The One Ring

Help! Isengard Elites
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Author:  Telchar [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Help! Isengard Elites

Whoho! First Post! :)

I've recently played a game of WOTR versus the local GW shopkeeper (who knew less about the rules then I did! :no:) and three things sprung out about my Isengard Army.

1 Uruk-Hai with shields just can't die. So that's a good thing.
2 Uruk-Hai Crossbows + Saruman = Point-and-click death for D4 Haradrim. Another good thing.
3 The big Problem: My smaller units (Berserkers, 3 coy Warg Riders, 4 coy Phalanx) tend to die really fast and not do a thing. Since I've recently added more of these rather flimsy formations, and am going to do it again in the future (I know, don't reinforce failure, but the models are so nice), I thought I'd ask for help here.

So, the question is: how do I keep small, hardhitting units with a low defence alive long enough to kill the enemy. My Berserkers and Warg Riders combined got splattered by 3 coy of Haradrim Archers :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: .

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Isengard Elites

The beserkers are fragile, despite being res 2. Their defence 5 lets them down , most enemies will only need 5's to wound them( that being 2 5's for 1 model). I have vs beserkers before and my archery screwed them also and that was only warriors of minas turith, not elves.

I would put the beserkers behind your uruk hai warbands, thus they dont get shot at as much. ( you probs already know this but beserkkers can be strength 10 and with two handed weapons that means that most defences you go up agaisnt, all you will need is a 2+. Once the enemy are within in moving and charging distance then I would start to bring the beserkers into the battle, while still trying to make sure enemy missle fire can only see the defense 7 uruks. Then charge with perhaps some other supporting units like scouts or even the urak warbands.

Note: make sure you charge the beserkers into an identical unit, meaning infantry, dont charge them into monsters or cavalry (even though they dont have the charge bonus, the cav and mosnters are still stiking first and defence 5 isnt too good). and never let them get charged by cavalry, especialy with lances. Knights of minas turith are one of the most simple cav choices and yet with lances on the charge , they only need 4's to wound, thats a lot of dead beserkers.

I cant say much for wargs although, you could do somthing simmilar, keep them behind the high defense troops, then with their massive move and charge, spring them out and suprise the enemy.

Hope that helps for future games.

Author:  Telchar [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Isengard Elites


What would you do with Dunlending Horsemen (3 coy), Uruk scouts (2 coy, with shields, so these might be a sacrificial protection formation for the Berserkers) and Feral Uruks (3 coy)?

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Isengard Elites

Is their such thing as dunlending horsemen ? i thought there was only huscarls.

Yes use the scouts with sheilds to protect the beserkers from archery.

Having three companies of feral uruk hai is a good number, even though they are low defence, with that many cpmanies you could cause the same amount of damage that 1 company of beserkers do. But since they are also vunerable to archery, but still very tough in combat, i would put them in ambush for as long as you need to and then once the game has had a few turns spring them up and cause some damage on the already weak enemey( as your army should have inflicted some casulties), of course if an enemy walks past the defensible terrian you may want to take the opportunity to srping them eariler.

Remember I havent played as uraks but have played agaisnt them( so perhaps some1 eles on the forum who has fought with a isenguard army should comment), but isenguard is the race i have had most experince in fighting agaisnt. I would have to say that the thing that bothered me most about my mates urak army was his urak hi warband. Ironicly which is the most simplest and common formation in the army, along with the pikes of course. My army( minas turith) found it difficult getting past that def 7 with strength 3 troops where as the beserkers were just easy for my archers to take out.

Author:  Telchar [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Isengard Elites

IM A ENT!!! wrote:
Is their such thing as dunlending horsemen ? i thought there was only huscarls.

Yes there is. They look quite effective too

Author:  Erurainon the Trombonist [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Isengard Elites

Yes, the rules for dunlending horsemen exist, but no models as of yet.

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Isengard Elites

Oh right, i must have skipped past them haha.

I would use them as supporting units and make sure that every game i utilse their special rule for attacking defensible terrian. Perhaps try and use them and another unit to attack,as Idont think the horse men themslves would be able to handle the job ( they will only get 2 attacks as cav lose charge bonuses agaisnt terrian). Infantry would do the main damage to the enemy hiding inside, while the horsemen( assist with a few dice) give themslves and all allies attacking the defnsible terrian feature the benifits of the special rule.

Looking at their stats i dont think they could handle most troops head on, but its probably worth experimenting with them being aggressive and supporting troops.

Author:  Telchar [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Isengard Elites

Erurainon the Trombonist wrote:
Yes, the rules for dunlending horsemen exist, but no models as of yet.

You do have Riders of Rohan and Warg Rider bits however... :P

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