpful given there greater movement and charging ability.

Any unit with strength 4 is also worth getting to break any high defence units you come against (Citadel Guards, Foot Knights of Dol Amtroth, Osgiliath Veterans, The Dunedain of Arnor and The Grey company all have strength 4).

Author:  Slythar [ Tue May 22, 2012 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

A great Eagle can be very useful although fragile. I find them quite fun to play with although challenging. Usually your opponent is factoring in your Eagle all game.

I like to ally a caster into Gondor always so at 1000 points you can do Ent+Thranduil and at 1200 Ent+Radagast.

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Tue May 22, 2012 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

Slythar wrote:
A great Eagle can be very useful although fragile. I find them quite fun to play with although challenging. Usually your opponent is factoring in your Eagle all game.

I do sometimes use an Eagle and have had the problem until you realise every time your opposition leaves a formation behind to deal with your Eagle or brings more archers mean there are less troops on the front line and every time he factor your Eagle in is just another headache for him use this to your best advantage and attack any flank he leaves open or formation he leaves isolated and he will soon either loss a considerable number of men or stop bothering with your Eagle.

Also think about using Swoop Attack defensively it never says you can swoop over your own troops or no troops for that matter. I often swoop behind cover, moving up to 36 inches is no small thing. If you need to swoop over an enemy formation of Archer you may only make D3 casualties but they won't be able to shoot you (only do this if you don't have priority though)

Lastly any thoughts on Gwaihir +1F +1S +1D +1C and 2 might for 60 points. Worth it/Needed or not.

Author:  Telchar [ Tue May 22, 2012 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

2 might is very useful. Swoop attack behind the enemy, next turn rear-charge them and call Heroic Fight. The extra D helps against archers, more strength is allways useful, fight and courage, well, they don't hurt.

Doesn't he also have VHTK instead of HTK?

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Tue May 22, 2012 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

No he doesn't which is surprising given most named monsters are e.g Treebeard and Buhrdur do

Author:  Telchar [ Wed May 23, 2012 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

That's weird. Just like Sauron being VHTK but the Stone Giant being EHTK. :roll:

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Fri May 25, 2012 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

Yeah i din't know why they made him so easy to kill, he is the dark lord in my view he should have EHTK, R3, Epic Leadership (every formation can re-roll courage tests), a higher fight value (there are elf captains that have higher), a bit more might, Overlord (if anyone is going to be an overlord it's him) and just for flavour some sort of one ring based special rule.

He should also cost more because of it he is the dark lord and should only be brought out in huge games but be able to change the battle drastically when he is played

Author:  Telchar [ Fri May 25, 2012 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

ElfGeneral wrote:
Yeah i din't know why they made him so easy to kill, he is the dark lord in my view he should have EHTK, R3, Epic Leadership (every formation can re-roll courage tests), a higher fight value (there are elf captains that have higher), a bit more might, Overlord (if anyone is going to be an overlord it's him) and just for flavour some sort of one ring based special rule.

He should also cost more because of it he is the dark lord and should only be brought out in huge games but be able to change the battle drastically when he is played

You are totally right. GW really did a bad job on a few profiles (Galadhrim, High Elves, AOTD, Sauron), though most are very good.

Author:  Slythar [ Sat May 26, 2012 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

After playing SBG I see alot borrowed from it in WotR. I don't see much thought about the transition like how useless shoot value is or fight value really is in comparison.

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Sun May 27, 2012 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

I can see why there are similarities between the two as I'm assuming lots of the same staff and designer type people were used to make both games systems, and I can see where your coming from WOTR is a fairly solid system but there does seem to be a few quite large oversights in its design (which is a shame) such as shoot and fight values which really does one over on the elves and some horrendously under and over costed units that make a few of the army lists weak and uncompetitive and others pretty dominate and overly easy to play.

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

ElfGeneral wrote:
Yeah i din't know why they made him so easy to kill, he is the dark lord in my view he should have EHTK, R3, Epic Leadership (every formation can re-roll courage tests), a higher fight value (there are elf captains that have higher), a bit more might, Overlord (if anyone is going to be an overlord it's him) and just for flavour some sort of one ring based special rule.

He should also cost more because of it he is the dark lord and should only be brought out in huge games but be able to change the battle drastically when he is played

The reason his F is so low is because he has Epic Strike and a free pt of might to call it with, even though that means that you can't really use his other Epic actions. I guess they wanted people to have to choose whether they wanted him to pwn at combat or magic.

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tree beard

That does make sense and I'm sure your right (all four of his Epic action do fit into those two categories) but 500 points seems like a lot for someone who can either be good at magic or good at fighting, but I suppose he does give you the luxury of being able to switch between the the two whenever you need to during the game. Use magic until your close, then switch to fighting but once he's taken a few wounds take him out of combat and go back to magic could see him being quite effective.

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