The One Ring

Wooden Castle Tower
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Author:  Mapper [ Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Wooden Castle Tower

Saw this mentioned over at , someone had bought a $5 wooden castle tower birdhouse at Michaels' (craft store in the US, use coupon and get it cheaper) for use in Frostgrave.

I took a figure with me for size and to see if I wanted it. The balcony is too small to hold a figure and for me, the block sizes are too big but if you add a door, some texture with stippling liquid greenstuff or plaster, paint it and you would have a decent castle tower for very low cost.



Author:  Clarkmonster [ Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wooden Castle Tower

That is brilliant! I'm off to Michael's.

Author:  Nevinsrip [ Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wooden Castle Tower

I have a few of those. I used the stone speckled, spray paint that craft stores carry, to spray paint it. Before I painted it, I ran a brown Magic Marker inside the lines between the stones. That way, it would show dark definition lines between stones. I chose a medium gray color paint and gave it a couple of brown ink washes, after it had dried. I then based it on a thin MDF base.

On the other 5, I painted them the same way as the first one. I built a wood pyre on the top of the second floor, to use as a Beacon. I bought one of those wreaths that are made out of sticks at Micheals and took it apart.
I used the now loose sticks to build my wood pyres. It was simple. Just stack the sticks in a square, add a bit of wood glue in between, and your done.

There's a scene in the movie where Pippen (or is it Merry?) climbs the Beacon tower and lights it.

You can see what it looks like here:

Middle Earth Places: Beacons of Gondor

I banged out 5 of these to use as my Beacon towers.
Beacons were a series of fire towers that alerted Rohan of an attack on Gondor so that Rohan would ride to Gondor's aide.. There was an article "The Beacons Are Lit" in one of the publications. I think the article was aimed at alerting the fiefdoms, also.

Anyway, it's a cheap, cool piece of terrain that you can make in a couple of hours.

Author:  Nevinsrip [ Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wooden Castle Tower ... hs&start=1

The stick wreath that I used to make the wood pyres.

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