Over the last 6 month, there has been a lot of posting of images within the forum threads...especially within the '
Work In Progress' forum.
A lot of these threads have really started to get '
Picture Heavy' and can take a lot of time to load, plus the size of the images within the forum may work fine for members with larger screens, but simply do not fit into the size of smaller screens.
EXAMPLE: I have a 19" monitor, and within a lot of threads, I have to use the Scroll Bars to see and read everything...its simply not user friendly.
Could we please ask all members who plan to post images within their threads to try their best to adhere to some simple rules...
01. First and foremost, when naming your thread, please end it with
Pic Heavy, so people know what to expect.
02. Wherever possible, please
'resize' your images to '500-600' pixels wide and no more by using a Paint Program before uploading and posting.
02. Additional: For any members who are uncapable of doing this because they dont have a Paint Program, feel free to email me your images and I will resize them and send them back to you. I usually check my email daily, and will endeavour to reply within 24 hours.
Or, if you have a program and just need advice, again email me or PM me and I will help.
03. We are all sometimes excited and pleased with a piece of work we have done, however please refrain from posting images that show the same piece of work from 76 different angles
2-3 different angles is sufficient !