The One Ring

Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)
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Author:  Crucium Giger [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)

There's a new fantasy rule book out through Osprey called Dragon Rampant, I picked up a copy at Vapnartak the other week and I'm now on my second read through. Great set of rules for warband level fantasy gaming which gives you generic units that you then customise from a list of options to match up with literally anything in your collection.
As some of you may know I don't really play much SBG at all (preferring mass battles using the KOW rules from Mantic) but I think DR will see a return of smaller scale games for LOTR/Hobbit for us. Hopefully we'll get a game or two played soon and I'll report back here when we do.

If you're interested the author has a blog where you can read more about the game here:

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)

Since we are on the topic, Song of Blade and Heroes is also a viable alternative. Immortal: Dark Age Fantasy *could* also serve as a good alternative if they would ever finish it.

In regards to DR, I will check it out right now!

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)

There's a straight Medieval version of the Rampant rules (which actaully came first) called Lion Rampant, they're totally compatible as they use the same rules but it contains more scenarios etc so I'll more than likely pick them up as well for the sake of £10.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)

Could you give us a review/rundown of the rules for DR?

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)

Of course.

The game works on a 2D6 system where you have to equal or beat a given stat, this allows for a good range of stats rather than the usual 1-6. You build an army based on points (with 24 being given as a good starting point for a standard game though it looks like 36 points is where most players go to) but you design the force yourself from the given 'generic' (for lack of a better term) units (4 foot; 3 ranged; 2 beast; and 2 mounted but please don't quote me on these but the figures are close enough) by adding on various standard and fantasy options up to a given limit. This means that you can literally use any miniature you have in your possession due to the wide ranging options. You create characters/heroes by creating a reduced model or single model unit from the options previously started.
The game is played using scenarios and have an activation system that means not all your units may get to activate, when this happens played is passed over until the same happens for your opponent at which point the turn is over. Games don't have a set end turn rather a set of conditions has to be met for a game to end at which stage Glory points are added up to see who is victorious.
From what I've read play is fast and intuitive and most importantly fun, which brings me to the last point, you definitely need a sense of humour for the rule book as it doesn't take itself too seriously. I intend on using the rules for warband level LOTR in place of SBG, smaller scale games for Kings of War armies and probably a undead army based on Game Of Thrones now (which I wouldn't have considered until reading these rules)!

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)

Here's a bit of a write up from our first game: ... mpant.html

Author:  Little_Odo [ Mon May 09, 2016 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Rampant (LOTR alternative)

I am looking into these rules too for slightly larger than SBG games. I have just started painting up my Gondor collection and will sort out an enemy for them as soon as I am finished the current batch. The game looks like it plays well (from a couple of read throughs) and any unit of LotR troops could be converted to one of the Dragon Rampant ones quite easily as they are so generic with some optional add-ons.

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