The One Ring

new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"
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Author:  warrior of the north [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

Here is something i came up with, to increase your business and have less people complain about the prices/shipping costs. First of the HSBG group is a relatively small group of people compared to Warhammer Famtasy amd 40K. If I where you I would also decide to make Fantays and 40K terrain this way you will increase your customers and so you will sell more. I would also make small terrain pieces such as a ruined house of Dale. For the big and cool large terrain boards you have made, I would only make those as commision job. With this method you won't need to store those terrain boards since it will cost a lot of space. And the small modular pieces have got a lower shipping cost, it takes less time to make and perhaps you can make moulds for it and make kt a lot cheaper and this way it is easier to do this for the living. But it is your company and you decide whatever you want to do with it.

Hope it helps a bit and best of luck with it!

Author:  I Am Frodo [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

Thats a brilliant idea, as youre opening it up to a wider audience, plus 40K terrain is heaps cooler and more fun to build. Especially Ork and Nids aha.

Author:  aw1909 [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

That's an excellent idea! 40k is more popular and there's more demand for it. I will definitely look into that. Also the modular pieces that can be added to existing terrain is very smart because lots of players have their own table already. They can just add to it. Thanks guys , I'm gonna start thinking about my first 40k terrain.....

Author:  I Am Frodo [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

Yeah, and building smaller terrain and selling it is a good idea too. The first 40K terrain i built was the eagle insignia, and i smashed it and glued it down, flocked, static grass, looks real cool, dont know how to explain it aha. But building stuff that can accommodate to more than one game if you know what i mean. Building a small swamp piece can be used for any game.
Thats kinda what i did, maybe not aha
Thats my favourite Ork terrain piece aha

There was also a Billboard for Gatorade in Tau aha, cant find it tho. Hope we are helping you

Author:  aw1909 [ Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

These are great ideas guys, I really like the "mekdonalds" and eagle insignia. Its versatile and exciting for war gaming!

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

aw1909 wrote:
You don't have to like or understand the price of Amon Hen but have some decency. thanks for your disrespect on this forum discussion. Everyone appreciates it

I didn't realize you were part of the design team or company I apologize.

Some of the boards are lovely. I just don't think they're a realistic prospect for 95% of us.

Trust me I'd love to play on the Rivendell board. There is a few other really neat ones. And if I was wealthy I'd consider buying boards like these. Personally though I just believe the prices are a bit steep if that's a better way to word it.

@I am From

Hilarious Mekdonalds photos wow.

Author:  aw1909 [ Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

No worries , thank you. I'm working on some more modular pieces and something for warhammer/fantasy! And i'm always working on making terrain lighter, durable and easy to put in storage , not many people have room for a terrain board in their kitchen or living room! Lol. Laketown is next, I'll have some photos on the site in a week or two! This Laketown will be desolated by smaug so lots of rubble and smashed fishermen homes!!

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new terrain website for HSBG "Wright War Game Terrain"

That should be awesome

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