The One Ring

Saving hits vs. Epic Rampage?
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Author:  Slythar [ Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Saving hits vs. Epic Rampage?

I was wondering when a formation is saving hits via Khamul, Epic Sacrifice or Gift of Foresight, are the saved hits applied during the fight or after the fight.

I was thinking in the case of Epic Rampage, the saves will not matter because they are rolled against immediately. Or if more hits than are normally needed to kill a formation would go against the saved hits.
If its after than indeed a formation might fight again.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  Xelee [ Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving hits vs. Epic Rampage?

Timing is definitely odd, now I look at it. Khamul's works whenever his unit takes a hit, and Rampage goes on until either all rolls miss or the formation is all killed.

So, despite what I initially thought, it does seem logical (without a specific FAQ to handle the timing) that Khamul's saves will save hits, but the rampage will continue on and apply new hits, until they either fail the to-hit roll (which could be 1+) or Khamul and his formation die.

On the other hand, it also seems plausible that you do the rampage, accumulate the total hits (either up to all rolls failing or the total number of models in the formation) then apply Khamul afterward.

Sorry, that is probably no help at all. Except insofar that now I have posted in relation to a rules question, someone else will be along shortly with some small reference I have missed :lol:

Author:  Celebdriel [ Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving hits vs. Epic Rampage?

Maybe even do them one "handful" - (technical term for total number of dice rolled at a time) as Khamul could end up deflecting enough to kill your formation before his own dies

I think Khamul's deflect should have only been made on 6's, like Cirdan & Malbeth's foresight - 5's & 6's is just too durn often. (Just my opinion mind you)

Author:  Slythar [ Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving hits vs. Epic Rampage?

Gift of Foresight and Sacrifice doesn't have a timing (Immediate or after) so you could say after. And at that I would only use the fallen as the saves instead of total hits.

But for Khamul I'd count the hits till the formation is dead and apply additional hits as needed. It would be the opposite of a Epic Rampage. Re-roll till every man dies.

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